
Latest version: v1.15.0

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With the release of KataGo v1.6.x, efficient support for CPU-only KataGo is finally here!

Short video with new features



* Download and select any KataGo binary for windows or linux directly from within KaTrain.
* Selecting an 'eigen' binary will allow you to use KaTrain without a GPU!
* See the [KataGo release notes](https://github.com/lightvector/KataGo/releases/tag/v1.6.0) for more information.
* Override KataGo command.
* Previously implemented as a hack where you could "quote" your katago path, it is now a separate field.
* This can be used to connect to a remote server running a KataGo analysis engine.


* Option to show point loss as text.
* As the number of users has grown, it's clear that some prefer to see the point loss on each candidate move in detail, whether it be for analyzing pro games, or a difficulty distinguishing colours.
* Although still turned off by default for a cleaner look, the option for this can be found under 'teaching/analysis settings'.

* Animated 'pondering' indication when continuous analysis is on.
* Before, it was often not clear whether the engine was still pondering or not, causing some confusion.
* It now shows an half-orange and half-yellow spinning circle where the engine busy status is indicated.


* Finally, when a move is undone in teaching mode, 'expected territory' will show expected losses in red.
* This should allow for a hint on the important regions of the board, without checking the expected refutation in detail (which often gives away a bit too much).



* Windows users can simply download and run the KaTrain.exe file attached, or download the .zip file and run the .exe in that (which is slightly faster)
* Linux and MacOS users can install using `pip install katrain` or follow instructions [here](https://github.com/sanderland/katrain/blob/master/INSTALL.md).
* Note that unfortunately there are currently no pre-compiled binaries for mac for the newer KataGo versions.



New video on analyzing games:

[![Analysis Tutorial](https://i.imgur.com/3EP4IEr.png)](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=qjxkcKgrsbU)

Mostly minor improvements in this release.

* SGF comments are shown in the 'info' field. Note that if the sgf was saved by KaTrain, this includes comments/notes previously generated.
* SGF improvements for some unusual edge cases generated by older files and foxwq.
* IME improvements on the notes field, which should now support typing chinese/japanese/korean more naturally.
* Red-green colourblind theme now available under 'teaching settings'.
* Bug fix for SGF file loading by copy-pasting a filename into the designated field.
* Engine connector made a bit more robust against unexpected input, as seems to happen with some ssh connections.

For information on installing, please see the 1.3.1 release.

Update 1.3.4: Minor fix to teaching settings popup.


This release is relatively small, but as some of the features in it are much requested, I'm putting them out there sooner rather than later. Enjoy!

* Japanese translation, thanks to kaorahi for contributing.
* Feature: Right click on a node in the move tree to get an option to delete it.
* Feature: enter a command between "double quotes" for the 'katago path' setting will make it be used for the katago command, overriding any models/config setting. This is an experimental feature for power users who want to try remote katago setups.
* Bug fix: The PV animation time setting was fixed.

For information on installing, please see the previous release.


No need to upgrade from 1.3 unless you are encountering one of these minor issues
* Minor bug fix on loading different sized boards in quick succession,
* Minor bug fix on rank estimation in nodes without a move (e.g. pandanet) sgf files.
* Sound files for linux fixed in the pypi package.
* wbaduk ngf file support.



This was meant to be a small update with some bug fixes, but just as I was implementing a feature for downloading stronger models, the final and strongest katago models were released today!

* New features:
* In the General/Engine settings you can now:
* Download the latest 20b/30b/40b models.
* More easily select models from a list instead of typing in the location.
* Drag & drop sgfs to open and analyze them
* Spanish and Chinese translations.
* Bug fixes:
* Some variations were shown starting with the wrong color
* The score graph did not always update when jumping around using the move tree.
* A fix for touch screen laptops.
* A fix for restoring broken config files.

[Watch the video with new features for v1.2+ here!](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=aVf-F3-nUTk)

As stability has significantly improved over the last few releases, I've made it so the default release KaTrain.exe does not show console window.
In case you need to track down issues on startup, you can use DebugKaTrain.exe in the .zip release.
As always, Linux/MacOS instructions are [here](https://github.com/sanderland/katrain/blob/master/INSTALL.md).


**Update (22/06)**: Small update to v1.2.2 with some better error messages in case downloads fail. There is no need to download this update if v1.2.1 was working for you.
Some Mac users report [broken certificates](https://stackoverflow.com/questions/52805115/certificate-verify-failed-unable-to-get-local-issuer-certificate) and [instructions](https://github.com/sanderland/katrain/blob/master/INSTALL.md) have been added for fixing them.


* New features include:
* Calibrated Rank AI, which plays at a more even strength throughout the game, and comes at strengths 15k-3d. Thanks to bale-go by [developing](https://github.com/sanderland/katrain/issues/44) this AI.
* Move Tree support
* This also changed the key board shortcuts and move navigation to be consistent with the design: left/right now move to the next/previous move, and up/down are more flexible in what they can switch to.
* You can now click and drag on the score graph to navigate to a point in the game.
* The Play/Analysis tabs save the state of the options independently, so you can quickly switch between them.
* Press `tab` to quickly switch between these modes.
* This makes the 'don't show top moves' in play mode less relevant, so it was removed.
* Also, the detailed information shown for moves in the text box when 'top moves' is selected was moved to its own option next to 'info'.
* Russian translation thanks to Dmitry Ivankov and Alexander Kiselev
* The 'local response' AI now also has an endgame setting in which it plays normally.
* Other UI improvements include:
* An intermediate 'minimal UI' mode which only hides the top/bottom bars, cycle through modes with \` or `m`
* Better sound effects for counting down, thanks to nimets123
* No moves are made by the AI while the main menu or any configuration windows are open.
* Analysis options menu is now more clearly a dropdown menu, and its design was improved.
* Configuration menu styling was improved to be more consistent.
* General settings has more room for katago executable, model and config paths.
* Katago is no longer started when the exe, model or config file does not exist - instead a specific and useful error is given instead.
* Bug fixes include:
* A fix for MacOS not liking the screeninfo dependency
* SGF parsing improvements, including a fix for files from the dragon go server.

Many thanks to everyone who contributed with code, translations, audio files and suggestions. As always, you can share your ideas or offer help with improving or translating by using [these](https://github.com/sanderland/katrain#support) ways to contact me.

As before the downloads under 'assets' include:
* KaTrain1.2.zip : the windows pyinstaller distribution as usual, containing both KaTrainNC.exe (no console, recommended) and KaTrain.exe (for more details in case of problems).
* KaTrainNC.exe: single file distribution - no need to unzip and easier to find the program, but will be slightly slower to start up.
* Linux and Mac users can use pip to install as always, see [here](https://github.com/sanderland/katrain/blob/master/INSTALL.md) for details on all the options.


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