
Latest version: v0.4.1

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- Add an `Overview` of Task amounts when changing boards, to get an overview over all Boards
- Behind the boardname you now have something like `Ready: 05 | Doing: 02 | Done: 10`
- only tasks amount of columns set as visible are displayed


- Bug Fix: Datatype `Welcome Task` Duration: str -> int


- Bug fix: default separator for `settings.scanner` Pattern setting was space separated not comma separated
- Fix Image for kanban configure to show right Pattern


- Push lower bound Version of `platformdirs` dependency to be 3 or higher to include `ensure_exists` argument
in `user_data_dir` and `user_config_dir`.
- Update User Action Options with new option `Show Task Details`
- Change coloring and order of User Actions
- Added another Menu to configure settings when using `[6] Show Current Settings` or `kanban configure`
- Update DOCS/README and Images
- Bugfix for data type of min col width setter


- Add `^D` besides `^C` as option to close app (on windows pwsh its `^Z`).
- App closes now on `KeyboardInterrupt` and `EOFError`


- Bug fix: On first use the kanban_boards folder was not created. And therefore Board creation failed

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