
Latest version: v0.21.13

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- **docker**: introduce ruby script plugin ([Ludovic DEHON](
- **core**: validation factory is not longuer supported in Micronaut 4 [2503]( ([Loïc Mathieu](
- **jdbc**: skip worker task running resubmission for skipped execution [2568]( ([Loïc Mathieu](
- **cli**: SubmitQueuedCommand to submit queued executions [2477]( ([Loïc Mathieu](
- **core**: allowFailure at the task level for runnable tasks [2557]( ([Loïc Mathieu](
- **core**: allowFailure at the task level for executable tasks [2557]( ([Loïc Mathieu](
- **core**: allowFailure at the task level for flowable tasks [2557]( ([Loïc Mathieu](
- **core**: add flatten function for pebble (2537) [2537]( ([Edward Li](
- **webserver**: Marketplace proxy [2579]( ([brian.mulier](
- **core**: add Elastic Common Schema (ecs) log format dependencies ([Ludovic DEHON](
- **ui**: allow to change the status of a CREATED task [2598]( ([Loïc Mathieu](
- **vscode**: file search by name [2602]( ([brian.mulier](
- **cli**: allow to resolve a plugin from a version range (2646) [2646]( ([Loïc Mathieu](
- **docker**: use entrypoint to simplify ([Ludovic DEHON](
- **ui**: try to use toast at bottom right ([Ludovic DEHON](
- **core**: prevent scheduler to failed on invalid schedule ([Ludovic DEHON](
- **core**: allow taskDefault to use a prefix (and not full class name) (2657) [2657]( ([Ludovic DEHON](
- **webserver**: add export namespace files endpoint + support flow imports through create file endpoint [2634]( ([brian.mulier](
- **ui**: import from zip, files or folders + export as zip for namespace files [2634]( ([brian.mulier](
- **core**: provide a method in the run context to safely resolve a path [2704]( ([Loïc Mathieu](
- **core**: rename the Flow task to Subflow [2640]( ([Loïc Mathieu](
- **core**: all by prefix to also get directories [2711]( ([brian.mulier](
- **core**: add FlowService.findById [2711]( ([brian.mulier](
- **core**: lowercase mocked flowId / namespace for it to comply with flow validation [2711]( ([brian.mulier](
- **core**: add FlowService.findByNamespace ([brian.mulier](
- **core**: improve deserialization error handling (2622) [2622]( ([Loïc Mathieu](
- **core**: assert that task default works for Trigger and Condition [2736]( ([Loïc Mathieu](
- **core**: public holiday condition [2718]( ([Loïc Mathieu](
- **core**: allign all date conditions to [2718]( ([Loïc Mathieu](
- **tasks**: introduce Labels task to allow updating execution labels at runtime (2742) [2742]( ([brian-mulier-p](
- added concurrency property to lowcode editor (2746) [2746]( ([YannC](
- **core**: add categories to plugin metadata ([Ludovic DEHON](
- **build**: add concurrency property to avoid duplicate develop CI running (2766) [2766]( ([YannC](
- **core**: make the triggerStateSavedLock protected so it can be used on subclasses [2820]( ([Loïc Mathieu](
- refactor to use taskrun.iteration [2591]( ([Loïc Mathieu](
- **core**: allow caching static file for cdn ([Ludovic DEHON](
- **ui**: add posthog event tracking ([Ludovic DEHON](
- **jdbc**: safely deserialize subflow executions [2831]( ([Loïc Mathieu](
- **webserver**: add a log in case rendering the webhook key fail (2828) [2828]( ([Loïc Mathieu](
- **core**: add a new CORE plugin category (2842) [2842]( ([Loïc Mathieu](
- **render**: disable recursive rendering by default with `kestra.variables.recursive-rendering` as a settings + introduce render() function (2834) [2834]( ([brian-mulier-p](

Bug Fixes
- subflow logs not working (2552) [2552]( ([YannC](
- **core**: incorrect usage of validation annotations [2503]( ([Loïc Mathieu](
- **ui**: Add form for anyOf type (1650) [1650]( ([YannC](
- **core**: increase ForEachItem tests flow running wait duration ([Loïc Mathieu](
- display file preview (2569) [2569]( ([YannC](
- **ui**: every unwanted things are now hidden in VSCode editor [2554]( ([brian.mulier](
- **core**: input streams are now properly closed to prevent exhausting connections on remote storages [2574]( ([brian.mulier](
- apply class correctly (2578) [2578]( ([YannC](
- display actions buttons on topology view (2575) [2575]( ([YannC](
- **webserver**: mark the execution as killing to avoid ghost execution [1747]( ([Loïc Mathieu](
- **ui**: the workers API is global to all tenants [2590]( ([Loïc Mathieu](
- **tests**: add a test to ensure that simple deletion don't delete by prefix to avoid side effects [2605]( ([brian.mulier](
- **tests**: add a test to ensure that file deletion don't delete by prefix to avoid side effects ([brian.mulier](
- prerender variables (2588) [2588]( ([YannC](
- **core**: prevent npe on subflow ([Ludovic DEHON](
- **ui**: use correct key when change display columns on execution list (2615) [2615]( ([YannC](
- **ui**: left menu child is also selected when navigating in their subroutes [2620]( ([brian.mulier](
- **worker**: worker execution result (2616) [2616]( ([Loïc Mathieu](
- **core**: possible NPE on execution.findChilds() (2607) [2607]( ([Loïc Mathieu](
- **ui**: avoid admin menu blinking (2606) [2606]( ([YannC](
- **webserver**: allow tenant in MarketplaceFilter pattern [2614]( ([brian.mulier](
- **cli**: disable worker on standalone when 0 ([Ludovic DEHON](
- **cli**: add missing help outputs (2636) [2636]( ([yuri](
- **storage**: returning full uris for file search [2602]( ([brian.mulier](
- **storage**: handle non-existing entry for filesByPrefix [2602]( ([brian.mulier](
- **core**: allow overriding an existing input / namespace file with new content [2643]( ([brian.mulier](
- **core**: skip execution for flows with no list of tasks (2601) [2601]( ([Loïc Mathieu](
- **core**: don't warm for anonymous usage ([Ludovic DEHON](
- **jdbc**: log executionId could be null ([Ludovic DEHON](
- **core**: add 'deprecated' to the task front matter title (2700) [2700]( ([Loïc Mathieu](
- **webserver**: properly injecting tenantId in parsed flow source upon import [2706]( ([brian.mulier](
- **jdbc**: update the executor even if we cannot emit logs [2701]( ([Loïc Mathieu](
- **ui**: global notification to bottom right ([Ludovic DEHON](
- **core**: FlowWithSource now handle concurrency property (2714) [2714]( ([YannC](
- **tests**: retrying flaky JDBC replay test [2711]( ([brian.mulier](
- **core**: removed pass-through methods for FlowService ([brian.mulier](
- **ui**: task run attempts selector for logs is now working properly (2721) [2721]( ([brian-mulier-p](
- **core**: mark the execution as killing to avoid ghost execution (2586) [2586]( ([Loïc Mathieu](
- **core**: add missing Schedule timezone validation [2724]( ([yuri1969](
- **ui**: removed some console warnings around typing [2735]( ([brian.mulier](
- **ui**: add comments to help local extension development [2735]( ([brian.mulier](
- **ui**: reloading flow definition upon flow save in Namespace File editor [2735]( ([brian.mulier](
- **tests**: add some debug logs for flaky ForEachItemCaseTest.forEachItemNoWait [2735]( ([brian.mulier](
- **core**: add the tenant in the Flow trigger [2741]( ([Loïc Mathieu](
- **webserver**: accept labels with value being URL [2745]( ([brian.mulier](
- **webserver**: accept tenant in config endpoint [2748]( ([brian.mulier](
- **ui**: inject tenant in every api calls [2748]( ([brian.mulier](
- **tests**: query params were lacking '&' in ExecutionControllerTest.find() ([brian-mulier-p](
- **tests**: disable test while label filtering gets fixed ([brian.mulier](
- **core**: inheritLabels failed with empty labels ([Ludovic DEHON](
- **core**: handle tenant on UriProvider ([Ludovic DEHON](
- **jdbc**: label filtering now working properly with key-value match on same object [2749]( ([brian.mulier](
- **docs**: corrected the docs under conditions [2751]( ([Shruti Mantri](
- **ui**: every route push now include tenant to prevent bad redirections [2752]( ([brian.mulier](
- **tests**: added debug information in case of SchedulerThreadTest.thread test failure [2752]( ([brian.mulier](
- **tests**: added debug information in case of WorkerTest.failOnWorkerTaskWithFlowable test failure [2752]( ([brian.mulier](
- **ui**: invalid link on charts for state ([Ludovic DEHON](
- **ui**: sort on flow executions page was not working ([Ludovic DEHON](
- **ui**: click on flow executions charts must redirect to same page ([Ludovic DEHON](
- **ui**: no longer crashing upon null value for `tasks` flow property [2769]( ([brian.mulier](
- **core**: FlowWithSource also copies tenantId when created with method `of` [2756]( ([brian.mulier](
- CI property issue ([YannC](
- **tests**: add a test to ensure that we retrieve 1 last execution per (flow, namespace) [2767]( ([brian.mulier](
- **jdbc**: group by (namespace, flow_id) for lastExecutions query instead of flow_id only [2767]( ([brian.mulier](
- **core**: Move `.kestraignore` handling to its own KestraIgnore class [2792]( ([brian.mulier](
- **jdbc**: handle leap year for MySQL group by week [2796]( ([brian.mulier](
- **tests**: JdbcHeartbeatTest.triggerResubmit logging in case of failure ([brian.mulier](
- **docs**: corrected the docs on multiple flows (2799) [2799]( ([Shruti Mantri](
- **core**: NamespaceFilesService inject include / exclude patterns don't mandate a leading '/' for patterns [2791]( ([brian.mulier](
- **handlebars**: added another mapper without context for YamlFlowParser to prevent trying to retrieve flow location for non-file flows [2801]( ([brian.mulier](
- **ui**: log can be empty ([Ludovic DEHON](
- **core**: invalid log, should log task id and not flow id twice [2826]( ([Loïc Mathieu](
- **webserver**: handle invalid route proper error ([Ludovic DEHON](
- **ui**: prevent crash on invalid yaml ([Ludovic DEHON](
- **ui**: fix props type on EditorView ([Ludovic DEHON](
- **core**: keep a setter for items on TaskRun for backward compatibility ([Ludovic DEHON](
- **core**: tenantId on runContext should not be serialized ([Ludovic DEHON](
- **ui**: proper api xhr options for config endpoint ([Ludovic DEHON](
- **ui**: correct api url ([Ludovic DEHON](
- **ui**: hide the export template button if template is not enabled. [2841]( ([Loïc Mathieu](
- **docs**: doc corrections for core models and tasks (2819) [2819]( ([Shruti Mantri](
- **core**: retry can crash the Worker (2837) [2837]( ([Loïc Mathieu](
- **core**: rename test application.yml to application-test.yml (2225) [2225]( ([Loïc Mathieu](
- **translations**: eval button renamed to render (2864) [2864]( ([brian-mulier-p](
- **translations**: some translations were missing ([brian.mulier](
- **docs**: doc correction under core model tasks (2866) [2866]( ([Shruti Mantri](
- **tests**: trigger resubmit test is now based on condition awaiting instead of arbitrary time await [2804]( ([brian.mulier](
- **ui**: NamespaceSelect input size fits its content (2865) [2865]( ([brian-mulier-p](
- **ui**: add missing id on posthog ([Ludovic DEHON](
- **core**: refactoring of execution running for concurrency limit (2825) [2825]( ([Loïc Mathieu](
- wording in translations (2868) [2868]( ([Anna Geller](
- load correct tenant & no more unauthorized error (2875) [2875]( ([YannC](
- **core**: add the tenantId at trigger creation (2877) [2877]( ([Loïc Mathieu](
- **ui**: reorganize settings ([Ludovic DEHON](
- **ui**: tooltip DateAgo need a key ([Ludovic DEHON](
- **ui**: invalid dependencies count ([Ludovic DEHON](
- **ui**: don't init topology if not visible ([Ludovic DEHON](
- **ui**: restoreUrl is now scoped to a tenant (2880) [2880]( ([brian-mulier-p](
- **cli**: Make the CLI help clearer (2882) [2882]( ([yuri](

Code Refactoring
- **ui**: refactor executions ([Ludovic DEHON](

- **version**: update snapshot version 'v0.14.0'. ([Ludovic DEHON](
- **version**: update snapshot version 'v0.14.0-SNAPSHOT'. ([Ludovic DEHON](
- add Apache Druid JDBC plugin ([Loïc Mathieu](
- **deps**: update github actions and dependabot ([Ludovic DEHON](
- **deps**: bump com.github.ben-manes.versions from 0.49.0 to 0.50.0 ([Ludovic DEHON](
- **deps**: update most js deps ([Ludovic DEHON](
- **ui-deps**: bump ui-libs version to 0.0.31 [2640]( ([brian.mulier](
- **core**: remove stdout print ([Ludovic DEHON](
- **deps**: bump Kestra's VSCode extension to 0.1.8 ([brian.mulier](
- **editor-deps**: bump Kestra extension to 0.1.10 ([brian.mulier](
- **deps**: bump Kestra VSCode extension to v0.1.11. ([brian.mulier](
- report JUnit tests to CI ([Loïc Mathieu](
- *****: refactoring of subflow [2591]( ([Loïc Mathieu](
- **ui**: refacto UI so its use new "numberOfBatches" output [2591]( ([YannC](
- **refactor**: remove a bunch of compilation warning and remove deprecated StorageInterface method ([Ludovic DEHON](
- **deps**: update most of java deps ([Ludovic DEHON](
- **deps**: update most js package ([Ludovic DEHON](
- **deps**: bump github/codeql-action from 2 to 3 [2727]( ([dependabot[bot]](
- **deps**: bump org.apache.httpcomponents:httpclient from 4.5.13 to 4.5.14 ([Ludovic DEHON](
- **deps**: update dependencies ([Ludovic DEHON](
- **ci**: don't sign JARs if it's not to publish them (2810) [2810]( ([Loïc Mathieu](
- **version**: update to version 'v0.14.0'. ([Ludovic DEHON](

- 250a75d: Revert "fix(webserver): mark the execution as killing to avoid ghost execution" (Loïc Mathieu)
- email (2564) [2564]( ([Anna Geller](
- 2450c6d: feat(jdbc,runner-memory): send a FAILED worker task result when we cannot create it from the executable task (Loïc Mathieu) [2642](
- ccf41fc: Revert "fix(): prerender variables (2588)" (Loïc Mathieu) [2754](
- 5ee0122: Revert "fix(docs): corrected the docs on multiple flows (2799)" (brian-mulier-p) [2802](
- 5d116a9: Revert "Revert "fix(docs): corrected the docs on multiple flows (2799)"" (brian-mulier-p) [2805](

Breaking Changes
- **Deprecation of recursive Pebble templating**: so far, kestra's templating engine has been rendering all expressions **recursively**. While recursive rendering enabled many flexible usage patterns, it also opened up the door to some unintended behavior. For example, if you wanted to parse JSON elements of a webhook payload that contained a templated string from other applications (such as GitHub Actions or dbt core), the recursive rendering would attempt to parse those expressions, resulting in an error. The release 0.14.0 has changed the default rendering behavior to **not recursive** and introduced a new `render()` function that gives you more control over which expressions should be rendered and how. Check [the migrations]( page for more details.


Bug Fixes
- **ui**: log can be empty ([Ludovic DEHON](
- **ui**: prevent crash on invalid yaml ([Ludovic DEHON](
- **ui**: task run attempts selector for logs is now working properly (2721) ([brian-mulier-p](

- **version**: update to version 'v0.13.10'. ([YannC](

- af8f8e0: Revert "fix(): prerender variables (2588)" (Loïc Mathieu)


- **core**: make the triggerStateSavedLock protected so it can be used on subclasses ([Loïc Mathieu](

- **version**: update to version 'v0.13.9'. ([brian.mulier](


- **version**: update to version 'v0.13.8'. ([brian.mulier](


- **version**: update to version 'v0.13.7'. ([brian.mulier](


- **version**: update to version 'v0.13.6'. ([Loïc Mathieu](

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