* Add error message for invalid argument value (244)
* Make colors customizable (242) * Init colorama only in Windows legacy terminal (238) * Add `raw_result` to `CommandResultItem` (235) * Refine code style to comply with Python 3 (232, 233) * CI: Support Python 3.9 (229) * Logging: `CLILogging.configure` returns as early as possible (228)
* Support multiple cli loggers by adding more logger names to `knack.log.cli_logger_names` list (227)
++++++++ * Make config item names case-insensitive (220) * `get_logger` uses `module_name` directly and no longer adds `cli` prefix (221) * `CLILogging` accepts a custom `cli_logger_name` (221) * Support ppc64le arch in Travis CI (222) * Allow customizing tag message (223) * Add `EVENT_CLI_SUCCESSFUL_EXECUTE` (224)
++++++++ * [Config] Support listing sections (217)