
Latest version: v2.0.1

Safety actively analyzes 642283 Python packages for vulnerabilities to keep your Python projects secure.

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Bug fixes

* [301]( Fix chunk synchronization
* [327]( Rename and cleanup follow-up for chunk synchronization
* [352]( Allow supplying of a key-value body when calling

Minor changes

* [350]( Initial end-to-end tests for streaming, reporting, generating custom search commands
* [348]( Update copyright years to 2020
* [346]( Readme updates to urls, terminology, and formatting
* [317]( Fix deprecation warnings


Bug fix
* `SearchCommand` now correctly supports multibyte characters in Python 3.


Bug fix
* Fixed regression in mod inputs which resulted in error ’file' object has no attribute 'readable’, by not forcing to text/bytes in mod inputs event writer any longer.

Minor changes
* Minor updates to the khulnasoftlib search commands to support Python 3


New features and APIs
* Added Bearer token support using Khulnasoft Token in v7.3
* Made modinput text consistent

Bug fixes
* Changed permissions from 755 to 644 for Python files to pass Appinspect checks
* Removed version check on ssl verify toggle


Bug Fix

* Fix custom search command V2 failures on Windows for Python 3


Bug Fix

* Fix long type gets wrong values on Windows for Python 2

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