* 378 Improve logging information for potential buffer serialization errors
Bugfixes ^^^^^^^^
* Fix GitHub 375 by loosening checks of the supplied store argument
Improvements ^^^^^^^^^^^^ * Improve performance for "in" predicate literals using long object lists as values * :func:`~kartothek.io.eager.commit_dataset` now allows to modify the user metadata without adding new data.
Bugfixes ^^^^^^^^ * Fix an issue where :func:`~kartothek.io.dask.dataframe.collect_dataset_metadata` would return improper rowgroup statistics * Fix an issue where :func:`~kartothek.io.dask.dataframe.collect_dataset_metadata` would execute ``get_parquet_metadata`` at graph construction time * Fix a bug in :func:`kartothek.io.eager_cube.remove_partitions` where all partitions were removed instead of non at all. * Fix a bug in :meth:`~kartothek.core.dataset.DatasetMetadataBase.get_indices_as_dataframe` which would raise an ``IndexError`` if indices were empty or had not been loaded
New functionality ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ * Allow filtering of nans using "==", "!=" and "in" operators
Bugfixes ^^^^^^^^ * Fix a regression which would not allow the usage of non serializable stores even when using factories
=========================== * Fix a packaging issue where `typing_extensions` was not properly specified as a requirement for python versions below 3.8