
Latest version: v2.6.56

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- N/A


- Update the site_yielder method for backscraping to reset the site object after each iterable.



- N/A


- Update OLC backscraper to function with CL more reliably.



- Add DOJ Office of Legal Counsel Opinions (OLC)


- Typo fixes



- None


- Add init file for admin agency backscrapers. This was missing and causing a failure for tools to find the file.



- Updated citation parsing for websites.
- Drop Neutral, West and West_state citations.
- Add citation and parallel citation


- This version is a major release. Updated Opinion Sites to drop support for specific citation formats. Instead, we now let the user or more generally eyecite determine the specific citation format.
- Selenium support for Texas Court scrapers is removed. This is part of removing selenium from all scrapers.
- Also includes a small fix for the Board of Immigration Appeals docket numbers.

- 2.3.29, 2022-01-03 - Update GA Supremes, MDAG
- 2.3.28, 2021-12-30 - Add Board of Immigration Appeals (BIA), updates OA CA9, Fix NH
- 2.3.27, 2021-12-29 - Add cadc_pi, massappct_u, lactapp_1, cgcca
- 2.3.26, 2021-12-20 - Add Guam, Utah Ct App, Fix Ariz Ct App. Dist 2, Fix Ga Ct. App
- 2.3.25, 2021-12-08 - Update US Tax Court (new website)
- 2.3.24, 2021-12-06 - Fix new PACER session code
- 2.3.23, 2021-12-02 - Updates feedparser, adds Python 3.9 and 3.10 tests, and broadens our regex for parsing in re case names from PACER dockets.
- 2.3.22, 2021-11-30 - Further CAFC fixes
- 2.3.21, 2021-11-29 - Fixes CAFC, adds pre-commit
- 2.3.20, 2021-11-17 - Fixes CA10 scraper, major code refactor
- 2.3.19, 2021-11-16 - Fix PA, IL. Update PACER to use new auth API. Update geonames cache with latest population data. Throw exception in Free Opinions report when IP address on blocklist.
- 2.3.18, 2021-10-18 - Fix GA, CA9, CA10 Oral args
- 2.3.17, 2021-08-17 - Add anonymizing function for PACER dockets
- 2.3.16 - Yanked
- 2.3.15, 2021-07-19 - Fix PACER downloaders
- 2.3.14 - Yanked
- 2.3.13, 2021-06-18 - Fix typing
- 2.3.12, 2021-06-18 - Add PACER email parsers
- 2.3.11, 2021-05-02 - Fix PACER auth function
- 2.3.10, 2021-04-13 - Simplify harmonize function
- 2.3.9, 2021-04-12 - Simplify case name cleanup util
- 2.3.8, 2021-04-01 - More ME fixes
- 2.3.7, 2021-04-01 - Add backscrapers scrapers for ME
- 2.3.6, 2021-03-05 - Clean up deprecation warnings
- 2.3.5, 2021-03-05 - Fix pypi
- 2.3.4, 2021-02-09 - Fix IA scraper
- 2.3.3, 2020-11-24 - Fix remote selenium connection code
- 2.3.2, 2020-11-06 - Remove html_unescape helper method. Replace with calls
directly to unescape. This fixes [354](https://github.com/freelawproject/juriscraper/issues/354).
- 2.3.1, 2020-11-06 - Fix for connection to Selenium via Firefox
- 2.3.0, 2020-11-06 - Big selenium upgrade, removes support for phantomjs, and
moves exclusively to using Mozilla's `geckodriver`. `geckodriver` can be
accessed either locally or via a remote connection. See README for details on
how to set the correct environment variables for your system.

PhantomJS has not been supported for several years. Though it has served us
well, the writing is on the wall that, like so many other once-useful
technologies, it too had to be abandoned, only to be replaced by
another tool. A tool that will be different in many ways, yet the same in
its inevitable abandonment and mortality. Long live PhantomJS: Born a
humble ghost; dying an immortal specter.
- 2.2.0, 2020-11-08 - Remove `_get_adapter_instance` method. It is unused, was
a protected method, and causes many deprecation warnings in py3.
- 2.1.* - Removes support for deprecated phantomjs location; it had been deprecated for two years.
- 2.0.* - Adds support for Python 3.8 and supports Python 3, exclusively. Begins testing to Github workflows and remove CircleCI.
- 1.28.* - Changes the API for the InternetArchive parser so that it aligns with the rest of the parsers. Its constructor now requires a court_id value.
- 1.27.* - Add merging of multi-event RSS entries
- 1.26.* - Adds support for the Los Angeles Superior Court Media Access Portal (LASC MAP)
- 1.25.* - Major refactor of tests to split them into network and local tests. Should make CI more consistent.
- 1.24.* - Adds support for bankruptcy claims register parsing and querying
- 1.23.* - Adds support for the advacned case report when it returns search results instead of a single item.
- 1.22.* - Adds support for de_seqno values parsed from PACER RSS, dockets, docket history reports, and attachment pages.
- 1.21.* - Adds support for the case report, which is the term we use to describe the page you see when you press the "Query" button in a district court PACER website. This is the page at the iQuery.pl URL.
- 1.20.* - Tweaks the API of the query method in the FreeOpinionReport object
to consistently return None instead of sometimes returning []. Version bumped
because of breaking API changes.
- 1.19.* - Adds support for NextGen PACER logins, but drops support for the PACER training website. The training website now uses a different login flow than the rest of PACER.
- 1.18.* - Adds support for appellate docket parsing!
- 1.17.* - Adds support for criminal data in PACER
- 1.16.* - Adds PACER RSS feed parsers.
- 1.15.* - Adds date termination parsing to parties on PACER dockets.
- 1.14.* - Adds new parser for PACER's docket history report
- 1.13.* - Fixes issues with Python build compatibility
- 1.12.* - Adds new parsers for PACER's show_case_doc URLs
- 1.11.* - Adds system for identifying invalid dockets in PACER.
- 1.10.* - Better parsing for PACER attachment pages.
- 1.9.* - Re-organization, simplification, and standardization of PACER classes.
- 1.8.* - Standardization of string fields in PACER objects so they return the empty string when they have no value instead of returning None sometimes and the empty string others. (This follows Django conventions.)
- 1.7.* - Adds support for hidden PACER APIs.
- 1.6.* - Adds automatic relogin code to PACER sessions, with reorganization of old login APIs.
- 1.5.* - Adds support for querying and parsing PACER dockets.
- 1.4.* - Python 3 compatibility (this was later dropped due to dependencies).
- 1.3.* - Adds support for scraping some parts of PACER.
- 1.2.* - Continued improvements.
- 1.1.* - Major code reorganization and first release on the Python Package Index (PyPi)
- 1.0 - Support opinions from for all possible federal bankruptcy
appellate panels (9th and 10th Cir.)
- 0.9 - Supports all state courts of last resort (typically the
"Supreme" court)
- 0.8 - Supports oral arguments for all possible Federal Circuit
- 0.2 - Supports opinions from all federal courts of special
jurisdiction (Veterans, Tax, etc.)
- 0.1 - Supports opinions from all 13 Federal Circuit courts and the
U.S. Supreme Court

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