- [x] Fixes 37: Moved GUI to [Flet](https://github.com/flet-dev/flet) - [x] Fixes 87: Implemented DropdownWithSearch widget which lists the entire InvenTree category tree - [x] Fixes 104: Support for InvenTree `0.9.x` and later, remove support for older versions - [X] Fixes 119: Integrated KiUtils `v1.3.0` as PIP package
:warning: Last release before `1.0.0` :partying_face:
- Add support for KiCad V7 - Fix flow for adding standalone KiCad parts (URL and parameters were missing) - Updated mouser API: fix bug with returning data for some parts - Updated README/doc
- Fixed 136 - Fixed 137 - Fixed bug creating custom part with IPN setting enabled - Added GUI CI test to catch errors launching the GUI - Replaced `wrapt_timeout_decorator` package with version from PyPI - Updated dependencies
:warning: Still missing support for KiCad V7 (see https://github.com/sparkmicro/Ki-nTree/issues/120)