
Latest version: v4.7.3

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This version introduces a new tool, koverage, which measures how much a configuration file covers a given patch file. It also includes support for the build system code cache for kismet. The automatic selection of the kextractor version been improved and a version of kextractor for another older version of the Kconfig parser has been added as well.


This update adds the new kextract version's source files to, which is necessary for creating a working distribution for pypi.


This version introduces a new tool, koverage, which measures how much
a configuration file covers a given patch file. It also includes
support for the build system code cache for kismet. The automatic
selection of the kextractor version been improved and a version of
kextractor for another older version of the Kconfig parser has been
added as well.


Version 4.0 introduces a new tool, called `krepair`, that is integrated into the `klocalizer` tool. Used with `klocalizer --repair .config --include-mutex patch.diff`, krepair will take an existing .config file and modify it to build the changes in the given patch file, typically with relatively few changes to the .config file (100-200 on average). `klocalizer` can also take some additional constraints: see `klocalizer -h` for `--include-mutex`, `--include`, and `--exclude` for more information, as well as `docs/` for an example.

This version also fixes some bugs in the kmax Makefile analyzer and greatly improves the `klocalizer` driver. `klocalizer` integrates the use of SuperC to gather per-line file constraints. Additionally, The documentation for installing and using `klocalizer`, `krepair`, and `kismet` tool (introduced in version 3.0) are greatly improved, with relatively few steps to get the tool suite and its dependencies, including SuperC, installed and ready for use.


This version includes krepair and updated documentation.


- The kismet tool and documentation. kismet finds unmet dependency bugs in Kconfig files using static analysis based on kclause's logical model of Kconfig files.

- There is a listing of Kconfig unmet dependency bugs found by kismet so far as well as a replication script for experiments with it.

- There are several fixes to the kclause tool, including support for the handling of non-Boolean option visibility which greatly improved kismet precision when generating configuration files.

- klocalizer now has the ability to check for and download already-generated kclause formula caches to quickly boostrap configuration localization.

- klocalizer can now take arbitrary z3 constraints, which used by kismet for proving verification conditions.

- There is new kextractor python module for more recent version of the Kconfig parser.

- The repository now supports using python 3.8.

- The tooling has been refactored and has common Kconfig and Linux source handling code in libraries.

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