- Added documentation for package description, installation, usage, API, examples,
and project information. (`20`_)
- Added LMU FFT cell variant and auto-switching LMU class. (`21`_)
- LMUs can now be used with any Keras RNN cell (e.g. LSTMs or GRUs) through the
``hidden_cell`` parameter. This can take an RNN cell (like
``tf.keras.layers.SimpleRNNCell`` or ``tf.keras.layers.LSTMCell``) or a feedforward
layer (like ``tf.keras.layers.Dense``) or ``None`` (to create a memory-only LMU).
The output of the LMU memory component will be fed to the ``hidden_cell``.
- Added ``hidden_to_memory``, ``memory_to_memory``, and ``input_to_hidden`` parameters
to ``LMUCell``, which can be used to enable/disable connections between components
of the LMU. They default to disabled. (`22`_)
- LMUs can now be used with multi-dimensional memory components. This is controlled
through a new ``memory_d`` parameter of ``LMUCell``. (`22`_)
- Added ``dropout`` parameter to ``LMUCell`` (which applies dropout to the input)
and ``recurrent_dropout`` (which applies dropout to the ``memory_to_memory``
connection, if it is enabled). Note that dropout can be added in the hidden
component through the ``hidden_cell`` object. (`22`_)
- Renamed ``lmu.lmu`` module to ``lmu.layers``. (`22`_)
- Combined the ``*_encoders_initializer``parameters of ``LMUCell`` into a single
``kernel_initializer`` parameter. (`22`_)
- Combined the ``*_kernel_initializer`` parameters of ``LMUCell`` into a single
``recurrent_kernel_initializer`` parameter. (`22`_)
- Removed ``Legendre``, ``InputScaled``, ``LMUCellODE``, and ``LMUCellGating``
classes. (`22`_)
- Removed the ``method``, ``realizer``, and ``factory`` arguments from ``LMUCell``
(they will take on the same default values as before, they just cannot be changed).
- Removed the ``trainable_*`` arguments from ``LMUCell``. This functionality is
largely redundant with the new functionality added for enabling/disabling internal
LMU connections. These were primarily used previously for e.g. setting a connection to
zero and then disabling learning, which can now be done more efficiently by
disabling the connection entirely. (`22`_)
- Removed the ``units`` and ``hidden_activation`` parameters of ``LMUCell`` (these are
now specified directly in the ``hidden_cell``. (`22`_)
- Removed the dependency on ``nengolib``. (`22`_)
- Dropped support for Python 3.5, which reached its end of life in September 2020.
.. _20: https://github.com/abr/lmu/pull/20
.. _21: https://github.com/abr/lmu/pull/21
.. _22: https://github.com/abr/lmu/pull/22