
Latest version: v1.1.0

Safety actively analyzes 682244 Python packages for vulnerabilities to keep your Python projects secure.

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* added the ability to add multiple configurations. You can use this to create multiple settings files and build for each setting file another kecpkg. Use `kecpkg build --settings <anothersettings.json>` to create a new kecpkg in the `dist` directory. The `package-info.json` will be recreated based on what is set in the `settings` and stored inside the kecpkg. Use `kecpkg upload --settings <anothersettings.json>` to upload this kecpkg to KE-chain. You can now use a cmd or batch script with multiple setting files to create a multitude of kecpkgs and automatically upload (and even replace) them in a KE-chain project.
* added `--update` and `--no-update` flags to `kecpkg build`. The `package-info.json` file is needed for the KE-crunch server to understand what module and what function inside the kecpkg to execute. Normally this is re-rendered (updated) in each build sessions based on the contents of the settings file. If you have a custom `package-info.json`, you can use the `--no-update` flag on `kecpkg build --no-update` to prevent the updating the `package-info.json`. You might want to consider updating the settings file with the correct values for the `package-info.json` instead.


* added the ability to add additional ignores to the builder. Use `kecpkg config` to set additional list of pathnames or filenames to ignore. One can use eg. 'data' (for subdirectories) or '*.txt' as suitable values.
* added an option `kecpkg build --prune` to the list of option for the builder. `--prune` is an alternative to `--clean`.


* removed the '.git' directory from the packaged kecpkg


* The `config` command is now more robust. Added options `--init` to initialise a new settingsfile and added option `--interactive` to walk throug the current settings file and be able to redefine settings.
* Also the loading of the settings is now more robust and does not fail when a settings file is not found


* The `upload` command now properly checks if an build is made in the build directory and gives a proper warning


* the `upload` command is fully functional and can even replace uploaded packages. It will guide you through the setup process.
* added command `config` to check the configuration
* the `build` command ignores more files and prevents those from being packaged.

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