A small fix for the current 2.3 version: * Fixed a bug where setting fit parameters of a multi fit resulted in a crash.
Mostly changes to examples and also some bug fixes: * Fixed Multifit asymmetric parameter error calculation logic. * Fixed Multifit local chi2/ndf logic.
**Python2 support will be discontinued after v2.3.x .**
* Performance optimizations. In particular the inversion of the covariance matrix has been replaced with a cholesky decomposition and scipy.linalg.solve_triangular . * Fixed a bug where sometimes old parameter values were being used. Fit results changed slightly. * Fixed various minor bugs.
* Option to set logarithmic scales for plots. * Chi2 cost function now adds the logarithm of the determinant of the covariance matrix to its cost to reduce bias. Can be used by custom cost function too by setting add_determinant_cost=True in the constructor. * Some gof/ndf display logic fixes.