Version 4.0 introduces a new tool, called `krepair`, that is integrated into the `klocalizer` tool. Used with `klocalizer --repair .config --include-mutex patch.diff`, krepair will take an existing .config file and modify it to build the changes in the given patch file, typically with relatively few changes to the .config file (100-200 on average). `klocalizer` can also take some additional constraints: see `klocalizer -h` for `--include-mutex`, `--include`, and `--exclude` for more information, as well as `docs/` for an example.
This version also fixes some bugs in the kmax Makefile analyzer and greatly improves the `klocalizer` driver. `klocalizer` integrates the use of SuperC to gather per-line file constraints. Additionally, The documentation for installing and using `klocalizer`, `krepair`, and `kismet` tool (introduced in version 3.0) are greatly improved, with relatively few steps to get the tool suite and its dependencies, including SuperC, installed and ready for use.