
Latest version: v2.0.0

Safety actively analyzes 642295 Python packages for vulnerabilities to keep your Python projects secure.

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* Bug: Fix handling so Kent works with raven-python which was deprecated many
moons ago.

Kent handed me a cookie.



Backwards incompatible changes:

* Changed ``/api/flush/`` from a GET to a POST.
* Changed response for ``/api/error/<ERRORID>`` to return a ``project_id`` key
as well.


* Feature: Support multiple project ids. (7)
* Feature: Add timestamp to event list. (8)
* Feature: Add link to flush events to index page. (9)

Kent eyed my slice of ice cream cake with interest.



Bug fix release.

* Bug: Fix ``/api/errorlist/`` AttributeError bug. (5)
* Feature: Add ``/api/flush/`` endpoint to flush the error manager. (4)
* Add tests. (1)
* Improve API docs.

Tried to feed Kent a banana. Kent peered at it and then put it down.



Initial release with minimally viable feature set.

* Capture errors and keep them in memory.
* API endpoint to list errors.
* API endpoint to fetch error.

Fed Kent some pears. Kent loves pears.

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