- Kathará is now available as a PyPI package! For more information visit the [dedicated page](https://pypi.org/project/kathara/)
- All the Python source code is now typed!
- Add unit tests in `tests/` folder, using `pytest` package
- (Docker) Add possibility to share the same collision domains between different users. For more information visit the [wiki](https://github.com/KatharaFramework/Kathara/wiki/SharedCollisionDomains)
- (Docker) Add possibility to connect to a remote Docker daemon instead of local one (only between UNIX systems). For more information visit the [wiki](https://github.com/KatharaFramework/Kathara/wiki/RemoteDocker)
- (Docker) Checks on external interfaces are now always executed, even if the collision domain already exists
- (Kubernetes) Fix `ltest`, which never terminated due to a bug in `copy_files`
- Hidden files in a machine folder (like `.htaccess`) are now correctly copied into the container (issue 134)
- Commands are now accepted only if they are entirely lowercase
- Minor fixes (better lab integrity checks, better file I/O checks)