* renamed serialization methods, e.g., `save_ttl()` -- **WILL BREAK THINGS**
* impl `load_rdf_text()` and `save_rdf_text()` to deserialize/serialize as text
* type checking based on `typing` and `mypy`
* corrected the `networkx` examples to use `DiGraph` for directed graphs
* generated `meta.yml` for conda support
* use `mkdocs` to generate documentation
* add method to return SPARQL query result set as a `pandas` DataFrame
* integrate with `python-igraph`, `leidenalg`, `cairocffi` to support iGraph
* provide simple `OWL-RL` inference with `infer_rdfs_closure()` and `infer_owlrl_closure()`
* add `Subgraph` class for projecting onto `networkx`
* add `Measure` class for measuring graphs and creating simplex generators
* use `coverage` for unit test coverage
* use `chocolate` for enhanced kwargs
* make `KnowledgeGraph` class GPU-aware
* add `ShapeFactory` and related classes for evolving shape prediction