* Update H5Web from 6.4.1 to [6.5.0](https://github.com/silx-kit/h5web/releases/tag/v6.5.0)
* ✨ In addition to the support of <kbd>ArrowUp</kbd> or <kbd>ArrowDown</kbd> for focused entities in the explorer, we have now support for:
* <kbd>ArrowLeft</kbd>: Focus the parent group or collapse an opened group
* <kbd>ArrowRight</kbd>: Focus the first child or expand a closed group (no effect for non-group entities)
* <kbd>Home</kbd>: Focus the root group
* <kbd>End</kbd>: Focus the last visible entity in the file tree
* ✨ Make focused entry in toolbar more visible
* :sparkles: `< NX Spectrum, NX Image >` Rename visualizations "NX Line" and "NX Heatmap" respectively
* :bug: Fix ordinate tick labels appearing underneath axis label by tweaking format, reducing font-size and adjusting axis offsets
* 🐛 `< Heatmap, NX Image, NX Scatter >` Fix a visual bug where the domain slider could seem to merge with the overflow menu