The API can now **optionally** rely on a workflow and can check that users changing collection status
belong to some groups (e.g. ``editors``, ``reviewers``). With that feature enabled,
the signature of the collection will have to follow this workflow:
- an *editor* will request a review by setting the collection status to ``to-review``;
- a preview collection will be updated and signed so that QA can validate the changes
on the client side;
- a *reviewer* — different from the last editor — will trigger the signature by setting
the status to ``to-sign`` as before.
In order to enable this feature, the following procedure must be followed:
- Change the resources settings to add a *preview* collection URL (``{source};{preview};{destination}``)
..code-block:: ini
kinto.signer.resources =
- Enable the review and group check features:
..code-block:: ini
kinto.signer.to_review_enabled = true
kinto.signer.group_check_enabled = true
- Last, create ``editors`` and ``reviewers`` groups in the *staging* bucket, and
add appropriate usernames to it. The groups can now be managed from the
Kinto Admin UI. Otherwise via the command-line:
..code-block:: bash
$ echo '{"data": {"members": [""]}}' | \
http PUT $SERVER_URL/buckets/staging/groups/editors --auth="admin:token"
$ echo '{"data": {"members": [""]}}' | \
http PUT $SERVER_URL/buckets/staging/groups/editors --auth="admin:token"