
Latest version: v2.3.1

Safety actively analyzes 703031 Python packages for vulnerabilities to keep your Python projects secure.

Scan your dependencies

Page 4 of 5


- Fixes (venv build) reference to SDL\_main.h [\493]( ([AndreMiras](


Not secure
- Add python depends [\455]( ([misl6](

- Removed Python 2 support [\482]( ([AndreMiras](

- Adds initial\_working\_directory [\489]( ([misl6](
- Adds netifaces recipe, closes 239 [\488]( ([AndreMiras](
- Uses contextlib.suppress to ignore exceptions [\487]( ([AndreMiras](
- DRY via the find\_xcodeproj() helper method [\486]( ([AndreMiras](
- Uses cd context manager in Python3Recipe.reduce\_python() [\485]( ([AndreMiras](
- Uses Python 3 syntax [\484]( ([AndreMiras](
- Also lints the tools/ folder [\483]( ([AndreMiras](
- Migrates libffi build to Python 3 [\481]( ([AndreMiras](
- Uses a couple of syntax shortcuts [\479]( ([AndreMiras](
- Takes ToolchainCL definition outside the main [\478]( ([AndreMiras](


Not secure
- Automatically publish to PyPI upon tagging [\475]( ([AndreMiras](
- Dedicated test workflow [\474]( ([AndreMiras](

- Fixes a regression introduced during the linting [\477]( ([AndreMiras](
- More fixes to Numpy so that the binary is accepted by the App Store [\473]( ([lerela](
- Do not build known broken recipes [\471]( ([AndreMiras](
- Fixes minor typos in the issue template [\469]( ([AndreMiras](
- Activates venv before venv build [\464]( ([AndreMiras](
- Fixes building in venv [\462]( ([AndreMiras](
- Cleanup - Removes vendored deps [\454]( ([misl6](

- Updates with install/usage from PyPI [\476]( ([AndreMiras](
- Moving to dedicated kivy\_ios/ package directory [\472]( ([AndreMiras](
- Bumps Cython version [\470]( ([misl6](
- Uses new `cd` context manager more [\465]( ([AndreMiras](


- Initial release

Change Log

[2.1.0]( (2022-11-12)

[Full Changelog](

**Implemented enhancements:**

- Use xdg-desktop-portal for Notification inside Flatpak [\680]( ([JakobDev](

**Closed issues:**

- Exception is thrown on try to play recorded audio clip [\713](
- iOS: filechooser - multiple files selection is not working [\707](
- Speech to text is not working with api 30 or more [\693](
- Traceback \(most recent call last\):
File "jnius/jnius\_proxy.pxi", line 50, in jnius.jnius.PythonJavaClass.invoke
File "jnius/jnius\_proxy.pxi", line 74, in jnius.jnius.PythonJavaClass.\_invoke
NotImplementedError: The method \('onLocationChanged', \('V', \('Ljava/util/List;',\)\)\) is not implemented [\687](
- Notify on Windows but without archiving notifications [\684](
- Notification icon as base64 instead of path [\679](
- plyer's last release was ~2 years ago, the number of open PRs is absurd, and the last meaningful commit was months ago [\674](
- iOS Filechooser that picks all document types \(UIDocumentPickerViewController\) [\673](
- Python dbus error on Linux when sending notification [\658](
- Is that project dead? [\650](
- Notification for android not working \[ Drawable.icon \] [\647](
- audio don't work on android [\644](
- Unittests are failing on new clone [\637](
- Proposing a PR to fix a few small typos [\622](
- Remove python2 mentions from [\608](
- vibrator on android 10 java.lang.SecurityException [\606](
- How to change prompt input to upper or lower case in JS? [\603](
- Does this repo is maintained? [\592](
- Plyer notification not working on android [\591](
- Feature Request: Add Intent to Android Gallery\(for Pictures\) [\588](
-\_file doesn't work on macOS X Catalina [\578](
- macOS notification NSUserNotificationCenter is deprecated + missing Info.plist [\449](

**Merged pull requests:**

- action-gh-release now uses `github.token` [\724]( ([misl6](
- Bump version to 2.1.0 for release [\723]( ([misl6](
- Bump action-gh-release to a newer version [\721]( ([misl6](
- Update supported Python versions [\720]( ([misl6](
- Fixes some E275. + other minor PEP8 fixes [\711]( ([misl6](
- Document linux support for orientation [\709]( ([rshah713](
- Document supported platforms for humidity [\704]( ([rshah713](
- Keyword should only hold name of license [\701]( ([rshah713](
- Document supported platforms in native filechooser [\700]( ([rshah713](
- Fix Keystore comment to point at correct class [\697]( ([rshah713](
- Add missing platform for barometer [\695]( ([rshah713](
- Add missing platforms in audio [\694]( ([rshah713](
- Fixes a failing test for notification [\692]( ([misl6](
- Fixes style check [\691]( ([misl6](
- Clear documentation for Processors [\689]( ([rshah713](
- Create clear documentation for Keystore [\688]( ([rshah713](
- Added tick in ios native file chooser row [\685]( ([Neizvestnyj](
- :zap: Fix pep8 violations [\678]( ([Zen-CODE](
- :hammer: Fix pep 8 failure for CICD [\677]( ([Zen-CODE](
- fix some errors in readme file [\676]( ([AdamMusa](
- android 11+ compatibility Documents folder [\672]( ([moonpyx](
- Use sys.getandroidapilevel for more robust Android detection [\670]( ([rdb](
- More robust way to get application icon on Android for notification [\669]( ([rdb](
- Added the ability to track the closure of the file manager without selecting content [\667]( ([Neizvestnyj](
- Fix bug, when user canceled filechooser, `on_selection` does not dispatched [\666]( ([Neizvestnyj](
- Bigger buffer, allows large selection [\655]( ([akshayaurora](
- fix: fix filechooser save dialog for the KDE [\652]( ([psyrykh](
- Change R$drawable to R$mipmap in for android platform [\648]( ([masterjoseph914](
- linux/storagepath: fixup a host of issues [\646]( ([rski](
- Change `PythonActivity` java class [\642]( ([Neizvestnyj](
- Enabled transient notifications on Linux [\639]( ([olumidesan](
- updated-device-name-implementation-for-backward-compatibility [\634]( ([ljnath](
- Added contributors in file [\633]( ([ljnath](
- Fixed pep8 errors [\632]( ([ljnath](
- Removed python2.6|7 reference and added reference for python 3.6|7|8 [\631]( ([ljnath](
- Support to get android device name or hostname for linux and windows [\630]( ([ljnath](
- \611 add filters for file chooser on android [\624]( ([akshayaurora](
- docs: fix a few simple typos [\623]( ([akshayaurora](
- Add check for Trinity Desktop Environment [\620]( ([akshayaurora](
- FileChooser: MacOS: Use objectAtIndex\_ to get multiple items [\618]( ([akshayaurora](
- add installation section in [\563]( ([tshirtman](

[2.0.0]( (2020-11-09)

[Full Changelog](

**Closed issues:**

- Macox notification - AttributeError: 'NoneType' object has no attribute 'setDelegate\_' [\586](
- Can't display notifications with Plyer [\582](
- Unable to set app orientation [\579](
- Does plyer allow you to open another app? [\577](
- Calling notification.notify\(\) raises "No Usable Implementation Found!" Error on Android [\575](
- tts is not working [\572](
- bluetooth for Android [\571](
- raise NotImplementedError\(\) NotImplementedError when I use tts [\567](
- Filter variable may be uninitialized in MacOSX filechooser [\566](
- Plyer camera cannot save image to the IOS phone [\561](
- How to turn on gps ?? [\556](
- How to disable mock location \(fake gps\) in kivy [\555](
- Release notes for v 1.4.3? [\550](
- battery.status isCharging always shows false in WINDOWS [\541](
- Filechooser on mac: using path, crashes python [\524](
- Android Filechooser not working [\512](

**Merged pull requests:**

- Some APIs are only available for open panels. [\590]( ([matham](
- Fix uninitialized variable in MacOSX filechooser. [\568]( ([Mulugruntz](
- Fixing crash on MacOSX filechooser [\565]( ([Mulugruntz](
- Uses Python 3 syntax [\554]( ([AndreMiras](
- Feature/drop python2 [\553]( ([AndreMiras](
- Fixes linter errors [\552]( ([AndreMiras](
- Remove unused linters [\548]( ([ghost](
- Fix linter warnings [\547]( ([ghost](
- Modification of Status isCharging in windows [\546]( ([irm19](

[1.4.3]( (2020-03-27)

[Full Changelog](

**Closed issues:**

- IOS - GPS : 'IosGPS' object has no attribute '\_location\_manager' [\538](
- Android FileChooser crashes when back button pressed [\534](
- Notification not working on android [\533](
- FileChooser on Android: "on selection" fires multiple times. [\530](
- KIVY cannot access the android camera.. [\521](
- No notification icons on Linux \(Gnome\) [\514](
- Vibrator is not working on Android [\509](
- notification.notify crashes Android Pie devices [\504](
- Vibrate revision in api 26 [\501](

**Merged pull requests:**

- Fix linter warnings in examples/gps/ [\545]( ([ghost](
- Switch to GitHub actions [\544]( ([ghost](
- Fix crash in Android Notification \(SDK\_INT \>= 26\) [\543]( ([ghost](
- Add native iOS FileBrowser [\542]( ([Zen-CODE](
- Prevent crash when cancelling filechooser [\536]( ([Zen-CODE](
- Make win filechooser use modern windows browser and fix small issues. [\535]( ([matham](
- Prevent re-binding of callback on each call [\532]( ([Zen-CODE](
- Add permission request to plyer GPS example [\529]( ([Zen-CODE](
- Handle absence of LinuxFileChooser backend [\526]( ([Cheaterman](
- Fix vibrator, which was not working on Android devices. [\523]( ([ghost](
- Added logic to support the `on_status` method of the gps facade for i… [\519]( ([Dirk-Sandberg](
- Fix default audio file\_path assignment error, file\_path change for Py3 [\518]( ([Nephyx](
- Add Windows applications storage path [\517]( ([magnusvmt](
- fix typo in supported API list [\516]( ([holdbar](
- fix the issue that tts.speak\(\) crashes on android [\511]( ([Chao-Jen](
- Addresses plyer issue \240. [\502]( ([Dirk-Sandberg](
- Update to add opencollective [\499]( ([tito](
- Bump to 1.4.0 for release [\496]( ([KeyWeeUsr](

[1.4.2]( (2019-09-05)

[Full Changelog](

[1.4.1]( (2019-09-05)

[Full Changelog](

**Closed issues:**

- I'll be Working on Linux audio [\497](
- Notification and service [\494](
- Windows notification - NotImplementedError: No usable implementation found! [\485](
- macOS notification NSUserNotificationCenter is deprecated + missing Info.plist [\449](

[1.4.0]( (2018-12-31)

[Full Changelog](

**Implemented enhancements:**

- Windows microphone support [\179](

**Closed issues:**

- jnius.jnius.JavaException: Class not found 'android/content/INTENT' [\479](
- macOS storagepath uses non-standard path for get\_home\_dir\(\) [\450](
- Example Applications break down on a real device [\338](
- Feature request: Accelerometer on Linux \(computers\) [\9](
- Linux wifi implementation via rockymeza/wifi is broken [\487](
- Hardcoded 'wlan0' does not work on all devices [\477](
- GNU/Linux wifi disconnect\(\) not working on Ubuntu 15.04+ [\452](
- Plyer Email [\420](
- notification not working on android [\402](
- plyer.accelerometer not working with Kivy Launcher [\401](
- New PyPI release after 1.3.0 [\400](
- plyer.notify.notification doesn't show ticker in Android [\378](
- causes crash on Android with sdl2 [\245](
- audio: JVM exception occurred: setAudioSource failed. [\210](
- Something wrong with encoding in AndroidNotification [\175](

**Merged pull requests:**

- Implement WiFi for Linux with nmcli [\495]( ([KeyWeeUsr](
- Enhance Android notifications with toast and big icons [\493]( ([KeyWeeUsr](
- Fix android notifications missing channel on Oreo and later [\492]( ([KeyWeeUsr](
- Add Android Native filechooser and external SD card path to StoragePath [\491]( ([KeyWeeUsr](
- Fix OSX builds on Travis [\490]( ([KeyWeeUsr](
- Add audio recording and playing for Windows [\489]( ([KeyWeeUsr](
- Add support for interfaces in Linux WiFi [\488]( ([KeyWeeUsr](
- macOS tests - audio, battery, bluetooth, storagepath [\482]( ([Nephyx](
- Change 'Speech' to 'STT' [\484]( ([KeyWeeUsr](
- New extended CPU details implementation [\483]( ([KeyWeeUsr](
- Fix uniqueid for linux platform [\481]( ([KeyWeeUsr](
- Fix CI jobs reporting wrong coverage \(non-imported modules ignored\) [\480]( ([KeyWeeUsr](
- thegrymek: Android speech recognition [\471]( ([KeyWeeUsr](

[1.3.2]( (2018-11-16)

[Full Changelog](

**Implemented enhancements:**

- \[Feature Request\] Termux support [\360](
- storage path support [\152](
- unicode broken in notifications on windows 8. [\17](
- Feature Request: Add adjustable tooltip text to Windows notification [\14](

**Closed issues:**

- plyer notifications raising NotImplementedError on android [\467](
- TypeError when running examples in Python 3 [\392](
- when i use buildozer and python3crystax to build apk it not work ? [\380](
- Windows filechooser crash [\375](
- Using the camera crashes the app [\369](
- after calling an plyer audio function from an accelerometer function, App crashes. [\361](
- fails under android and windows7 32bit python2.7 [\277](
- Strange string returned by filechooser on Windows [\177](
- Email Support for OSX [\32](
- GPS Support for iOS [\22](
- Camera Support for iOS [\21](
- Example app for Camera facade [\16](

**Merged pull requests:**

- Move TODO item to a separate issue [\478]( ([KeyWeeUsr](
- Add deprecated decorator [\476]( ([KeyWeeUsr](
- Fixed macOS using non-standard path for get\_home\_dir\(\) [\475]( ([Nephyx](
- Removed unnecessary grep dependency [\474]( ([Nephyx](
- Add enable & disable WiFi for Linux and MacOS [\473]( ([KeyWeeUsr](
- Cleaning the plyer root directory and CI scripts [\468]( ([KeyWeeUsr](
- Add more distros via Docker images [\466]( ([KeyWeeUsr](
- Add Linux Screenshot with X11's X Window Dump [\463]( ([KeyWeeUsr](
- Revert uppercase on autoclass values [\462]( ([KeyWeeUsr](
- Fixing Java class name [\461]( ([clevermindgames](
- Increase timeout for notification test [\460]( ([KeyWeeUsr](
- Add Windows Screenshot with ctypes+pywin32 [\459]( ([KeyWeeUsr](
- Add screenshot test for OSX [\458]( ([KeyWeeUsr](
- OSX Screenshot \(Rebased PR \324\) [\457]( ([KeyWeeUsr](
- Rebased PR \239 + fixes [\455]( ([KeyWeeUsr](
- Bump to 1.3.2.dev0 [\446]( ([KeyWeeUsr](
- Bump to 1.3.1 [\445]( ([KeyWeeUsr](
- Add extra options for installation via setuptools [\438]( ([KeyWeeUsr](

[1.3.1]( (2018-10-14)

[Full Changelog](

**Implemented enhancements:**

- Audio recording for macOS [\428]( ([Nephyx](

**Closed issues:**

-\_enabled\(\) always return false running in python3 [\436](
- kivy-ios fails to build plyer [\417](
- Python 3 TabError [\398](
- is there a way of using the front camera instead of back [\391](
- \_get\_application\_dir: NotImplementedError [\389](
- plyer app crashes on android [\387](
- Can't pip install plyer through git [\385](
- speech to text [\382](
- text2speech doesn't work on platform Linux [\372](
- Changing file\_path in example is not working [\356](
- How to change file\_path of audio in plyer? [\355](
- Accelerometer in plyer [\354](
- iOS Gyroscope crashes [\352](
- Need keystore for storing user credentials [\350](
- plyer examples app always crashes in android phones, It says "Unfortunately "Name of app" has stopped working." [\349](
- Notification not working on Windows [\333](
- Accelerometer not working on linux [\327](
- 1.3.0 broke notifications on Windows [\318](
- No encoding and °C causes SyntaxError [\312](
- GPS double output on output return value [\302](
- Cannot import wifi module in windows [\272](

**Merged pull requests:**

- Add note about Windows icon format [\444]( ([KeyWeeUsr](
- Mark new audio recording feature in README.rst [\443]( ([KeyWeeUsr](
- Fix not decoding bytes in Linux [\442]( ([KeyWeeUsr](
- Fix b' embedded in the path string for Windows' choose\_dir\(\) [\441]( ([KeyWeeUsr](
- Add missing parameter for Windows' WlanCloseHandle\(\) [\440]( ([KeyWeeUsr](
- Revert facades/ change from PR \301 [\439]( ([KeyWeeUsr](
- Update [\437]( ([Vibhu-Agarwal](
- Remove notification webhook from travis [\434]( ([dessant](
- Fix Travis build for pull requests [\432]( ([KeyWeeUsr](
- Changed OSX storage path from ctypes to pyobjus [\431]( ([Nephyx](
- Fix Pylint errors W0150, W0511, W0601, W0603, W0610 [\430]( ([KeyWeeUsr](
- Fix Pylint errors W0611, W0612, W0622, W0702, W0703 [\427]( ([KeyWeeUsr](
- Disable all Pylint errors to fix red jobs [\426]( ([KeyWeeUsr](
- Downgrade Travis due to missing docker service on Ubuntu Bionic [\425]( ([KeyWeeUsr](
- Switch from Ubuntu Trusty to Ubuntu Bionic LTS [\424]( ([KeyWeeUsr](
- Fix style issues in utils, compat and [\423]( ([KeyWeeUsr](
- Clickable notifications, fixes \154 [\422]( ([AndreMiras](
- Fix style in test\ [\418]( ([KeyWeeUsr](
- Fix pep8 issues in files [\416]( ([KeyWeeUsr](
- Add script for CI deployment to PyPI [\413]( ([KeyWeeUsr](
- Fix travis to use real branch instead of detached HEAD [\412]( ([KeyWeeUsr](
- Add linux battery from sysclass [\411]( ([KeyWeeUsr](
- Switch to unicode in macosx [\410]( ([KeyWeeUsr](
- Fix test\_facade failing for Py3 by switching to Mocks [\409]( ([KeyWeeUsr](
- Add Dockerfiles for testing, fix tests and style [\408]( ([KeyWeeUsr](
- Implemented storagepath in linux [\407]( ([Sires0](
- Improve messages for missing dependencies [\406]( ([dolang](
- Updates README.rst, removes dup in supported API [\403]( ([AndreMiras](
- why should decode 'l' again and again [\396]( ([xhimanshuz](
- Correcting issue for linux p… [\#395]( ([ghost](
- Number Of Processors for Linux Platform [\394]( ([salil-gtm](
- enhancement: bluetooth status [\388]( ([kapilnayar](
- Show that bluetooth is not supported [\379]( ([zerox1212](
- Arrange APIs table in alphabetical order [\377]( ([sumitmadhwani](
- Add list of supported platforms to facade [\376]( ([sumitmadhwani](
- Add iOS api for storage path [\374]( ([sumitmadhwani](
- update readme [\373]( ([sandeepsajan0](
- Update buildozer.spec [\370]( ([sandeepsajan0](
- Warn instead stder.write for linux notif errors [\368]( ([sametmax](
- Add report [\367]( ([KeyWeeUsr](
- Fix pep8 in plyer [\366]( ([KeyWeeUsr](
- iOS Barometer API [\363]( ([sumitmadhwani](
- Fix iOS Gyroscope crash issue [\353]( ([sumitmadhwani](
- Keystore implementation. [\351]( ([brentpicasso](
- iOS Spatial orientation [\348]( ([sumitmadhwani](
- iOS Gravity sensor [\347]( ([sumitmadhwani](
- Linux Brightness API [\346]( ([sumitmadhwani](
- Brightness API [\344]( ([sumitmadhwani](
- Fix bug in WindowsBalloonTip [\343]( ([Chronial](
- Storage path API [\342]( ([sumitmadhwani](
- Compass uncalibrated [\341]( ([sumitmadhwani](
- Gyroscope uncalibrated sensor [\337]( ([sumitmadhwani](
- Spatial Orientation for android [\336]( ([sumitmadhwani](
- Update win\_api\ [\335]( ([sumitmadhwani](
- Add some tests + Appveyor [\329]( ([KeyWeeUsr](
- Fix notification ticker error + pep8 [\328]( ([KeyWeeUsr](
- Pep8 fix in [\322]( ([sumitmadhwani](
- Example for Unique ID facade [\321]( ([sumitmadhwani](
- Android Humidity [\301]( ([bhaveshAn](
- fix handling of notifications' timeout on Linux [\297]( ([benoit-pierre](
- Facade Wifi [\290]( ([bhaveshAn](
- orientation feature for linux [\273]( ([susmit](
- Fix wifi module. [\244]( ([account-login](

[1.3.0]( (2017-03-23)
[Full Changelog](

**Implemented enhancements:**

- Feature Request: Alarms [\8](

**Closed issues:**

- Notification.notify crashes android app [\296](
- GPS android crash on launch [\288](
- Send SMS feature not working [\261](
- gps.configure\(\) results in exception [\257](
- v1.2.4 archive not available via github [\234](
- SyntaxError in for Linux [\230](
- New PyPi release please, to fix static jfieldID not valid for class java.lang.Class\<\> [\229](
- Drag-and-drop: originate in Kivy, drop in some external app [\228](
- GPS Issue after in iOS after last changes in plyer [\224](
- battery.status isCharging always shows false [\221](
- GPS example only updating location once [\217](
- raises exception on Windows [\212](
- Redundant libs folder [\209](
- accelerometer on Android with Kivy Launcher 1.9.0 not working [\206](
- Camera on android doesn't return to app [\200](
- android compass suggestion [\195](
- more example code to the docs [\166](
- Mail API on linux raises error NameError: name 'Email' is not defined [\131](
- native gui widgets [\124](
- android: using gps app cannot resume from pause [\112](
- Please upgrade pypi ! [\94](
- UniqueID using OpenID [\83](
- Display the notification in the right places [\78](
- Python3 All The Plyer! [\12](

**Merged pull requests:**

- Modify readme [\308]( ([malverick](
- Add version tags in light and temperature facade [\307]( ([malverick](
- Android ambient temperature sensor [\293]( ([malverick](
- Android light sensor [\292]( ([malverick](
- Plyer android proximity sensor [\287]( ([malverick](
- Plyer android pressure sensor [\286]( ([malverick](
- Update readme and plyer/\_\_init\_\ [\285]( ([malverick](
- Plyer android gravity sensor [\283]( ([malverick](
- Add on\_pause function [\274]( ([malverick](
- uniqueid\_facade [\270]( ([bhaveshAn](
- add bin and .buildozer directory to .gitignore [\259]( ([malverick](
- pep8 fixes [\250]( ([malverick](
- update code [\249]( ([kiok46](
- Adding small examples in facade files [\237]( ([kiok46](
- Fix TypeError if `LANG` is not set in on osx [\232]( ([ForeverWintr](
- fix \230 [\231]( ([kiok46](
- fix gps issue for ios [\225]( ([kiok46](
- Fixed issue \221 [\223]( ([Warlord77](
- Add flash example [\219]( ([kiok46](
- Make gps request parameters configurable [\218]( ([kiok46](
- Wifi Facade. OSX, Windows, Linux [\213]( ([kiok46](
- add sms for ios [\203]( ([kiok46](
- check android for namespace, otherwise use renpy [\199]( ([kived](
- fix p4a revamp [\198]( ([kived](
- Rewrite notification on Mac using PyOBJus [\192]( ([andong777](
- Call for ios [\191]( ([kiok46](
- Note on requirements for iOS [\187]( ([doratoa](
- Adding battery example, notification ticker and gps example update [\183]( ([kiok46](
- Call and dial for android [\181]( ([kiok46](
- Dial or Call for android [\180]( ([kiok46](
- Added accuracy argument to on\_location call. [\174]( ([lipi](
- Introduce camera access for ios and a example. [\167]( ([akshayaurora](
- macosx: fix incorrect method name in filechooser [\165]( ([kived](
- linux email import fix [\151]( ([thegrymek](
- Merge android columns [\148]( ([dessant](
- Camera example [\41]( ([trivedigaurav](

[v1.2.4]( (2015-06-01)
[Full Changelog](

**Implemented enhancements:**

- Update platform check code [\109](

**Closed issues:**

- webhook test [\142](
- Sync style check updates from the Kivy repo [\141](
- GPS on android doesn't work \(a strange error\) [\136](
- Create toast notification facade for Android and iOS [\126](
- empty on linux. [\114](
- Gyroscope Support for iOS [\111](
- AndroidUniqueID doesn't use Android ID [\107](
- OverflowError: Python int too large to convert to C long \[android lollipop\] [\103](
- Feature request: ability to open browser to a particular page [\98](
- AndroidGPS list GPS Provider but use hardcoded "gps" [\54](
- Email Support for Android \< 4.0 [\42](

**Merged pull requests:**

- style fixes [\147]( ([dessant](
- add pydev files to gitignore [\146]( ([dessant](
- Plyer style guide update [\145]( ([thegrymek](
- Plyer audio for android with facade and example [\144]( ([thegrymek](
- fix versionchanged tag [\143]( ([dessant](
- update info about support email for android\<4.0 [\140]( ([thegrymek](
- added plyer.facade to setuptools package [\139]( ([thegrymek](
- splitted facades [\138]( ([thegrymek](
- Inclement orientation [\135]( ([thegrymek](
- remove unused variables [\134]( ([thegrymek](
- fix \107 - Use Android\_ID instead of IMEI [\133]( ([aron-bordin](
- vibrator for android v \< 4.0 [\129]( ([thegrymek](
- PEP8 and typo fixes in MacOS X file chooser. [\123]( ([robertjerovsek](
- pep8 - removed unused imports and variables [\122]( ([thegrymek](
- Pep8 fix [\121]( ([laltin](
- add video recoding to Camera facade and [\120]( ([pspchucky](
- Use environ to change LANG to 'C' while calling shell processes [\119]( ([trivedigaurav](
- add IrBlaster facade and Android implementation [\118]( ([kived](
- Android fixed location provider cycling [\117]( ([JimmyStavros](
- iOS GPS support [\116]( ([laltin](
- use environ to change LANG to 'C' while calling lshw [\115]( ([tshirtman](
- responds to issue 109 [\#110]( ([AlbericC](
- Add file chooser facade and support for Linux and Windows [\106]( ([Depaulicious](

[1.2.3]( (2015-01-27)
[Full Changelog](

[1.2.2]( (2015-01-27)
[Full Changelog](

**Closed issues:**

- NotImplementedError: No usable implementation found! whith usable implementations on the system. [\108](
- Gyro example [\101](
- Notification is not working in android [\93](
- plyer.notification.notfy\(\) raises NotImplementedError under Python 3.3 in Linux but not Python 2.7 [\58](

**Merged pull requests:**

- Linux platform check made compatible with python 3.3+ \(Fixes \58\) [\102]( ([helenst](

[1.2.1]( (2014-08-19)
[Full Changelog](

**Implemented enhancements:**

- Feature Request: codec-independent sound player [\2](

**Closed issues:**

- Battery status connected is actually isCharging [\84](
- Email Support for Windows [\36](
- Accelerometer Support for OSX [\29](
- Email Support for Linux [\28](
- Email Support for iOS [\25](
- TextToSpeech Support for iOS [\24](

**Merged pull requests:**

- fix print statement [\92]( ([dessant](
- iOS UUID facade [\90]( ([trivedigaurav](
- Removing build\_ext from plyer [\89]( ([trivedigaurav](
- iOS Email Facade [\88]( ([trivedigaurav](
- iOS Battery [\86]( ([trivedigaurav](
- Change connected to isCharging [\85]( ([trivedigaurav](
- Return None until sensor data is available [\82]( ([trivedigaurav](
- Update [\80]( ([ChrisCole42](
- Use whereis\_exe to check for binaries [\79]( ([trivedigaurav](
- Update [\77]( ([ChrisCole42](
- Maintenance [\75]( ([trivedigaurav](
- facade docstring revision [\74]( ([dessant](
- Query Battery info/status [\73]( ([trivedigaurav](
- Revert "Activity was imported twice" [\71]( ([trivedigaurav](
- Fix tabbing [\70]( ([trivedigaurav](
- Gyroscope facade proxy declarations [\69]( ([trivedigaurav](
- Linux accelerometer facade [\68]( ([trivedigaurav](
- Update README.rst [\67]( ([trivedigaurav](

[1.2.0]( (2014-06-24)
**Implemented enhancements:**

- Feature Request: Add adjustable timeout option to Windows notification [\13](
- Changes notify to use ctypes instead of win32gui so we could use unicode. [\18]( ([matham](
- User-specified icon support for Windows notifications [\11]( ([brousch](
- Added Vibrator facade and android implementation [\6]( ([inclement](

**Closed issues:**

- GPS example crashes [\40](
- TextToSpeech Example App [\20](
- Accelerometer Example App [\19](

**Merged pull requests:**

- Plyer Unique ID facade [\66]( ([trivedigaurav](
- Switched to pyjnius [\63]( ([trivedigaurav](
- Update README [\62]( ([trivedigaurav](
- Gyroscope Facades [\60]( ([trivedigaurav](
- Ios compass [\59]( ([trivedigaurav](
- Plyer compass facade [\57]( ([trivedigaurav](
- Update README [\56]( ([trivedigaurav](
- Using sudden motion sensor as accelerometer on OSX [\55]( ([trivedigaurav](
- Added sms facade, example and android implementation [\52]( ([mihaineacsu](
- add Mac OS X email support [\49]( ([Depaulicious](
- add Windows email support [\48]( ([Depaulicious](
- added Linux email support [\47]( ([Depaulicious](
- Add compat module, remove decoding of strings in notification [\46]( ([matham](
- Created an accelerometer example. Uses garden graph to plot the values [\39]( ([trivedigaurav](
- Shows an error popup if there is no TTS [\38]( ([trivedigaurav](
- Text to Speech Example [\37]( ([trivedigaurav](
- readme typo corrected [\15]( ([ghost](
- Introduce dbus notification [\10]( ([akshayaurora](
- Added an email facade and basic android implementation [\5]( ([inclement](
- Tts [\1]( ([brousch](

\* *This Change Log was automatically generated by [github_changelog_generator](*

Change Log


- python 2.7 compile with NDK 15c [\1169](
- Reopen running instance instead of starting a new one upon tapping app icon [\1161](
- python3 incompatibility [\1154](
- ffi.h: No such file or directory \(solutions included\) [\1148](
- After building FFMpeg recipe, I still am not able to do ffmpeg -v [\1146](
- Kivy/Buildozer/Psycopg2 [\1144](
- SDL Error: Error Could not load any [\1142](
- Can't build numpy with current master, python 2, NDK 15 [\1141](
- pyopenssl cryptography dependence [\1127](
- Check if SDL2 libraries are up to date [\1126](
- bind recipes to well defined versions [\1115](
- pil and pillow modules for python3 [\1114](
- Kivy python android build issue? [\1110](
- simple flask app on android fails to start [\1108](
- "crystax\_python does not exist" with python3crystax [\1105](
- Running on Android 4.0 doesn't work when building for target api 19 [\1104](
- Can't type anything into textinput using new toolchain [\1102](
- "android" recipe isn't compatible with Python 3 [\1093](
- Recipe does not exist: matplotlib [\1090](
- Django App is not running. Web View does not load it [\1083](
- Android 7 complains about Kivy 1.10.0 apps: "detected problems with app native libraries" [\1078](
- Numpy recipe broken \(atlas, blas, lapack, -lcrystax\) [\1074](
- requests module not compiling in buildozer when used with Python3crystax [\1072](
- ImportError: No module named audioop [\1067](
- sqlite3 not working with android\_new [\1053](
- dlopen failed: python2.7/site-packages/grpc/\_cython/ not 32-bit: 2 [\1052](
- Can't start service app [\1049](
- Cannot build APK with python3crystax and flask - conflicting dependencies [\1041](
- Slow build process since sh 1.12.5 [\1038](
- Python3 + PyYaml conflict [\1031](
- Can't write ti SD-card on Android 6.0.1 [\1024](
- pygame\_sdl2 compile failure \ include \<iconv.h\> [\1023](
- Build error on Mac: no archive symbol table \(run ranlib\) [\1012](
- Shouldn't P4A Raise Exception On User File Having Syntax Error [\1009](
- jnius is not working with webview bootstrap [\1003](
- Built APK fails with ImportError: dlopen failed on \ [\998](
- apk not build using crystax NDK [\992](
- Create a space for common bootstrap code along with a base class for all bootstraps [\988](
- Unpacking and copying app contents causes app to appear hung [\983](
- kivy app crashing on launch [\982](
- Android Emulator support [\979](
- Kivy with SDL2 bootstrap crashes on pausing if app doesn't support pause mode [\978](
- sqlite3 recipe not working with new toolchain [\977](
- lxml is needed in new toolchain [\976](
- P4A wants to start "ant" without using full SDK path [\974](
- API automatic lookup doesn't use available SDK API [\973](
- JNI ERROR \(app bug\): local reference table overflow \(max=512\) [\971](
- Kivy with SDL2 bootstrap crushes on resuming in some cases [\967](
- Could not ping localhost:5000 [\961](
- Not a valid ELF executable [\957](
- How to completely remove installed app? [\953](
- ImportError android [\943](
- Older android version can't load libraries properly [\925](
- sed: 1: "Modules/Setup.local": invalid command code M [\924](
- Python3: armeabi used to copy, but armeabi-v7a chosen [\913](
- ImportError for sqlite3 [\910](
- PyGame backend: error while using android.copy\_libs = 1 [\888](
- pytz installation works, but requires user to make build folder manually [\884](
- Numpy support w/ python3crystax [\882](
- Scipy recipe [\874](
- opencv recipe build error [\871](
- Flask with Python3 does not seem to work. [\870](
- p4a generates deprecated code under Android API 23 [\864](
- Kivy builds failing [\861](
- error when running an apk compiled with python3crystax [\859](
- my application using ctypes crashes on Kivy 1.9.2 and not on 1.8 [\858](
- apk, built with openssl launch error: "" not found [\850](
- Can't install on Windows using pip [\819](
- FFmpeg recipe broken [\810](
- Todo: add rebuild-dist option [\807](
- p4a create fails if cython is installed in ~/.local [\771](
- Completely clean install of minimal application fails to launch on Android 6 [\752](
- "NoBackendError: No backend available": Pyusb recipe for android [\740](
- app crash on close [\734](
- App crash when changing orientation [\730](
- Default extraction of NDK version not compatible with most recent stable NDK release... [\723](
- Enabling SSL for python3.5 using crystax [\705](
- Need to set locale env variable for python3 package recipes [\703](
- static jfieldID xxx not valid for class java.lang.Class\< [\696](
- Python2 recipe for target 'libinstall' failed [\690](
- Python2 recipe for target 'Parser/pgen.stamp' failed [\689](
- Python2 recipe for target 'Lib/plat-linux4' failed [\688](
- Pygame missing include & link path [\687](
- Include NDK /sources/cxx-stl/gnu-libstdc++/ [\670](
- LDFlags missing ' -lpython2.7' [\668](
- Invalid option ccache: t [\667](
- ImportError when the apk launches with SDL2 bootstrap, kivy and python3crystax [\658](
- App crashes immediately after launching on Android [\653](
- Use travis to automatically test builds on different platforms [\625](
- AttributeError: module 'site' has no attribute 'getsitepackages' when running p4a create [\610](
- The SDL2 bootstrap can only extract to app private dir [\606](
- Can't load library "" [\594](
- VERSION\_recipename env var functionality is not documented [\589](
- ccache compilation issues? [\550](
- Numpy recipe hardcodes arm [\528](
- Recipes depending on external modules don't work [\520](
- Touchscreen input with SDL2 bootstrap [\516](
- PR \408 needs applying to the new toolchain \(master\) [\486](
- trouble compiling some modules with revamp [\473](
- Foreground Kivy application stopped if phone locked via power button [\462](
- Apk fails with rotation when using min api \<= 9 [\436](
- Android app crashes on screen rotation if android.minapi \< 13 [\430](
- PIL does not compile with freetype2 support [\413](
- Android app crashing when ended and on\_stop is not executed [\384](
- building harfbuzz with freetype support symbol errors [\381](
- HOSTPYTHON Fails to compile module [\377](
- p4a crashes under ARC [\367](
- apk packages can't find standardlibrary libs if using external storage [\363](
- TextInput error [\357](
- Error In building kivy android on Mac OSX [\341](
- Python 2.7.2 don't build cleanly with GCC ≥ 4.8 [\321](
- import gevent -\> ImportError: cannot import name core [\288](
- Python build for android fails - cp: cannot stat ‘HOSTPYTHON=/home/inderpal/python-for-android/build/python/Python-2.7.2/hostpython’: No such file or directory [\286](
- Use Debian's Python packages for ARM instead of cross-compiling? [\242](
- Feature request: Possibility to choose the sensors' delay [\207](
- Problems with posixpath [\188](
- Pure Python Module: flufl.i18n fails to load when installed as a pure python module. [\182](
- socket.AF\_UNIX is not supported [\163](
- Recipe for pyzmq \($25 bounty\) \[$25\] [\122](

**Merged pull requests:**

- Updated version to 0.7.0 [\1659]( ([inclement](
- Updates broken recipes list, refs \1514 [\1658]( ([AndreMiras](
- Feature/ticket1654 cffi unicode encode error [\1656]( ([AndreMiras](
- Speed up Docker chown via COPY parameter [\1652]( ([AndreMiras](
- Speed up Python and NumPy compilation process [\1651]( ([AndreMiras](
- Fixes opencv compilation, fixes \1313 [\1650]( ([AndreMiras](
- Remove unused variable in [\1649]( ([opacam](
- Fix linux hardcoded entry in [\1648]( ([opacam](
- Made the activity launch mode default to singleTask [\1646]( ([inclement](
- Made stop running if compileall failed [\1645]( ([inclement](
- Retry on download hiccups, refs \1306 [\1643]( ([AndreMiras](
- Set $LANG in PythonRecipe [\1642]( ([inclement](
- Remove old toolchain doc and add short note about overriding recipe sources [\1641]( ([inclement](
- Added separate module for checking user SDK, NDK, API etc. [\1640]( ([inclement](
- Added app for on-device unit tests [\1636]( ([inclement](
- Revert use of shlex.quote to avoid problems with python 2 [\1635]( ([etc0de](
- Default Travis builds to Python3 [\1634]( ([AndreMiras](
- Fixes ifaddrs recipe, closes \1398 [\1633]( ([AndreMiras](
- Do not verbose the "tar tf" command [\1631]( ([AndreMiras](
- psycopg2 recipe fixes and doc, fixes \1405 [\1629]( ([AndreMiras](
- Use enaml {version} rather than master, fixes \1409 [\1628]( ([AndreMiras](
- Clean-up LDSHARED, fixes \1360 [\1627]( ([AndreMiras](
- Fix ctypes.util.find\_library\(\) not finding any libraries on Android [\1624]( ([etc0de](
- Fix librt recipe requires that NDK folder is writable [\1623]( ([etc0de](
- Update of Recipes for python3 test [\1622]( ([strubbi77](
- - let cymunk also be built with python3 recipe [\1620]( ([maho](
- Make python flags to be absolute paths for files [\1619]( ([opacam](
- Create a `dumb` librt recipe and refactor the affected recipes to make use of this [\1618]( ([opacam](
- Made recipe graph resolution respect opt\_depends [\1617]( ([inclement](
- Fix C code being wrong for python2 in start.c \(char \* to wchar\_t \*\) [\1616]( ([opacam](
- Removed argument to cp that doesn't exist on macOS [\1614]( ([inclement](
- Fix incorrect site-packages path breaking keyboard test app at runtime [\1610]( ([etc0de](
- Fix libffi/ctypes - wrong libffi headers when building python [\1609]( ([opacam](
- Fix getting empty "modules" directory when arch is not armeabi-v7a [\1608]( ([j-devel](
- Fix strip in bootstrap [\1607]( ([j-devel](
- Conditional build script fixes [\1604]( ([AndreMiras](
- Migrates greenlet to new python3 recipe, fixes \1245 [\1603]( ([AndreMiras](
- Fix sdk license error for travis tests \(CI\) [\1602]( ([opacam](
- \[WIP\] Restores the ability to compile the python files into .pyo/.pyc \(for both versions of python\) [\1601]( ([opacam](
- Migrates gevent to new python3 recipe [\1600]( ([AndreMiras](
- Fix hardcoded entries \(build platform\) for core modules: archs and python [\1597]( ([opacam](
- Fix zeroconf compilation and grants python3 compatibility [\1596]( ([opacam](
- Fix reportlab's recipe `crypt.h` error [\1595]( ([opacam](
- Fix --force-build incorrectly listed as --force\_build, fixes \1565 [\1593]( ([etc0de](
- Allow patching from any folder + fix pygame components issues [\1592]( ([opacam](
- Fix --private and others showing weird error when used without argument [\1591]( ([etc0de](
- Minimal fixes to make pygame bootstrap work with python2legacy [\1587]( ([opacam](
- Corrections for `Fix bootstraps for webview and service_only` \(recently merged\) [\1586]( ([opacam](
- \[CORE FIX/ENHANCEMENT\] Speedup copy that can be very very long \(up to 2 minutes\) [\1585]( ([opacam](
- Move libffi to mainline repo [\1584]( ([opacam](
- \[WIP\] Rework zbar \(add python3 compatibility + add recipes: pyzbar and zbarlight\) [\1583]( ([opacam](
- fix missing gethostbyname\_r on Android 5.1 [\1581]( ([opacam](
- \[WIP\] Rework libxml2, libxslt and lxml \(update versions\) [\1580]( ([opacam](
- Fixes ffmpeg compilation w/ openssl 1.1.1 [\1579]( ([misl6](
- Fix incorrect call assuming that OS python minor version matches hostpython [\1577]( ([etc0de](
- Add download retries to deal better with connection hiccups during build [\1574]( ([etc0de](
- Rework for Pillow/pil recipes & update jpeg and png [\1573]( ([opacam](
- Fix APP\_PLATFORM not properly passed in NDKRecipe [\1572]( ([etc0de](
- Fix outdated hardcoded python recipe references in lxml, reportlab & Pillow recipe [\1571]( ([etc0de](
- Fix linkage problems with python's versioned library \(reintroduce `INSTSONAME`\) [\1568]( ([opacam](
- \[OMEMO\] updated omemo recipe [\1566]( ([goffi-contrib](
- Render format string argument on BuildInterruptingException [\1561]( ([AndreMiras](
- \[WIP\]\[CORE UPDATE - PART XV\] Add encryption test app [\1556]( ([opacam](
- \[WIP\]\[CORE UPDATE - PART XIV\] Libtorrent+boost for both versions of python and updated versions [\1555]( ([opacam](
- \[CORE UPDATE - PART XIII\] Pysha3 for both versions of python [\1554]( ([opacam](
- \[WIP\]\[CORE UPDATE - PART XII\] Pycryptodome for both versions of python [\1553]( ([opacam](
- \[CORE UPDATE - PART XI\] M2crypto for both versions of python and updated version [\1552]( ([opacam](
- \[WIP\]\[CORE UPDATE - PART X\] Protobuf\_cpp fixes and updated version [\1551]( ([opacam](
- \[CORE UPDATE - PART IX\] Pymunk for both versions of python and enhance flags [\1550]( ([opacam](
- \[CORE UPDATE - PART VIII\] Netifaces for both versions of python \(updates the netifaces version\) [\1549]( ([opacam](
- \[CORE UPDATE - PART VII\] Apsw for both versions of python [\1548]( ([opacam](
- \[CORE UPDATE - PART VI\] Fix scrypt [\1547]( ([opacam](
- \[CORE UPDATE - PART V\] Fix pycrypto [\1546]( ([opacam](
- \[CORE UPDATE - PART IV\] Fix cryptography+cffi [\1545]( ([opacam](
- fix wrong conditional for build custom\_rules.tmpl.xml [\1544]( ([bit4bit](
- \[CORE UPDATE - PART II\] Fix bootstraps for webview and service\_only [\1541]( ([opacam](
- \[CORE UPDATE - PART I\] Refactor python recipes + openssl + sqlite3 [\1537]( ([opacam](
- Re-added argument that was lost during merge [\1533]( ([inclement](
- Use API 27 as new default for travis & docs [\1532]( ([etc0de](
- Bump SDL2 to 2.0.9 & Add API \>=23 runtime permissions API [\1528]( ([etc0de](
- Unify contents [\1524]( ([etc0de](
- Unify configChanges manifest entry and add missing values [\1522]( ([etc0de](
- Add google repository at allprojects [\1521]( ([wo01](
- Fix bytes/unicode issues in android recipe [\1516]( ([KeyWeeUsr](
- Uses target python3 on conditional builds, fixes \1485 [\1515]( ([AndreMiras](
- Updates websocket-client recipe, fixes \1253 [\1513]( ([AndreMiras](
- No need to decode into unicode when running in python 3 [\1512]( ([jtoledo1974](
- Update gradle version [\1507]( ([opacam](
- Fix libnacl recipe missing libsodium [\1505]( ([KeyWeeUsr](
- Make SDL2 & services\_only bootstrap properly error with missing --private [\1503]( ([etc0de](
- Unify start.c of all bootstraps to one file [\1500]( ([etc0de](
- Minor fixes to basic common bootstrap handling code [\1499]( ([etc0de](
- Rework common bootstrap area based on kollivier's work [\1496]( ([etc0de](
- Fixes audiostream recipe on Python3 [\1495]( ([misl6](
- when listing distributions, if one has no ndk\_api, consider it to be 0 [\1494]( ([tshirtman](
- Make Cython work without recipe [\1483]( ([etc0de](
- Allow Python 3 To Be Built On Non-ARM Architectures [\1481]( ([TheBrokenRail](
- Remove crystax docker and optimize Dockerfile [\1471]( ([KeyWeeUsr](
- Replaced many `exit(1)`s with exception raising [\1468]( ([inclement](
- Add ctypes support for python3's recipe [\1465]( ([opacam](
- Fix jpeg build for newer NDKs [\1363]( ([mkg20001](
- Added sympy recipe [\1236]( ([inclement](
- Added --no-optimize-python option to remove -OO in sdl2 bootstrap [\1221]( ([inclement](
- android\_new: fix force\_build option [\1006]( ([ZingBallyhoo](

[0.6.0]( (2017-11-25)

[Full Changelog](

**Closed issues:**

- buildozer cannot download sdl2 ,,, help [\1176](
- \_multiprocessing [\1168](
- p4a: command not found [\1167](
- no module named tty [\1165](
- Openssl recipe crashes on x86 arch [\1162](
- Please help building the cffi recipe [\1159](
- Build failed for Numpy [\1158](
- Base: Failed to import "android" module. Could not remove android presplash. [\1153](
- --ndk\_ver cli option not working, but ANDROIDNDKVER does [\1149](
- lxml uses that throws an unexpected e\_machine error [\1147](
- Incompatible pyopenssl and cryptography versions [\1138](
- "undefined reference to 'OBJ\_obj2txt'" error on building openssl with NDK 15b [\1135](
- buildozer can't download hostpython2 [\1132](
- App crashing on startup- ImportError: dlopen failed: \ is 64-bit [\1131](
- Error on building FFPYPLAYER for VideoPlayer Widget [\1130](
- Kivy App Crashes Immediately on Android [\1128](
- Remove the python3 and hostpython3 recipes [\1125](
- building with opencv show error [\1124](
- Webview loading animation doesn't work [\1123](
- Old toolchain is now deprecated [\1122](
- `pip install kivy` fails with `'../include/config.pxi' not found` [\1120](
- Suggestion: Allow a recipe to checkout a module from a local git repository [\1119](
- Please add a 'version' command to p4a [\1116](
- Websocket error: SSL not available [\1107](
- Pure python module as requirements aren't installed via pip [\1098](
- Current android sdk has removed the ant/build.xml [\1069](
- python-for-android 0.5 release checklist [\1043](
- Numpy recipes build fail [\1040](
- SDL2 launcher does not work with python3 [\980](
- ffpyplayer can't be built with new toolchain [\951](
- "Couldn't load python3.5m: findLibrary returned null" on older versions of Android [\866](
- Problems in creation of recipe for zbar [\854](
- freshly built old\_toolchain crashes with 'cannot locate symbol "\_Py\_asinh"' [\487](
- The SDL2 bootstrap can't make a Kivy Launcher [\468](
- Error: JAVA\_HOME is not defined correctly. [\427](
- Compilation Error at ARM Environment [\352](
- Build errors on OSX 10.10 [\311](
- Easily reproducible crash accessing Context constants [\235](
- AttributeError: '' object has no attribute 'endswith' [\170](
- KeyEvent.getCharacters\(\) returns `null` instead of `KEYCODE_UNKNOWN` [\142](
- Carousel: add\_widget after build\(\) [\69](
- sound.length not returning correctly [\67](
- KEYCODE\_HOME and KEYCODE\_POWER can't be trapped [\43](

**Merged pull requests:**

- Removed '-j5' from openssl make [\1180]( ([inclement](
- add recipes for pyrxp & reportlab [\1173]( ([replabrobin](
- Add the ndk platform libs dir during biglink [\1171]( ([inclement](
- Update troubleshooting.rst [\1164]( ([AndreMiras](
- Fix OpenSSL recipe crashes on x86 [\1163]( ([gdyuldin](
- Cleaned up some old comments [\1160]( ([inclement](
- The pypi python return http 403 error on http [\1157]( ([brvier](
- Accept pypi fragmented URLs \(\md5...\) [\1155]( ([wexi](
- Add note about NDK version on 32-bit OS [\1150]( ([ghost](
- Adds zbar \(and dependencies\) support, refs \854 [\1145]( ([AndreMiras](
- Remove unused `extract_source()` method [\1143]( ([AndreMiras](
- This current Twisted version actually runs! [\1140]( ([wexi](
- Two humble changes [\1139]( ([wexi](
- Made start.c search ANDROID\_UNPACK for crystax [\1137]( ([inclement](
- Update ffpyplayer recipe and it's dependencies [\1134]( ([germn](
- Re-added --sdk argument for sdl2 bootstrap, but with a warning [\1133]( ([inclement](
- Moved webview loading animation to bootstrap [\1129]( ([inclement](
- Added --version argument [\1118]( ([inclement](
- Add help regarding websocket-client & SSL [\1113]( ([brentpicasso](
- Improve documentation for websocket-client to account for SSL compatibility [\1112]( ([brentpicasso](
- Try system python when performing compileall [\1109]( ([inclement](
- Fixed ssl, sqlite and crystax library loads on Android versions before ~4.4 [\1106]( ([inclement](
- Fixes for NDK 15+ [\1103]( ([inclement](
- Fix: only first line of note was displayed in the blue box [\1101]( ([Fogapod](
- Added "regex" module recipe [\1100]( ([germn](
- SDL2/Gradle bootstrap with fixes [\1071]( ([inclement](
- Updated Kivy icons to newer logo under sdl2 [\1033]( ([inclement](

[0.5.3]( (2017-08-26)

[Full Changelog](

**Closed issues:**

- Building with Crystax NDK : "Android NDK : Could not find application project directory" [\1084](
- recipes \_\_init\_\ indentation error [\1082](
- AttributeError: 'Context' object has no attribute 'hostpython' [\1077](
- 'Context' object has no attribute 'hostpython' [\1073](
- Error after update of SDK [\1070](
- wakelock == 1 not preventing screen from locking on sdl2 [\1061](
- running p4a from git fails [\1058](
- 'Context' object has no attribute 'hostpython' [\1056](
- Can p4a be used without a bootstrap? [\1055](
- Screen rotation with "orientation=all" is broken [\1054](
- python-for-android doesn't work with current Android SDK [\1050](
- p4a should fetch Kivy 1.10 instead of master [\1044](
- Android Browser Not Launching for OAuth 2.0 [\1032](
- flash quite,adb log [\1030](
- Can't build, raise a exception. [\1029](
- Python 3 branch still uses python 2.x [\1022](
- service fails to start [\1020](
- path to service file [\1019](
- Crash trap with custom logger and sys.stdout.encoding [\1018](
- pyjnius build failed [\1016](
- JNI ERROR \(app bug\): local reference table overflow \(max=512\) while executing Couchbae Lite Query [\1008](
- Custom recipes hinders the downloading of other ones. [\1001](
- documentation: how to run without pip install \( development mode \) [\996](
- PythonActivity.mActivity causes app crash with new toolchain [\995](
- Failure deploying apk files using buildozer android debug [\989](
- 'Window.request\_keyboard' without showing keyboard [\986](
- TypeError: slice indices must be integers or None or have an \_\_index\_\_ method [\984](
- --presplash and --icon aren't mentioned in revamp docs [\975](
- NDK automatic lookup tries to pick a tarball [\972](
- Kivy is broken on recent master [\970](
- device doesn't go on sleep mode [\969](
- The python2 build imports cython from the system python in /usr/lib/... [\964](
- "Could not remove android presplash" if 'android' is not in requirements [\963](
- "AndroidJoystick is not supported by your version of linux" confusing message in log [\962](
- Could not ping localhost:5000 [\960](
- Using pyjnius leads to crash \(sometimes?\) if app built by new toolchain [\959](
- Android screen rotation is probably broken [\955](
- Compiling pyo with sdl is breaking ply / enaml [\947](
- Access WiFi information? [\940](
- p4a erroring on SSL connection [\939](
- Compiling PIL seems to use pyconfig.h from the wrong directory [\937](
- ImportError for ssl [\934](
- My app crashed by raising error about Python3.5m, but i made apk by python2.7..!!! [\933](
- \[launcher\] icon= and splash= parameters [\932](
- \[launcher\] app update by http\(s\) from external website \(https:// for github required\) [\#931](
- Presplash delay [\928](
- Python3 APK fails to build! [\927](
- MQTT [\926](
- Can't build apk on OS X El Capitan [\922](
- command not found exception. [\921](
- ffmpeg recipe possibly broken [\920](
- ERROR: /usr/bin/ant failed! [\918](
- Feature request / Idea / Poll: Create kex packages [\917](
- AttributeError: 'module' object has no attribute 'recipe' [\907](
- Kivy .so is too small to be an ELF executable \[pygame bootstrap\] [\897](
- p4a recipes crashes on matplotlib [\895](
- onResume deadlock with pyjnius/pygame/sdl on android [\890](
- dlopen failed: cannot locate symbol "\_Py\_NoneStruct" [\887](
- SDL2 continually passes joyaxismotion events [\885](
- Cloud Builder - 500 Internal Server Error [\883](
- Is it possible to add a argument to set the background color of the "loading screen"? [\881](
- Building apk problem for android on OSX EL Capitan 10.11.5 [\878](
- python3crystax conflicts with python3 [\877](
- No instructions for utilizing in Arch linux \(i686 / x86\_64\) [\876](
- Can't compile with openssl [\868](
- p4a recipes error: missing matplotlib [\865](
-\(\) should return a value [\855](
- Can't import PIL on python for android and kivy? [\853](
- How can i use the custom broadcast by myself in the background service? [\849](
- Building python for android's requirements for 64 bit Android processors [\848](
- The Kivy Option "softinput\_mode" does not work on Android with bootstrap=sdl2 [\847](
-\(\) doesn't work on Android with bootstrap=sdl2 [\846](
- non debug apk? [\844](
- Rotation Lock Ignored [\842](
- Plyer GPS example works on android but not android\_new toolchain [\833](
- p4a create Error with openssl: start.c\:2\:20\: Python.h: No such file or directory [\830](
- MD5sum - UnboundLocalError: current\_md5 referenced before assignment [\828](
- Recipes are still not resolved properly sometimes [\826](
- Failed to build Pillow-3.3.0 gcc: error: \_imaging.o: No such file or directory [\823](
- p4a create error: kivy/\_clock.pxd\:6\:4\: Executable statement not allowed here [\822](
- No such file or directory: ".../whitelist.txt" [\821](
- Docs - connected toctrees, too deep? [\820](
- Showcase with launcher [\814](
- Can't target api, --sdk argument broken [\813](
- Lxml, docutils need recipe [\812](
- \[Pygame\] start.c fatal error: Python.h: No such file or directory [\809](
- Presplash does not work with SDL2. [\806](
- netifaces recipe broken [\802](
- sdl2 recipe builds wrong bootstrap jni source [\801](
- On resume crash in SDL2 bootstrap [\797](
- Pure python requirements does not install \(plyer for example\) [\795](
- E/linker: site-packages/android/\ too small to be an ELF executable [\768](
- Cryptography recipe does not compile [\766](
- Threads need a wrapper for calling detach\(\) [\758](
- Activity \(android.activity\) piece of code [\756](
- ImportError: Import by filename is not supported. [\751](
- Hostpython not found by [\748](
- P4A and C++/SDL2/Python2/OpenGL game [\747](
- Why does the boot image is deformed? [\745](
- problem with p4a recipe for kivent [\744](
- Webview - back button bug [\741](
- webview - flask server crashes immediately [\739](
- p4a apk webview bug [\738](
- Libffi recipe fails with "unrecognized options: --enable-shared" [\733](
- App close when device is flipped [\732](
- recipe for pyjinius fails [\731](
- Doc clarification on p4a requirements for basic kivy app with SDL2 bootstrap [\724](
- PIL recipe is broken [\722](
- raise exc\_info\[0\], exc\_info\[1\], exc\_info\[2\] - Syntax Error [\721](
- Some input files use or override a deprecated API. [\719](
- Unexpected "malformed start tag" error with HTMLParser [\715](
- open\(\) built-in function don't work as expected [\706](
- Webview bootstrap. Where to start? \[$100\] [\700](
- Back button doesn't work [\699](
- FileNotFoundError '/bin/sh' with python3crystax [\691](
- static jfieldID not valid for class java.lang.Class\<\> [\686](
- Incorrect SDK variable in build.xml with pygame bootstrap and direct p4a invocation [\684](
- Failure to build apk due to incorrect invocation of "ant" by "sh.ant"... [\681](
- Missing recipes: cherrypy, libnacl, requests [\674](
- Multiple permissions in .p4a [\673](
- Python compiled components recipe: "bad gcc/glibc config?" [\669](
- No "--window" option [\666](
- .jam files not installed [\661](
- AttributeError: 'NoneType' object has no attribute 'from\_crystax' [\659](
- will\_build does not work as expected [\657](
- Check presence of during build time [\656](
- md5 not handled yet [\650](
- App crash on resume with new tool chain [\646](
- Unable to find on older versions of Android [\645](
- Corrupted window size with Window.softinput\_mode = 'below\_target' [\635](
- Patch files not found [\633](
- Unintended rollback patches [\632](
- \[master\] AttributeError: 'tuple' object has no attribute 'startswith' [\631](
- Python recipe from Crystax undefined [\629](
- SDL2\_image error Unknown or unsupported ARM architecture [\627](
- Building python2 for armeabi fails due to unknown option "-single\_module" \(OS X\) [\623](
- Building python2 for armeabi fails due to space character in storage\_dir \(OS X\) [\622](
- AttributeError: 'Context' object has no attribute 'hostpython' [\620](
- Jpeg recipe is broken [\617](
- TypeError object is not iterable [\616](
- OpenSSL 1.0.2e outdated \(replaced by 1.0.2f\) [\614](
- Matplotlib recipe [\607](
- install doesn't include the recipes folder [\591](
- missing recipes/pyjnius/getenv.patch [\590](
- standard includes not found by boost [\576](
- HTTP 302 recipe download file [\573](
- SDL2 bootstrap broken with blacklist? [\567](
- Kivy Launcher 1.9.1 APK doesn't work on Lollipop [\548](
- Logo aspect ratio problem [\545](
- Window.softinput\_mode/TextInput - Window moves up/down when switching softinput\_mode to 'below\_target'/'resize' [\544](
- native code in kivyAndroid, possible? [\542](
- Error compiling [\541](
- import sh module problem [\540](
- Inconsistent dependency graph behaviour [\515](
- We demand Python 3 support [\512](
- CythonRecipe: how to handle different settings for different .pyx files? [\511](
- Arch support is broken [\492](
- function should\_build [\491](
- verbose output [\490](
- compiler problem with gcc \>= 4.8 [\489](
- error when execute p4a in line from urlparse import urlparse [\488](
- Can't get off the ground [\485](
- Python3 doesn't work on Android [\484](
- Allow scaling of the presplash image to device resolution [\481](
- python multiprocess.dummy do not work [\479](
- Question: compatibility with cx\_Freeze [\478](
- Purge inclement where needed [\477](
- Missing dependency in quickstart? [\476](
- No service support with SDL2 bootstrap [\467](
- Kivy can't get the keyboard height with SDL2 [\466](
- SDL2 backend doesn't support a loading screen [\465](
- Many recipes from the old toolchain need porting [\464](
- \[revamp\] Android NDK API 21 issue [\455](
- \[revamp\] Twisted [\454](
- \[revamp\] Can't load unicodedata module [\453](
- \[revamp\] The revamp branch always prints the ToolchainCL object after running [\452](
- \[revamp\] setuptools "wrong ELF class" issues [\451](
- \[revamp\] Unpack archives that don't list their root directory [\450](
- \[revamp\] Recipes can only depend on other recipes [\449](
- \[revamp\] p4a silently fails if --private is not absolute [\448](
- \[revamp\] Invalid syntax for python3 [\444](
- \[revamp\] ignores recipes with errors [\440](
- Error when trying to create an apk package with buildozer or with [\435](
- pylibpd fails to compile [\434](
- \[revamp\] --android\_api is ignored on SDL2 bootstrap [\425](
- OSError: \[Errno 2\] No such file or directory: '/home/username/code/kivy/examples/demo/touchtracer' [\424](
- \[revamp\] - Darwin patches applied on Linux [\423](
- swift: md5sum changed - fix URL on a static content [\421](
- PLATFORM \> 19: there is no sys/timeb.h [\419](
- Numpy build fails if it detects system libraries and tries to link with them [\417](
- MD5 opencv is incorrect in recipe opencv [\411](
- numpy fails to build [\409](
- twisted [\403](
- ctypes callback function SIGSEGV [\401](
- gstreamer recipe [\400](
- buildozer needs markupsafe to build [\399](
- Ctypes still not found \[$50\] [\397](
- Documentation: example using startActivityForResult with bind\(on\_activity\_result=\) [\388](
- Does not build on OSX [\387](
- with softinput\_mode="pan", the window no longer pans back down when the keyboard is dismissed [\380](
- android app crash on screen rotation [\379](
- Harfbuzz compile issue on 15.04 - fatal error: asm-generic/posix\_types.h: No such file or directory [\376](
- python fabric recipe fails [\374](
- Build a release so this can be included in F-Droid [\369](
- Enable armeabi-v7a-hard [\366](
- bulldozer and [\364](
- does this matter ? arm-linux-androideabi-gcc: error: kivy/graphics/opengl.c: No such file or directory [\362](
- python 3 compatibility [\359](
- softinput\_mode='pan' does not work well with orientation change of the device screen. [\348](
- How can I pass String value from EditText In Android Activity to Python Script and also make the activity able to retrieve the String result from a function in the python script such as displaying the retrieved String in TextView ? [\346](
- pygame.midi.init\(\) Failing on Android 4.4.4 - ImportError: No module named pypm [\342](
- Error In building kivy android on Mac OSX [\340](
- ButtonBehavior.on\_touch\_up dispatches on\_release immediately [\339](
- Failed to build pure Python module included after `twisted` [\337](
- The compiled APK crashes with error on \ not found [\335](
- and \ are not available [\333](
- After installing the Pillow does not compile the project. \(Mac OS\) [\332](
- pygame.display.set\_mode runs out of memory [\331](
- Python Service multiple instances [\329](
- Kivy Launcher should include Plyer [\328](
- Issue in Cython file compilation and building\_instruction extensions [\326](
- Failed Cython Compilation [\325](
- Python3 Branch: jinja2 traceback on buildozer --verbose android debug [\322](
- About ctypes [\319](
- Audio loop not working on Android [\318](
- Command ./ -m "openssl pil kivy" results in error: command 'ccache' failed with exit status 1 [\306](
- Bug with android.p4a\_whitelist in buildozer.spec file. [\302](
- ctypes module not loaded [\301](
- P4A builds stable instead of master [\300](
- Use of SL4A [\299](
- Github zipball doesn't work anymore [\297](
- My `./` suddenly stop building today. [\294](
- Create recipes for storm and psycopg2 [\293](
- error in your VM Image after ./ -m kivy [\291](
- Error in Apk process building [\290](
- IOError: \[Errno 2\] No usable temporary directory [\289](
- Path commands on readme and official-website-toolchain don't seem to work [\281](
- Twisted/ can't find zope.interface [\280](
- cython uses system python instead of hostpython [\277](
- Twisted recipe doesn't work in 32-bit build environment [\276](
- distribute fails to build flask or sqlite3 : Error: - no input files [\275](
- \ Command failed: ./ -m "kivy" -d "myapp" [\271](
- creating new service does not start the service [\270](
- Touch input causes big slowdown \( from get\_keyboard\_height \) - can use 12% to 30%+ of cpu before even passing to kivy [\268](
- Sticky services [\267](
- --private clobers /data/data/\[package name\]/files directory [\263](
- touchtracer not working [\262](
- compile error: sys/timeb.h not found [\261](
- Python file is not converted to bytecode when building apk [\257](
- New Version of NDK [\256](
- Full control of the AndroidManifest.xml \[$20\] [\255](
- extra characters in textinput on Android [\247](
- Feature Request: add checkNetwork to \_android.pyx [\244](
- Env variables for ANDROIDAPI ignored [\241](
- Kivy Android VM doesn't have plyer recipe [\239](
- Switch from .sh to pythonic toolchain [\238](
- Update twisted to 14.0.0 [\237](
- ./ -u option doesn't work [\236](
- \*.so is too small to be an ELF executable [\234](
- Cannot run Py4A APKs on Android x86 [\233](
- C extension overlap [\232](
- Can't build django [\231](
- System.currentTimeMillis\(\) returns a negative number [\229](
- `future_builtins` shouldn't be blacklisted [\228](
- Non-clear direction in readme guide [\227](
- OSX build error if more than one pure-python module [\226](
- unknown type name 'SDL\_BlitMap' while buildozer apk generation [\225](
- error for package apk [\223](
- collect2: ld returned 1 exit status [\221](
- buildozer not works more [\220](
- \[moved\] pyo files are not being recreated by ./ in python for android [\216](
- error: could not create '/usr/local/lib/python2.7/site-packages/PIL': Permission denied [\215](
- collect2: ld returned 1 exit status [\213](
- virtualenv not entering [\212](
- cymunk doesn't get copied to dist/default/ [\211](
- No Python 3 Support [\210](
- HELP! ./ failed to locate arm-linux-androideabi-gcc [\209](
- TextInput not behaving with SwiftKey [\198](
- Example Applications? [\197](
- installing Pydev has encountered a problem [\196](
- buildozer apk build problem [\195](
- Zope2 at "Downloading/unpacking" [\190](
- \_scproxy import error when building on Mac with 'requests' lib [\186](
- Kivy TextInput doesn't work with SwiftKey keyboard [\184](
- Error in using debug flag, calling ANT debugger? [\179](
- Update setuptools version [\176](
- Problems with [\175](
- Rst editor crashing on android [\174](
- Doubt about [\173](
- Own Activities in AndroidManifest.xml [\172](
- Error to execute command ./ -m "openssl pil kivy" [\167](
- keyboard stays on screen in android, after app exit [\166](
- ffmpeg ndk r9 incompatibility [\165](
- kivy touchtracer apk not running on emmulator [\162](
- fatal error: stdlib.h: No such file or directory [\159](
- Add psutil recipe [\157](
- Failure to compile .py should cause exit [\156](
- Docs on the readthedocs are old [\155](
- non full screen touch offset on android [\153](
- Android NDK r9 Fails [\149](
- Android app crashes on rotation to landscape [\148](
- configure: error: C compiler cannot create executables [\145](
- GCC 4.4.3 depreciated in android NDK [\143](
- dlopen fail on android 4.3 [\141](
- new dependency ordering broke some usecases with buildozer [\140](
- Android Keyboard information [\139](
- Android keyboards do not recognize Password fields as secure passwords [\138](
- No callback parameter: on\_failure [\137](
- UnicodeDecodeError [\136](
- arm-linux-androideabi-gcc: no input files [\133](
- Unable to build APK [\132](
- apk doesn't unpack on first load [\131](
- kivy 1.8 \(testing\) UnicodeDecodeError: 'ascii' codec can't decode byte... [\129](
- presplash "crazy" position when change the orientation the cellphone [\127](
- subprocess.check\_output\(\["ping", "-c", "3", hostname\]\) non-zero exit code 2 [\126](
- Testing/Enabling armeabi-v7a [\123](
- fails when using the 64bit Android NDK [\116](
- encoding error: UnicodeDecodeError: 'ascii' codec can't decode byte 0xd0 in position 0: ordinal not in range\(128\) [\114](
- IOError: \[Errno 20\] Not a directory: [\113](
- Add setting in building package to allow switching to sleep mode [\111](
- Android keyboard autosuggestion bug [\110](
- Command ./ -m "pyjnius kivy" ends with error [\109](
- Feature request: Android service [\107](
- \[recipe - pylibpd\] unpacking does not work [\103](
- \[master\] Unzip fails [\102](
- old bug when using ccache g++ [\100](
- Non ascii key inputs not dispatched [\97](
- Github archives are named master by default, breaking build [\95](
- Python for Android not compiling sqlite3 module [\91](
- Buggy dependencies handling with multiple ./ [\90](
- has "/usr/bin/python2" hard-coded [\88](
- touchtracer bug - dp migration? [\87](
- kivy build failing [\86](
- Unable to resolve project target [\85](
- Compile stop when it copy java code [\83](
- touchtracer.apk not working [\82](
- If the kivy module is built at the same time as others, it fails [\81](
- Build with lxml not working [\79](
- Compilation Error [\78](
- is not a valid ELF object [\77](
- Unfocusing kivy's TextInput [\76](
- Camera on android [\75](
- Using stable source... [\74](
- fails to import text\_sdlttf [\73](
- Standard module for SQLite not available [\72](
- Kivy on Android galaxy s3 apk run exception [\70](
- Check for build dependencies [\68](
- Compile failing [\66](
- First label not rendered on android [\64](
- arm/limits.h: No such file or directory [\63](
- Compiling hostpython doesn't work [\62](
- when android-sdk platform tool is not installed. build process run into error. [\61](
- Incorrect default Python executable [\60](
- error when build distribution on debian squeeze. [\57](
- Many small build issues in Ubuntu 12.04.1 x64 [\55](
- csv module [\54](
- Allow the screen to timeout in Android [\53](
- Order matters in ./ -m options [\50](
- Initial distribution build fails with "unterminated substitute pattern" [\47](
- Creating Widgets [\46](
- Unable to use the crypt lib. [\45](
- verify me [\44](
- Graphics lost returning from "HOME" on Motorola Photon \(Sprint built 2.3.4\) [\42](
- Name clash with [\#39](
- Installed apk crash at loading... [\38](
- Fail to include any module other than Kivy [\37](
- Many issues on OS X running ./ -m "kivy" [\36](
- Unable to build python-for-android [\34](
- Kivy / Python-for-android : fails to build an android package apk [\33](
- Unable to use \<gstreamer\> as loader! [\31](
- build stuck at `assets/private.mp3: private/include/python2.7/pyconfig.h` [\29](
- Can't build with all modules [\27](
- ask a question about the touchtracer demo [\26](
- Error: Target id 'android-8' is not valid. [\25](
- Build Error: "/usr/lib/ file not recognized: File format not recognized" [\16](
- FFMpeg doesn't build [\13](
- Problem init environment [\12](
- error when build the APK [\10](
- arm-linux-androideabi-gcc: Internal error: Killed \(program cc1\) [\9](
- Build: Pyrex error [\7](
- Where is the example? [\5](
- Build error [\4](
- Restore behavior [\3](
- Guide step 2 issues [\2](
- compile failing [\1](

**Merged pull requests:**

- Update [\1096]( ([zed](
- Deleted whitespace [\1091]( ([Fogapod](
- Made graph recognise python\_depends [\1089]( ([inclement](
- Moved logger bytes conversion to affect all lines [\1088]( ([inclement](
- Made logger convert output to utf-8 including errors [\1087]( ([inclement](
- Recipe import fixes [\1086]( ([inclement](
- Various Ethereum related recipes fixes [\1080]( ([AndreMiras](
- Ethereum related recipes [\1068]( ([AndreMiras](
- implement wakelock for sdl2 [\1066]( ([brentpicasso](
- Fix typo in pythonforandroid/ [\1065]( ([jupart](
- Rewrite recipe graph [\1064]( ([inclement](
- Use Kivy flag instead of rmtree [\1063]( ([KeyWeeUsr](
- Delete the kivy-examples dir from the dist under python3 [\1062]( ([inclement](
- Added command handling if p4a is run with no arguments [\1059]( ([inclement](
- Call avdmanager instead of android in the SDK [\1057]( ([inclement](
- Updated Kivy recipe to pull 1.10.0 [\1048]( ([inclement](
- \[Core\] Get the latest version of requests. [\1045]( ([hobbestigrou](
- Recipe for websocket-client [\1039]( ([debauchery1st](
- Recipe updates and small fixes to build process [\1034]( ([bobatsar](
- Added warning about different path behavior in new toolchain service [\1028]( ([Bakterija](
- Recipe for Pymunk [\1026]( ([viblo](
- Fixed protobuf cpp [\1021]( ([Deniskore](
- Fix packaging failure when user has large UID by using GNU format over USTAR format [\1015]( ([pts-dorianpula](
- Remove the excessive ccache in the command [\1014]( ([MaChengxin](
- Added support for Python 3.6 [\1011]( ([inclement](
- Made dist names different for py2/py3 testapps [\1010]( ([inclement](
- Documentation mistake corrected [\1005]( ([yaki29](
- Fixed the blacklisting of sqlite3 under sdl2 [\1000]( ([inclement](
- documentation recipe.rst spelling change [\993]( ([yaki29](
- Move the unpackFiles step into an AsyncTask [\990]( ([kollivier](
- Add recipe for google protobuf cpp implementation [\987]( ([bakwc](
- Fix python2 for webview [\981]( ([KeyWeeUsr](
- Updated Kivy recipe to work with Kivy master [\968]( ([inclement](
- Switch --permission to accept \>=1 parameters [\966]( ([KeyWeeUsr](
- Add ``screenSize`` to android:configChanges in AndroidManifest.xml if API \>= 13 [\956]( ([rnixx](
- Add ffpyplayer and dependencies recipes for new toolchain. [\954]( ([germn](
- Doc fixes [\950]( ([inclement](
- Fixed release mode \(--release\) with sdl2 [\949]( ([inclement](
- Made the sdl2 bootstrap strip unneeded symbols with python3 [\948]( ([inclement](
- Compile pyo with sdl2 [\944]( ([inclement](
- Update apis.rst [\941]( ([codytrey](
- Update recipes sqlite3 to 3.15.1 and apsw to 3.15.0-r1 both with FTS4 enabled [\936]( ([brussee](
- Add remove\_presplash [\930]( ([KeyWeeUsr](
- Complete closure of the application with SDL2. [\923]( ([dkrukouski](
- Testapp improvements [\919]( ([inclement](
- Make boost recipe compatible with Google NDK 13.0 [\916]( ([brussee](
- Completing md5sum comparison and download [\915]( ([thopiekar](
- Empty: Adding .gitkeep in bootstraps/empty/build [\912]( ([thopiekar](
- fix layout listener related issues. Closes \890 [\911]( ([akshayaurora](
- Fixed app path for SDL2 services [\909]( ([inclement](
- fixed recipe zope\_interface [\908]( ([goffi-contrib](
- Added "presplash"\_color argument [\906]( ([mrhdias](
- Added argument to set the loading screen background color [\905]( ([mrhdias](
- Easy way to set the presplash background color [\904]( ([mrhdias](
- Allow installation on Windows [\902]( ([ethanhs](
- Made clean-recipe-build delete dists [\901]( ([inclement](
- Improved log for missing python modules [\900]( ([inclement](
- Added textinput scatter testapp [\899]( ([inclement](
- Allow list of permissions for bdist [\898]( ([KeyWeeUsr](
- Fix bdistapk for launcher [\896]( ([KeyWeeUsr](
- Added symlink\_java\_src dev option [\894]( ([inclement](
- Port launcher to SDL2 bootstrap [\891]( ([KeyWeeUsr](

\* *This Changelog was automatically generated by [github_changelog_generator](*

How to release

For test releases, use a -test suffix to the tag, for example "v0.6.0-test",
for actual releases, just use the normal version name, for example "v0.6.0".

1. Update `__version__` in `oscpy/`
1. Update ``
1. Call `git commit oscpy/`
1. Call `git tag --sign [version]`
1. Call `git push --tags`




Allow intercepting (and logging) errors in callback instead of letting listener crash.

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