
Latest version: v0.5.2

Safety actively analyzes 642833 Python packages for vulnerabilities to keep your Python projects secure.

Scan your dependencies

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- Initial project structure and cicd action


- Fix development, qa, and main branches CI/CD
- Merge branch 'development' of github.com:kaeus-sgarcia/kframe into development
- Fix development, qa, and main branches CI/CD
- Merge branch 'development' of github.com:kaeus-sgarcia/kframe into development
- Fix development, qa, and main branches CI/CD
- Fix development, qa, and main branches CI/CD
- Fix development, qa, and main branches CI/CD
- Fix development, qa, and main branches CI/CD
- Fix development, qa, and main branches CI/CD
- Fix development, qa, and main branches CI/CD
- Fix development, qa, and main branches CI/CD
- Fix development, qa, and main branches CI/CD
- Fix development, qa, and main branches CI/CD
- Fix development, qa, and main branches CI/CD
- Fix development, qa, and main branches CI/CD
- Fix development, qa, and main branches CI/CD
- Fix development, qa, and main branches CI/CD
- Fix development, qa, and main branches CI/CD
- Merge branch 'development' of github.com:kaeus-sgarcia/kframe into development
- Fix CI/CD for quality brach
- Merge branch 'development' of github.com:kaeus-sgarcia/kframe into development
- Fix development, qa, and main branches CI/CD
- Fix development brack CI
- Fix cicd for development and quality branches
- Fix cicd for development branch



- First commit

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