* Added license badge to redme file. [Natalia Maximo]
* Added license info to [Natalia Maximo]
* Added license. [Natalia Maximo]
* Added more interactive output and silencing option. [Natalia Maximo]
* Automatic update checking. [Natalia Maximo]
* Readme updates. [Natalia Maximo]
* Added help link plugins. [Natalia Maximo]
* Github actions support. [Natalia Maximo]
* Added linter and type checker configs. [Natalia Maximo]
* Can prompt for user input, suppress prompt, and render basic cli and cli_test. [Natalia Maximo]
* Render basic, readme and setup script. [Natalia Maximo]
* Create empty common files. [Natalia Maximo]
* Krait plugin system. [Natalia Maximo]
* Set-default and help commands. [Natalia Maximo]
* Upped version for release. [Natalia Maximo]
* Project metadata update. [Natalia Maximo]
* Disabled set-default command. [Natalia Maximo]
* Flattened structure slightly, will expand when necessary. [Natalia Maximo]
* Made 'krait' be a command group instead of a single command according to design doc. [Natalia Maximo]
* Added basic description to package. [Natalia Maximo]
* Used install_requires with no version info. [Natalia Maximo]
* Version bump for release. [Natalia Maximo]
* Ensure 'none' appears as last item in options. [Natalia Maximo]
* Python <3.8 compatibility. removed walrus operator. [Natalia Maximo]
* Using dashes in project name no longer causes errors. [Natalia Maximo]
* Fixed up some testing issues. [Natalia Maximo]
* Test framework rendering file in incorrect location. [Natalia Maximo]
* Fixed test and added missing file. [Natalia Maximo]
* Type annotation on setupscript class. [Natalia Maximo]
* Added manifest file and included package data in setup script. [Natalia Maximo]
* Added jinja2 to dependency for project. [Natalia Maximo]
* Made click default and fixed template error. [Natalia Maximo]
* Wrong name on github actions. [Natalia Maximo]
* Setup.cfg fix. [Natalia Maximo]
* Dev: setup of project repository. [Natalia Maximo]
* Initial commit. [Natalia Maximo]