- Keithley2600 methods now accecpt Keithley2600 objects as arguments, for instance,
one can now write
assume we have a Keithley2600 instance 'k'
k.smua.measureiv(k.smua.nvbuffer1, k.smua.nvbuffer2)
instead of needing to use their string representation:
k.smua.measureiv('smua.nvbuffer1', 'smua.nvbuffer2')
- Keyword aruments can now be given to `Keithley2600()` and will be passed
on to the visa resource (e.g., `baud_rate=9600`)
- Code simplifications resulting from the above.
- `k.readBuffer(buffer)` no longer clears the given buffer.
- When attempting to create a new instance of `Keithley2600` with the name VISA address as an
existing instance, the existing instance is returned instead.
- `k.clearBuffers(...)` now logs a deprecation warning and will be removed in v1.0. Clear the
buffers directly with `buffer.clear()` instead.