
Latest version: v0.1.114.post26

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- New popup_interaction options

- defines mechanism to be used for popup interaction.
- The valid options are "auto", "button", "reference", "webbrowser_open_at_kernel", "reference_popup"
- When default "auto" is set, Kqlmagic choose based on the Jupyter front end used.

- New Jupyter front end supported

- Kqlmagic can be now used in **"azure data studio"** and **"visual studio code"**
- Kqlmagic autodetect that it is running within Azure Data Studio
- Kqlmagic will be pre installed in future Azure Data Studio version
- Kqlmagic will be pre loaded in future Azure Data Studio version (no need to %reload_ext)

- New plot package supported

- **"plotly_widget"** was added to **plot_package** option (default **"plotly"**):
- Generates the plot as widget image (useful to customize chart after plotted)
- _kql_raw_result_.plotly_fig contains the rendered widget
- all aspects of the plotted chart can be modified by modifying the plotly widget properties
- plotly plot_package will be used instead of plotly_widget in case ipywidgets module is not found
- %config Kqlmagic.plot_package=plotly_widget sets the default plotly_package to plotly_widget
- %kql -pp 'plotly_widget' ... sets plotly_package to plotly_widget for thsi query

- New feature - Kqlmagic can be used as a Module

- Kqlmagic can be now used as a python Module (useful in environments that don't allow custom magics)
from Kqlmagic import kql import the kql function
kql({kqlmagic line/cell text}) execute the text as %kql / %% kql

- the kql signature is: kql(text:str='', options:dict=None, query_properties:dict=None, vars:dict=None, conn:str=None, global_ns=None, local_ns=None)
- options will override options parsed from text
- query_properties will override query_properties parsed from text
- conn will override default current connection or connection string parsed from text
- vars will override python variables used to parametrized the query
- global_ns and local_ns will override user namespace as derived from shell (not recommended, rare use)

- New feature - support Jupyter display_id

- When display_id is set to True, refresh will override the original chart
- %kql -did ... display the table or rendered chart linked to a display id
- _kql_raw_result_.refresh() will override the original chart

- New feature - refresh and submit functions support override_options, override_query_properties, override_vars and override_connection

- _kql_raw_result_.refresh(override_options=options_dict) will refresh the original query, using original options overriden by the override options.
- _kql_raw_result_.refresh(override_query_properties=query_properties_dict) will refresh the original query, using original query properties overriden by the override query properties.
- _kql_raw_result_.refresh(override_vars=vars_dict) will refresh the original parametrised query, using python vars overriden by the override vars.
- _kql_raw_result_.refresh(override_connection=conn_str) will refresh the original query, but to database as specified in the override connection string.

- Fix

- Fix parameterizer to better handle strings and to also handle pandas Series as a list
- Use repr in parameterizer to safely quote string


- New help information

- help on how to enable logging. try %kql --help "logging"

- Fix

- Fixed KQLMAGIC_CONNECTION_STR missing options bug
- Fixed missing Orca bug
- Fixed deep linking bug
- Fixed faq display bug


- New feature - request headers tagging

- Enables to tag **x-ms-app**, **x-ms-user** and **x-ms-client-request-id** request headers with a custom string.
- To get more information execute: %kql --help 'request-tags'

- New help information

- help on how to tag request headers. try %kql --help "request-tags"
- Started a FAQ page. try %kql --faq


- New support for Azure Data Explorer Client Request Properties

- Many client request properties can be set using the set operator, as part of the query.
However, some properties can be set only in the request.
- To set client request properties in the request, use the same syntax as kqlmagic options, but instead of using the '-' prefix use the '+' as prefix.
- example: %kql +servertimeout='30m' {your-query}
- Client request properties can also be set by using the query_properties option. It should be set as a dictionary with the properties values.

- to see the full list of the client request properties try %kql --help "client-request-properties"

- New help information

- help on how to use Kqlmagic behind proxies. try %kql --help "proxies"
- help on how to use Client Request Properties, and properties list. try %kql --help "client-request-properties"
- help on installing Kqlmagic. try %kql --help "kqlmagic-install"
- help to quick access Kqlmagic source. opens Kqlmagic github. try %kql --help "kqlmagic-github"
- help to quick access Kqlmagic readme. Opens Kqlmagic readme file. try %kql --help "kqlmagic-readme"
- help to quick access Kqlmagic license. Opens Kqlmagic license file. try %kql --help "kqlmagic-license"
- help to quick access Kqlmagic contributors list. Opens Kqlmagic contributors file. try %kql --help "kqlmagic-contributors"

- Fix

- allow file names with spaces


- New device_code login notification options

- device_code login notification for device_code authentication.
- Notification can be sent to 'frontend', 'terminal', 'browser' and 'email'
- note: the 'browser' will open on the ipykernel server.
- note: for email option to work, device_code_notification_email option have to be set too.

- **device_code_login_notification** (default: **"frontend"**, Abbreviation: dcln)
- Specifies device_code login notification method
- **"frontend"** - displays a message with device code, and a button that when clicked opens an authentication page in the frontend browser.
- **"terminal"** - displays a message with device code and link to the authentication page.
- **"browser"** - displays a message with device code, and open an authentication page in a webbrowse on the ipykernel host.
- **"email"** - send an email with device code and link to the authencitaion page.

- **device_code_notification_email** (default: **''**, Abbreviation: dcne)
- Email details string. initialized by environmental variable KQLMAGIC_DEVICE_CODE_NOTIFICATION_EMAIL.
- The email details string format: SMTPEndPoint='endpoint';SMTPPort='port';sendFrom='email';sendFromPassword='password';sendTo='email';context='text'
- note: context text is optional, is a free text that will be added to the email subject and email body.

- New deep_link method in result object

- deep_link method opens query link tool provided as a parameter or the default tool as set in query_link_destination option, and execute the query in the tool.
- note: see **show_query_link** and **query_link_destination** options
- note: supported only for Azure Data Explorer queries, will be ignored for Application Insights or Log Analytics queries
- for example:

_kql_raw_result_.deep_link() will launch the default deep link tool and execute the query in the tool.

_kql_raw_result_.deep_link("Kusto.WebExplorer") will launch Kusto.WebExplorer and execute the query in Kusto.WebExplorer.

_kql_raw_result_.deep_link("Kusto.Explorer") will launch Kusto.Explorer and execute the query in Kusto.Explorer.

- query errors displayed in pretty json

- Show query errors in pretty json for better read.


- Fix import missing FernetCrypto

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