- Multi-process support for stix-shifter data source interface
- Each native data source query is executed in a subprocess
- A pool of translators are created to pick up translation tasks for each transmitted page/batch
- Ingestion is serialized in main proccess to avoid multi-process execution for SQLite
- Two queues between transmitter/translator and translator/ingestor are used
- Both stix-shifter translation and firepit fast-translation are supported
- With debug flag, the translated results (JSON or DataFrame) will be dump to disk
- Unit tests for the translator subprocess in different modes
- Additional syntax/keywords on singular timeunits
- New variable transformer function ``ADDOBSID``
- Add new syntax and codegen
- Add additional documentatoin
- Unit tests on CLI
- Invoking with ``kestrel x.hf``
- Invoking with ``python -m kestrel x.hf``
- No dumped data in stix-shifter interface when debug is enabled
- Multiprocessing conflict with ``runpy``
- STIX-shifter module verification failure due to pypi website update
- Deprecated functions in ``kestrel/codegen/relations.py``
- Examples in Kestrel config YAML