
Latest version: v0.1.0a3

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- conda recipe


- Don't crash when imported in a non-IPython context


Initial release

Check out the most recent version of master

$ git checkout master
$ git stash
$ git pull


Update the `CHANGELOG.md` file with changes since the last release.

Update the README with the new version numbers, and push README updates.

Commit and push these updates.

Release jupyterlab-dash to PyPI

Install `twine`

$ pip install twine

Update version in `jupyterlab_dash/__version__.py`.
This will be referred to as version `A.B.C` below.

Build and upload

$ python setup.py upload

Release jupyterlab-dash to anaconda cloud

From a conda environment, install `anaconda-client`.

Run `anaconda login` from the terminal and enter the plotly channel credentials.

Build the conda package

$ conda build recipe/

Upload conda package by running the `anaconda upload ...` command displayed at
then end of the conda build command above.

Release jupyterlab-dash to NPM

First [install yarn](https://yarnpkg.com/lang/en/docs/install/).

To publish a pre-release

yarn publish --access public --tag next

To publish a final release

yarn publish --access public

Enter the new version number in the prompt

Add GitHub Release entry

Go to https://github.com/plotly/jupyterlab-dash/releases and "Draft a new release"

Enter the `vA.B.C` tag

Make "Release title" the same string as the tag.

Copy changelog section for this version as the "Describe this release"



Has known vulnerabilities

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