Most likely the last release before v1.0! This update mostly contains improvements to `chat_in_terminal` to improve usability in interactive environments like Jupyter Notebook.
Possible Breaking Change
All arguments to `chat_in_terminal` except the Kani instance must now be keyword arguments; positional arguments are no longer accepted.
For example, `chat_in_terminal(ai, 1, "!stop")` must now be written `chat_in_terminal(ai, rounds=1, stopword="!stop")`.
- You may now specify `None` as the user query in `chat_round` and `full_round`. This will request a new ASSISTANT message without adding a USER message to the chat history (e.g. to continue an unfinished generation).
Added the following keyword args to `chat_in_terminal` to improve usability in interactive environments like Jupyter Notebook:
- echo: Whether to echo the user's input to stdout after they send a message (e.g. to save in interactive notebook outputs; default false)
- ai_first: Whether the user should send the first message (default) or the model should generate a completion before prompting the user for a message.
- width: The maximum width of the printed outputs (default unlimited).
- show_function_args: Whether to print the arguments the model is calling functions with for each call (default false).
- show_function_returns: Whether to print the results of each function call (default false).
- verbose: Equivalent to setting ``echo``, ``show_function_args``, and ``show_function_returns`` to True.