**Release date:** 21st February 2024
**Contributors:** [Amy Heather](https://github.com/amyheather)
First release of kailo-beewell-dashboard package on PyPi. Contains functions for production of **synthetic standard** BeeWell survey dashboard (including static PDF version, which can be produced using the dashboard).
Functions used to generate and process data, and to produce the dashboard:
* `authentication.py` - for user authentication using Django
* `bar_charts.py` - to create bar charts of proportions of each survey responses, or ordered bar charts comparing scores
* `bar_charts_text.py` - dictionary with descriptions to go above bar charts on the 'explore results' page
* `convert_image.py` - converts a plotly figure to HTML string
* `create_and_aggregate_data.py` - functions used to create and process the pupil-level data
* `explore_results.py` - functions used for the 'explore results' page
* `import_data.py` - connects to TiDB Cloud and imports data to session state
* `page_setup.py` - page configuration, styling, formatting
* `reshape_data.py` - to reshape data or extract a certain element, with functions often used across multiple different pages
* `response_labels.py` - dictionary of labels to each of the question response options
* `reuse_text.py` - two sections of text that were reused on different pages of the dashboard vs PDF report
* `score_descriptions.py` - simple descriptions used on the 'explore results' page to support score interpretation
* `static_report.py` - uses same functions as on the dashboard, to produce a static HTML report (containing same information as in dashboard)
* `stylable_container.py` - produces stylised containers for streamlit
* `summary_rag.py` - produces the red-amber-green boxes and 'summary' page introduction and table
* `switch_page.py` - function to switch page programmatically
* `who_took_part.py` - functions used for the 'who took part' page