- Added `\atop`, `\bmod`, `\degree`, `\kern`, `\ldots`, `\maltese`, `\mathbin`, `\mathclose`, `\mathellipsis`, `\mathop`, `\mathopen`, `\mathord`, `\mathpunct`, `\mathrel`, `\middle`, `\mod`, `\pod`, `\pounds`, `\pmod`, `\stackre`, `\textbf`, `\textellipsis`, `\textit`, `\textnormal`, `\textrm`, `\textsf`, `\texttt`, `--`, `---`, `'''`, `'`, `` `` and `""`.
- Added `\`, `\&`, `\$`, `\%`, `\_`, `\{`, and `\}` in text mode.
- Allow specifying macros (without arguments) in the settings object.
- Combine adjacent spans in text mode.
- Do not apply italic correction in text mode.
- Fixed the MathML fence attribute on delimiters.
- Fixed converting bins to ords.
- Made `\llap` and `\rlap` produce ords.
- Fixed spacing around `\color`, `\mathbf`, and in other places.
- Added per-style font metrics.
- Complain when trying to render a non-string.
- Fixed subscript positioning with changed-font bases.
- Fixed superscript/subscript centering in fractions.