
Latest version: v1.0.1

Safety actively analyzes 665704 Python packages for vulnerabilities to keep your Python projects secure.

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* Bumped to version 1.0.1.
* Made compatible with KiCad 7.



* Bumped to version 1.0.0.
* Fixed a bug where field visibility is default-visible and/or cannot be set if Reference field does not contain an 'effects' property.
* Fixed some string-splitting and unicode bugs in `find_by_key()` that manifested in Python 2.



* Added ``--no_range, -nr`` option to disable hyphenated ranges when components are grouped, explicitly showing each component in a group.



* Bug fix: Add ``sexpdata`` to install requirements.
* Bug fix: Add import of ``reduce`` from ``functools``.
* Bug fix: Correct disappearance of default part fields when extracting from schematic to spreadsheet file.
* Bug fix: Explode collapsed references when importing a spreadsheet file.



* KiCad 6 schematic and library files are now supported (well, V5.99 actually, but the file formats shouldn't change).



* Part fields are cleaned up if they contain newlines.
* Lines in a schematic file which were broken by a newline within a quoted string are rejoined.
* Generated spreadsheet cells have their format set to TEXT if they contain a string.

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