
Latest version: v0.9.2

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* Fixed ``py:switch`` error message wrongly mentioning ``py:with``
* Support for multiline ``${}`` expressions
* Subsequent text nodes are now squashed into a single text node. This allows translating whole paragraphs instead of single sentences.
* Allow code and function calls inside tag attributes
* Added ``strip_text`` option to XMLTemplate and i18n collector to ensure leading and trailing spaces are stipped by text nodes (also leads to minified HTML)
* Some HTML nodes that do not require being closed but is commonly considered best practice to close them are now emitted with ending tag (IE: <p>)
* Generally improved code documentation to lower entry barrier for contributors



* ``py:attrs`` will now emit the attribute name itself or will omit the attribute at all in case of
``bool`` values for 'checked', 'disabled', 'readonly', 'multiple', 'selected', 'nohref',
'ismap', 'declare' and 'defer',



* ``py:switch`` now correctly supports multiple ``py:case`` statements.
* text inside ``<script>`` and ``<style>`` tags is no longer collected translation.
* Syntax errors now report the line and the surrounding code when there is a markup or python syntax error.
* As ``py:swtich`` discards all its content apart from ``py:case`` and ``py:else`` statements it will now correctly report an error when the statements has other content.
* ``py:else`` will now correctly detect spurious content between itself and ``py:if`` as the two must be consequential.
* Improved code documentation on core classes.



* ``py:with`` statement now keeps order of variables, so that variables can depend from each other.
* Babel is no longer a dependency unless you want to use the message extractor.



* TranslatableTextNodes are now only generated for non-empty strings
* ``py:with`` statement now accepts multiple variables separated by semicolon
* Babel message extractor fixed on Python2



* Fix crash on PyPy

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