- Add the gzip option to automatically gzip files on upload (85) - Run functional test on latest kinto release as well as kinto master (86)
Not secure
**Breaking changes**
- Update to ``kinto.core`` for compatibility with Kinto 3.0. This release is no longer compatible with Kinto < 3.0, please upgrade!
**New features**
- Add a ``kinto.attachment.extra.base_url`` settings to be exposed publicly. (73)
Not secure
**Bug fixes**
- Fix MANIFEST.in rules
Not secure
**New features**
- Add ability to disable filename randomization using a ``?randomize=false`` querystring (62) - Add a ``--keep-filenames`` option in ``upload.py`` script to disable randomization (63)
**Bug fixes**
- Fix a setting name for S3 bucket in README (68) - Do nothing in heartbeat if server is readonly (fixes 69)
**Internal changes**
- Big refactor of views (61)
Not secure
**New features**
- Previous files can be kept if the setting ``kinto.keep_old_files`` is set to ``true``. This can be useful when clients try to download files from a collection of records that is not up-to-date. - Add heartbeat entry for attachments backend (41)
**Bug fixes**
- Now compatible with the default bucket (42) - Now compatible with Python 3 (44)
**Internal changes**
- Upload/Download scripts now use ``kinto.py`` (38)
Not secure
**New feature**
- Expose the API capability ``attachments`` in the root URL (35)