For a detailed list of changes, refer to the same-number releases below.
Migration instructions
* If you were previously calling ``API.query_private()`` or
``API.query_public()`` in a ``try/except`` block, be aware that
these two may now throw a ``http.client.HTTPException``, if the
underlying ``Connection`` returns a non-`20x` status code. (`17`_)
* ``krakenex.API.set_connection()`` method. Access ``krakenex.API.conn``
attribute directly.
Known issues
* There is no straightforward way to reset the ``krakenex.API`` object's
connection ``krakenex.API.conn``. (`53`_)
The recommended workaround for now, assuming ``k = krakenex.API()``:
.. code-block:: python
k.conn = None
If a connection is not closed prior to the reference being removed, the
connection may continue to linger, preventing removal of the object by
the garbage collector.
.. _17: https://github.com/veox/python3-krakenex/pull/17
.. _53: https://github.com/veox/python3-krakenex/issues/53