- Updated reclass
- (<https://github.com/deepmind/kapitan/pull/78>) Support for creating a target secret on compile time, if the secret does not already exist:
If `path/to/new_secret` does not exist under `secrets_path` it evaluates `randomstr:32`, which returns a 32 byte-log random string generated by [secrets.token_urlsafe](https://docs.python.org/3/library/secrets.html#secrets.token_urlsafe) and creates the secret with its content.
- (<https://github.com/deepmind/kapitan/pull/79>) Support for YAML C bindings to improve compilation performance.
If you're using the pip version of Kapitan, you can benefit from YAML C bindings support by running:
Linux: `sudo apt-get install python3-yaml`
Mac: `brew install libyaml`