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API Change
- A CDIDevice field is included in the Device Plugin's `ContainerAllocateResponse`. This field maps to the CDIDevice field in the CRI protocol. ([kubernetes/kubernetes118254](https://github.com/kubernetes/kubernetes/pull/118254), [elezar](https://github.com/elezar)) [SIG Node and Testing]
When an Indexed Job has a number of completions higher than 10^5 and parallelism higher than 10^4, and a big number of Indexes fail, Kubernetes might not be able to track the termination of the Job. Kubernetes now emits a warning, at Job creation, when the Job manifest exceeds both of these limits. ([kubernetes/kubernetes118420](https://github.com/kubernetes/kubernetes/pull/118420), [alculquicondor](https://github.com/alculquicondor)) [SIG Apps]
- Added `ServedVersions` field to `StorageVersion` API. ([kubernetes/kubernetes118386](https://github.com/kubernetes/kubernetes/pull/118386), [Richabanker](https://github.com/Richabanker))
- Added `IP mode` field to loadbalancer status ingress. ([kubernetes/kubernetes118895](https://github.com/kubernetes/kubernetes/pull/118895), [RyanAoh](https://github.com/RyanAoh))
- Added `podReplacementPolicy` and terminating field to job api. ([kubernetes/kubernetes119301](https://github.com/kubernetes/kubernetes/pull/119301), [kannon92](https://github.com/kannon92))
- Added a new `namespaceParamRef` field to `admissionregistration.k8s.io/v1alpha1.ValidatingAdmissionPolicy`. ([kubernetes/kubernetes119215](https://github.com/kubernetes/kubernetes/pull/119215), [alexzielenski](https://github.com/alexzielenski)) [SIG API Machinery and Testing]
- Added a warning that TLS 1.3 ciphers are not configurable. ([kubernetes/kubernetes115399](https://github.com/kubernetes/kubernetes/pull/115399), [3u13r](https://github.com/3u13r)) [SIG API Machinery and Node]
- Added error handling for seccomp localhost configurations that do not properly set a `localhostProfile`. ([kubernetes/kubernetes117020](https://github.com/kubernetes/kubernetes/pull/117020), [cji](https://github.com/cji))
- Added fields `reason` and `fieldPath` into CRD validation rules to allow users to specify reason and field path when validation failed. ([kubernetes/kubernetes118041](https://github.com/kubernetes/kubernetes/pull/118041), [cici37](https://github.com/cici37)) [SIG API Machinery]
- Added namespace access support to the CEL expressions of ValidatingAdmissionPolicy via a `namespaceObject`
variable with expressions. ([kubernetes/kubernetes118267](https://github.com/kubernetes/kubernetes/pull/118267), [cici37](https://github.com/cici37)) [SIG API Machinery and Testing]
- Added new `CRDValidationRatcheting` alpha feature. During a PATCH or UPDATE Validation Ratcheting discards errors thrown by unchanged portions of the resource from most OpenAPI schema validations. ([kubernetes/kubernetes118990](https://github.com/kubernetes/kubernetes/pull/118990), [alexzielenski](https://github.com/alexzielenski))
- Added new annotation `batch.kubernetes.io/cronjob-scheduled-timestamp` to Job objects scheduled from CronJobs. ([kubernetes/kubernetes118137](https://github.com/kubernetes/kubernetes/pull/118137), [helayoty](https://github.com/helayoty))
- Added new config option `delayCacheUntilActive` to `KubeSchedulerConfiguration` that can provide a tradeoff between memory efficiency and scheduling speed when their leadership is updated in `kube-scheduler` ([kubernetes/kubernetes115754](https://github.com/kubernetes/kubernetes/pull/115754), [linxiulei](https://github.com/linxiulei)) [SIG API Machinery and Scheduling]
- Changed how KMS v2 encryption at rest can generate data encryption keys.
When you enable the `KMSv2KDF` feature gate (off by default), KMS v2 uses a key derivation function to generate single use data encryption keys from a secret seed combined with some random data. This eliminates the need for a counter based nonce while avoiding nonce collision concerns associated with AES-GCM's 12 byte nonce. ([kubernetes/kubernetes118828](https://github.com/kubernetes/kubernetes/pull/118828), [enj](https://github.com/enj))
- Exposed `rest.DefaultServerUrlFor` function. ([kubernetes/kubernetes118055](https://github.com/kubernetes/kubernetes/pull/118055), [timofurrer](https://github.com/timofurrer))
- Extended the Job API for alpha version of `BackoffLimitPerIndex`. ([kubernetes/kubernetes119294](https://github.com/kubernetes/kubernetes/pull/119294), [mimowo](https://github.com/mimowo))
- Graduated `AdmissionWebhookMatchCondition` feature to beta. ([kubernetes/kubernetes119380](https://github.com/kubernetes/kubernetes/pull/119380), [a-hilaly](https://github.com/a-hilaly))
- If using cgroups v2, then the cgroup aware OOM killer will be enabled for container cgroups via `memory.oom.group` . This causes processes within the cgroup to be treated as a unit and killed simultaneously in the event of an OOM kill on any process in the cgroup. ([kubernetes/kubernetes117793](https://github.com/kubernetes/kubernetes/pull/117793), [tzneal](https://github.com/tzneal)) [SIG Apps, Node and Testing]
- In the API Priority and Fairness feature, priority levels that are exempt from limitation can now be given a nominal and a lendable concurrency and their dispatching borrows from the concurrency limits of the other priority levels. For details see https://github.com/kubernetes/enhancements/tree/master/keps/sig-api-machinery/1040-priority-and-fairness#dispatching . ([kubernetes/kubernetes118782](https://github.com/kubernetes/kubernetes/pull/118782), [MikeSpreitzer](https://github.com/MikeSpreitzer)) [SIG API Machinery]
- Indexed Job pods now have the pod completion index set as a pod label. ([kubernetes/kubernetes118883](https://github.com/kubernetes/kubernetes/pull/118883), [danielvegamyhre](https://github.com/danielvegamyhre)) [SIG Apps]
- Kube-proxy: added `--logging-format` flag to support structured logging. ([kubernetes/kubernetes117800](https://github.com/kubernetes/kubernetes/pull/117800), [cyclinder](https://github.com/cyclinder))
- NodeVolumeLimits implement the `PreFilter` extension point for skipping the Filter phase if the Pod doesn't use volumes with limits. ([kubernetes/kubernetes115398](https://github.com/kubernetes/kubernetes/pull/115398), [tangwz](https://github.com/tangwz)) [SIG Scheduling]
- PersistentVolumes have a new `LastPhaseTransitionTime` field which holds a timestamp of when the volume last transitioned its phase. ([kubernetes/kubernetes116469](https://github.com/kubernetes/kubernetes/pull/116469), [RomanBednar](https://github.com/RomanBednar))
- Pods which set `hostNetwork: true` and declare ports, get the `hostPort` field set automatically. Previously this would happen in the PodTemplate of a Deployment, DaemonSet or other workload API. Now `hostPort` will only be set when an actual Pod is being created. If this presents a problem, setting the feature gate "DefaultHostNetworkHostPortsInPodTemplates" to true will revert this behavior. Please file a kubernetes bug if you need to do this. ([kubernetes/kubernetes117696](https://github.com/kubernetes/kubernetes/pull/117696), [thockin](https://github.com/thockin)) [SIG Apps]
- Promoted API groups `ValidatingAdmissionPolicy` and `ValidatingAdmissionPolicyBinding` to `v1beta1`. ([kubernetes/kubernetes118644](https://github.com/kubernetes/kubernetes/pull/118644), [alexzielenski](https://github.com/alexzielenski)) [SIG API Machinery, Apps and Testing]
- Promoted the feature gate `ValidtaingAdmissionPolicy` to beta, and it is turned off by default. ([kubernetes/kubernetes119409](https://github.com/kubernetes/kubernetes/pull/119409), [alexzielenski](https://github.com/alexzielenski))
- Registered_metric_total, disabled_metric_total, hidden_metric_total & kubernetes_feature_enabled are promoted to `BETA` stability. ([kubernetes/kubernetes119264](https://github.com/kubernetes/kubernetes/pull/119264), [logicalhan](https://github.com/logicalhan)) [SIG API Machinery, Architecture, Cluster Lifecycle and Instrumentation]
- Removed `resizeStatus` enum from `pvc.Status` and replaced with `AllocatedResourceStatus`. ([kubernetes/kubernetes116335](https://github.com/kubernetes/kubernetes/pull/116335), [gnufied](https://github.com/gnufied)) [SIG API Machinery, Apps, Auth, Node, Storage and Testing]
- Removed `WindowsHostProcessContainers` feature-gate. ([kubernetes/kubernetes117570](https://github.com/kubernetes/kubernetes/pull/117570), [marosset](https://github.com/marosset)) [SIG API Machinery, Apps, Auth, Node and Windows]
- Revised the comment about the feature-gate level for `PodFailurePolicy` from alpha to beta. ([kubernetes/kubernetes117802](https://github.com/kubernetes/kubernetes/pull/117802), [kerthcet](https://github.com/kerthcet)) [SIG API Machinery and Apps]
- StatefulSet pods now have the pod index set as a pod label `statefulset.kubernetes.io/pod-index`. ([kubernetes/kubernetes119232](https://github.com/kubernetes/kubernetes/pull/119232), [danielvegamyhre](https://github.com/danielvegamyhre)) [SIG Apps]
- Support for proxying a request to a peer kube-apiserver if the local apiserver is not able to serve it due to version skew or in the case the requested api is disabled on the local apiserver ([kubernetes/kubernetes117740](https://github.com/kubernetes/kubernetes/pull/117740), [Richabanker](https://github.com/Richabanker)) [SIG API Machinery, Apps, Auth, Cloud Provider, Network, Node and Testing]
- Supported `BackoffLimitPerIndex` in Jobs. ([kubernetes/kubernetes118009](https://github.com/kubernetes/kubernetes/pull/118009), [mimowo](https://github.com/mimowo))
- The `IPTablesOwnershipCleanup` feature (KEP-3178) is now GA; kubelet no longer
creates the `KUBE-MARK-DROP` chain (which has been unused for several releases)
or the `KUBE-MARK-MASQ` chain (which is now only created by kube-proxy). ([kubernetes/kubernetes119374](https://github.com/kubernetes/kubernetes/pull/119374), [danwinship](https://github.com/danwinship))
- The `SelfSubjectReview` API is promoted to `authentication.k8s.io/v1` and the `kubectl auth whoami` command is GA. ([kubernetes/kubernetes117713](https://github.com/kubernetes/kubernetes/pull/117713), [nabokihms](https://github.com/nabokihms)) [SIG API Machinery, Architecture, Auth, CLI and Testing]
- The names of ResourceClaims generated from ResourceClaimTemplate are now generated. The base name is still `<pod>-<claim name>`, but a random suffix will avoid name collisions. ([kubernetes/kubernetes117351](https://github.com/kubernetes/kubernetes/pull/117351), [pohly](https://github.com/pohly)) [SIG API Machinery, Apps, Auth, Node, Scheduling and Testing]
- The new feature gate "SidecarContainers" is now available. This feature introduces sidecar containers, a new type of init container that starts before other containers but remains running for the full duration of the pod's lifecycle and will not block pod termination. ([kubernetes/kubernetes116429](https://github.com/kubernetes/kubernetes/pull/116429), [gjkim42](https://github.com/gjkim42)) [SIG API Machinery, Apps, Node, Scheduling and Testing]
- Updated the comment about the feature-gate level for `PodFailurePolicy` from alpha to beta ([kubernetes/kubernetes118278](https://github.com/kubernetes/kubernetes/pull/118278), [mimowo](https://github.com/mimowo))
- `client-go`: Improved memory use of reflector caches when watching large numbers
of objects which do not change frequently. ([kubernetes/kubernetes113362](https://github.com/kubernetes/kubernetes/pull/113362), [sxllwx](https://github.com/sxllwx))
- `component-base/logs` is now stricter about not applying configurations multiple
times and will return an error when that is attempted. Can be overridden by binaries
which need to do that. ([kubernetes/kubernetes117108](https://github.com/kubernetes/kubernetes/pull/117108), [pohly](https://github.com/pohly))
- `kube-controller-manager`: The `LegacyServiceAccountTokenCleanUp` feature gate
is now available as alpha (off by default). When enabled, the `legacy-service-account-token-cleaner`
controller loop removes service account token secrets that have not been used
in the time specified by `--legacy-service-account-token-clean-up-period` (defaulting
to one year), **and are** referenced from the `.secrets` list of a ServiceAccount
object, **and are not** referenced from pods. ([kubernetes/kubernetes115554](https://github.com/kubernetes/kubernetes/pull/115554), [yt2985](https://github.com/yt2985))
- `kube-scheduler` component config (KubeSchedulerConfiguration) `kubescheduler.config.k8s.io/v1beta2`
is removed in `v1.28`. Migrate `kube-scheduler` configuration files to `kubescheduler.config.k8s.io/v1`. ([kubernetes/kubernetes117649](https://github.com/kubernetes/kubernetes/pull/117649), [SataQiu](https://github.com/SataQiu))
- Aggregated discovery now returns `responseKind: {}` for resources which are missing group/version/kind information, to ensure compatibility with v0.26.0-v0.26.3 clients. ([kubernetes/kubernetes119835](https://github.com/kubernetes/kubernetes/pull/119835), [liggitt](https://github.com/liggitt)) [SIG API Machinery and Testing]
- Fix CustomResourceDefinition status.storedVersions validation error messages. ([kubernetes/kubernetes119653](https://github.com/kubernetes/kubernetes/pull/119653), [sttts](https://github.com/sttts)) [SIG API Machinery]
- Kube-proxy in Kubernetes >= 1.28 up until v1.28.0-beta.0 ignored the `-v` command line flag when combined with `--config`. ([kubernetes/kubernetes119867](https://github.com/kubernetes/kubernetes/pull/119867), [pohly](https://github.com/pohly)) [SIG Network]
- PersistentVolumes have a new LastPhaseTransitionTime field which holds a timestamp of when the volume last transitioned its phase. ([kubernetes/kubernetes116469](https://github.com/kubernetes/kubernetes/pull/116469), [RomanBednar](https://github.com/RomanBednar)) [SIG API Machinery, Apps, Auth, Node, Release, Storage and Testing]
- Promoted API groups `ValidatingAdmissionPolicy` and `ValidatingAdmissionPolicyBinding` to `v1beta1`. ([kubernetes/kubernetes118644](https://github.com/kubernetes/kubernetes/pull/118644), [alexzielenski](https://github.com/alexzielenski)) [SIG API Machinery, Apps and Testing]
- Promoted the feature gate `ValidtaingAdmissionPolicy` to beta and it is turned off by default. ([kubernetes/kubernetes119409](https://github.com/kubernetes/kubernetes/pull/119409), [alexzielenski](https://github.com/alexzielenski)) [SIG API Machinery, Apps, Auth, Instrumentation, Node, Release, Storage and Testing]
- Changed how KMS v2 encryption at rest can generate data encryption keys. When you enable the `KMSv2KDF` feature gate (off by default), KMS v2 uses a key derivation function to generate single use data encryption keys from a secret seed combined with some random data. This eliminates the need for a counter based nonce while avoiding nonce collision concerns associated with AES-GCM's 12 byte nonce. ([kubernetes/kubernetes118828](https://github.com/kubernetes/kubernetes/pull/118828), [enj](https://github.com/enj)) [SIG API Machinery, Auth and Testing]
- A CDIDevice field is includes in the Device Plugin's `ContainerAllocateResponse`. This field maps to the CDIDevice field in the CRI protocol. ([kubernetes/kubernetes118254](https://github.com/kubernetes/kubernetes/pull/118254), [elezar](https://github.com/elezar)) [SIG Node and Testing]
- Add new annotation `batch.kubernetes.io/cronjob-scheduled-timestamp` to Job objects scheduled from CronJobs. ([kubernetes/kubernetes118137](https://github.com/kubernetes/kubernetes/pull/118137), [helayoty](https://github.com/helayoty)) [SIG Apps]
- Add podReplacementPolicy and terminating field to job api ([kubernetes/kubernetes119301](https://github.com/kubernetes/kubernetes/pull/119301), [kannon92](https://github.com/kannon92)) [SIG API Machinery and Apps]
- Added fields `reason` and `fieldPath` into CRD validation rules to allow users to specify reason and field path when validation failed. ([kubernetes/kubernetes118041](https://github.com/kubernetes/kubernetes/pull/118041), [cici37](https://github.com/cici37)) [SIG API Machinery]
- Added namespace access support to the CEL expressions of ValidatingAdmissionPolicy via a `namespaceObject`
variable with expressions. ([kubernetes/kubernetes118267](https://github.com/kubernetes/kubernetes/pull/118267), [cici37](https://github.com/cici37)) [SIG API Machinery and Testing]
- Adds new CRDValidationRatcheting alpha feature. During a PATCH or UPDATE Validation Ratcheting discards errors thrown by unchanged portions of the resource from most OpenAPI schema validations. ([kubernetes/kubernetes118990](https://github.com/kubernetes/kubernetes/pull/118990), [alexzielenski](https://github.com/alexzielenski)) [SIG API Machinery, Architecture, Auth, CLI, Cloud Provider, Cluster Lifecycle, Instrumentation, Network, Node and Storage]
- Adds new namespaceParamRef to admissionregistration.k8s.io/v1alpha1.ValidatingAdmissionPolicy ([kubernetes/kubernetes119215](https://github.com/kubernetes/kubernetes/pull/119215), [alexzielenski](https://github.com/alexzielenski)) [SIG API Machinery and Testing]
- Extend the Job API for alpha version of BackoffLimitPerIndex ([kubernetes/kubernetes119294](https://github.com/kubernetes/kubernetes/pull/119294), [mimowo](https://github.com/mimowo)) [SIG API Machinery and Apps]
- Graduate `AdmissionWebhookMatchCondition` feature to beta ([kubernetes/kubernetes119380](https://github.com/kubernetes/kubernetes/pull/119380), [a-hilaly](https://github.com/a-hilaly)) [SIG API Machinery]
- In the API Priority and Fairness feature, priority levels that are exempt from limitation can now be given a nominal and a lendable concurrency and their dispatching borrows from the concurrency limits of the other priority levels. For details see https://github.com/kubernetes/enhancements/tree/master/keps/sig-api-machinery/1040-priority-and-fairness#dispatching . ([kubernetes/kubernetes118782](https://github.com/kubernetes/kubernetes/pull/118782), [MikeSpreitzer](https://github.com/MikeSpreitzer)) [SIG API Machinery]
- Indexed Job pods now have the pod completion index set as a pod label. ([kubernetes/kubernetes118883](https://github.com/kubernetes/kubernetes/pull/118883), [danielvegamyhre](https://github.com/danielvegamyhre)) [SIG Apps]
- Kube-proxy: add '--logging-format' flag to support structured logging ([kubernetes/kubernetes117800](https://github.com/kubernetes/kubernetes/pull/117800), [cyclinder](https://github.com/cyclinder)) [SIG API Machinery, Architecture, Instrumentation and Network]
- Registered_metric_total, disabled_metric_total, hidden_metric_total & kubernetes_feature_enabled are promoted to `BETA` stability. ([kubernetes/kubernetes119264](https://github.com/kubernetes/kubernetes/pull/119264), [logicalhan](https://github.com/logicalhan)) [SIG API Machinery, Architecture, Cluster Lifecycle and Instrumentation]
- Removed `resizeStatus` enum from `pvc.Status` and replaced with `AllocatedResourceStatus` ([kubernetes/kubernetes116335](https://github.com/kubernetes/kubernetes/pull/116335), [gnufied](https://github.com/gnufied)) [SIG API Machinery, Apps, Auth, Node, Storage and Testing]
- StatefulSet pods now have the pod index set as a pod label `statefulset.kubernetes.io/pod-index`. ([kubernetes/kubernetes119232](https://github.com/kubernetes/kubernetes/pull/119232), [danielvegamyhre](https://github.com/danielvegamyhre)) [SIG Apps]
- Support BackoffLimitPerIndex in Jobs ([kubernetes/kubernetes118009](https://github.com/kubernetes/kubernetes/pull/118009), [mimowo](https://github.com/mimowo)) [SIG API Machinery, Apps and Testing]
- Support for proxying a request to a peer kube-apiserver if the local apiserver is not able to serve it due to version skew or in the case the requested api is disabled on the local apiserver ([kubernetes/kubernetes117740](https://github.com/kubernetes/kubernetes/pull/117740), [Richabanker](https://github.com/Richabanker)) [SIG API Machinery, Apps, Auth, Cloud Provider, Network, Node and Testing]
- The IPTablesOwnershipCleanup feature (KEP-3178) is now GA; kubelet no longer
creates the KUBE-MARK-DROP chain (which has been unused for several releases)
or the KUBE-MARK-MASQ chain (which is now only created by kube-proxy). ([kubernetes/kubernetes119374](https://github.com/kubernetes/kubernetes/pull/119374), [danwinship](https://github.com/danwinship)) [SIG API Machinery, Network and Node]
- The names of ResourceClaims generated from ResourceClaimTemplate are now generated. The base name is still `<pod>-<claim name>`, but a random suffix will avoid name collisions. ([kubernetes/kubernetes117351](https://github.com/kubernetes/kubernetes/pull/117351), [pohly](https://github.com/pohly)) [SIG API Machinery, Apps, Auth, Node, Scheduling and Testing]
- The new feature gate "SidecarContainers" is now available. This feature introduces sidecar containers, a new type of init container that starts before other containers but remains running for the full duration of the pod's lifecycle and will not block pod termination. ([kubernetes/kubernetes116429](https://github.com/kubernetes/kubernetes/pull/116429), [gjkim42](https://github.com/gjkim42)) [SIG API Machinery, Apps, Node, Scheduling and Testing]
- Add ServedVersions field to StorageVersion API ([kubernetes/kubernetes118386](https://github.com/kubernetes/kubernetes/pull/118386), [Richabanker](https://github.com/Richabanker)) [SIG API Machinery and Testing]
- Component-base/logs is now more strict about not applying configurations multiple times and will return an error when that is attempted. Can be overridden by binaries which need to do that. ([kubernetes/kubernetes117108](https://github.com/kubernetes/kubernetes/pull/117108), [pohly](https://github.com/pohly)) [SIG API Machinery, Architecture, Cloud Provider, Instrumentation, Scheduling and Testing]
When an Indexed Job has a number of completions higher than 10^5 and parallelism higher than 10^4, and a big number of Indexes fail, Kubernetes might not be able to track the termination of the Job. Kubernetes now emits a warning, at Job creation, when the Job manifest exceeds both of these limits. ([kubernetes/kubernetes118420](https://github.com/kubernetes/kubernetes/pull/118420), [alculquicondor](https://github.com/alculquicondor)) [SIG Apps]
- Expose rest.DefaultServerUrlFor function ([kubernetes/kubernetes118055](https://github.com/kubernetes/kubernetes/pull/118055), [timofurrer](https://github.com/timofurrer)) [SIG API Machinery]
- If using cgroups v2, then the cgroup aware OOM killer will be enabled for container cgroups via `memory.oom.group` . This causes processes within the cgroup to be treated as a unit and killed simultaneously in the event of an OOM kill on any process in the cgroup. ([kubernetes/kubernetes117793](https://github.com/kubernetes/kubernetes/pull/117793), [tzneal](https://github.com/tzneal)) [SIG Apps, Node and Testing]
- Update the comment about the feature-gate level for PodFailurePolicy from alpha to beta ([kubernetes/kubernetes118278](https://github.com/kubernetes/kubernetes/pull/118278), [mimowo](https://github.com/mimowo)) [SIG Apps]
- Added a warning that TLS 1.3 ciphers are not configurable. ([kubernetes/kubernetes115399](https://github.com/kubernetes/kubernetes/pull/115399), [3u13r](https://github.com/3u13r)) [SIG API Machinery and Node]
- Added error handling for seccomp localhost configurations that do not properly set a localhostProfile ([kubernetes/kubernetes117020](https://github.com/kubernetes/kubernetes/pull/117020), [cji](https://github.com/cji)) [SIG API Machinery and Node]
- Added new config option `delayCacheUntilActive` to `KubeSchedulerConfiguration` that can provide a tradeoff between memory efficiency and scheduling speed when their leadership is updated in `kube-scheduler` ([kubernetes/kubernetes115754](https://github.com/kubernetes/kubernetes/pull/115754), [linxiulei](https://github.com/linxiulei)) [SIG API Machinery and Scheduling]
- Client-go: Improved memory use of reflector caches when watching large numbers of objects which do not change frequently ([kubernetes/kubernetes113362](https://github.com/kubernetes/kubernetes/pull/113362), [sxllwx](https://github.com/sxllwx)) [SIG API Machinery]
- Kube-controller-manager: The `LegacyServiceAccountTokenCleanUp` feature gate is now available as alpha (off by default). When enabled, the `legacy-service-account-token-cleaner` controller loop removes service account token secrets that have not been used in the time specified by `--legacy-service-account-token-clean-up-period` (defaulting to one year), **and are** referenced from the `.secrets` list of a ServiceAccount object, **and are not** referenced from pods. ([kubernetes/kubernetes115554](https://github.com/kubernetes/kubernetes/pull/115554), [yt2985](https://github.com/yt2985)) [SIG API Machinery, Apps, Auth, Release and Testing]
- Kube-scheduler component config (KubeSchedulerConfiguration) kubescheduler.config.k8s.io/v1beta2 is removed in v1.28. Migrate kube-scheduler configuration files to kubescheduler.config.k8s.io/v1. ([kubernetes/kubernetes117649](https://github.com/kubernetes/kubernetes/pull/117649), [SataQiu](https://github.com/SataQiu)) [SIG API Machinery, Scheduling and Testing]
- NodeVolumeLimits implement the PreFilter extension point for skipping the Filter phase if the Pod doesn't use volumes with limits. ([kubernetes/kubernetes115398](https://github.com/kubernetes/kubernetes/pull/115398), [tangwz](https://github.com/tangwz)) [SIG Scheduling]
- Pods which set `hostNetwork: true` and declare ports get the `hostPort` field set automatically. Previously this would happen in the PodTemplate of a Deployment, DaemonSet or other workload API. Now `hostPort` will only be set when an actual Pod is being created. If this presents a problem, setting the feature gate "DefaultHostNetworkHostPortsInPodTemplates" to true will revert this behavior. Please file a kubernetes bug if you need to do this. ([kubernetes/kubernetes117696](https://github.com/kubernetes/kubernetes/pull/117696), [thockin](https://github.com/thockin)) [SIG Apps]
- Removing WindowsHostProcessContainers feature-gate ([kubernetes/kubernetes117570](https://github.com/kubernetes/kubernetes/pull/117570), [marosset](https://github.com/marosset)) [SIG API Machinery, Apps, Auth, Node and Windows]
- Revised the comment about the feature-gate level for PodFailurePolicy from alpha to beta ([kubernetes/kubernetes117802](https://github.com/kubernetes/kubernetes/pull/117802), [kerthcet](https://github.com/kerthcet)) [SIG API Machinery and Apps]
- The `SelfSubjectReview` API is promoted to `authentication.k8s.io/v1` and the `kubectl auth whoami` command is GA. ([kubernetes/kubernetes117713](https://github.com/kubernetes/kubernetes/pull/117713), [nabokihms](https://github.com/nabokihms)) [SIG API Machinery, Architecture, Auth, CLI and Testing]


- Fix request_timeout example and doc. Arg name should be _request_timeout. Single value type should be int or long. (2071, hemslo)


API Change
- Added error handling for seccomp localhost configurations that do not properly set a localhostProfile ([kubernetes/kubernetes117020](https://github.com/kubernetes/kubernetes/pull/117020), [cji](https://github.com/cji)) [SIG API Machinery and Node]
- Fixed an issue where kubelet does not set case-insensitive headers for http probes. (117182, dddddai) ([kubernetes/kubernetes117324](https://github.com/kubernetes/kubernetes/pull/117324), [dddddai](https://github.com/dddddai)) [SIG API Machinery, Apps and Node]
- Revised the comment about the feature-gate level for PodFailurePolicy from alpha to beta ([kubernetes/kubernetes117815](https://github.com/kubernetes/kubernetes/pull/117815), [kerthcet](https://github.com/kerthcet)) [SIG Apps]
- A fix in the `resource.k8s.io/v1alpha1/ResourceClaim` API avoids harmless (?) ".status.reservedFor: element 0: associative list without keys has an element that's a map type" errors in the apiserver. Validation now rejects the incorrect reuse of the same UID in different entries. ([kubernetes/kubernetes115354](https://github.com/kubernetes/kubernetes/pull/115354), [pohly](https://github.com/pohly))
- A terminating pod on a node that is not caused by preemption no longer prevents `kube-scheduler` from preempting pods on that node
- Rename `PreemptionByKubeScheduler` to `PreemptionByScheduler` ([kubernetes/kubernetes114623](https://github.com/kubernetes/kubernetes/pull/114623), [Huang-Wei](https://github.com/Huang-Wei))
- API: resource.k8s.io/v1alpha1.PodScheduling was renamed to resource.k8s.io/v1alpha2.PodSchedulingContext. ([kubernetes/kubernetes116556](https://github.com/kubernetes/kubernetes/pull/116556), [pohly](https://github.com/pohly)) [SIG API Machinery, Apps, Auth, CLI, Node, Scheduling and Testing]
- Added CEL runtime cost calculation into ValidatingAdmissionPolicy, matching the evaluation cost
restrictions that already apply to CustomResourceDefinition.
If rule evaluation uses more compute than the limit, the API server aborts the evaluation and the
admission check that was being performed is aborted; the `failurePolicy` for the ValidatingAdmissionPolicy
determines the outcome. ([kubernetes/kubernetes115747](https://github.com/kubernetes/kubernetes/pull/115747), [cici37](https://github.com/cici37))
- Added `auditAnnotations` to `ValidatingAdmissionPolicy`, enabling CEL to be used to add audit annotations to request audit events.
Added `validationActions` to `ValidatingAdmissionPolicyBinding`, enabling validation failures to be handled by any combination of the warn, audit and deny enforcement actions. ([kubernetes/kubernetes115973](https://github.com/kubernetes/kubernetes/pull/115973), [jpbetz](https://github.com/jpbetz))
- Added `messageExpression` field to `ValidationRule`. ([kubernetes/kubernetes115969](https://github.com/kubernetes/kubernetes/pull/115969), [DangerOnTheRanger](https://github.com/DangerOnTheRanger))
- Added `messageExpression` to `ValidatingAdmissionPolicy`, to set custom failure message via CEL expression. ([kubernetes/kubernetes116397](https://github.com/kubernetes/kubernetes/pull/116397), [jiahuif](https://github.com/jiahuif)) [SIG API Machinery]
- Added a new IPAddress object kind
- Added a new ClusterIP allocator. The new allocator removes previous Service CIDR block size limitations for IPv4, and limits IPv6 size to a /64 ([kubernetes/kubernetes115075](https://github.com/kubernetes/kubernetes/pull/115075), [aojea](https://github.com/aojea)) [SIG API Machinery, Apps, Auth, CLI, Cluster Lifecycle, Network and Testing]
- Added a new alpha API: ClusterTrustBundle (`certificates.k8s.io/v1alpha1`).
A ClusterTrustBundle may be used to distribute [X.509](https://www.itu.int/rec/T-REC-X.509) trust anchors to workloads within the cluster. ([kubernetes/kubernetes#113218](https://github.com/kubernetes/kubernetes/pull/113218), [ahmedtd](https://github.com/ahmedtd)) [SIG API Machinery, Auth and Testing]
- Added authorization check support to the CEL expressions of ValidatingAdmissionPolicy via a `authorizer`
variable with expressions. The new variable provides a builder that allows expressions such `authorizer.group('').resource('pods').check('create').allowed()`. ([kubernetes/kubernetes116054](https://github.com/kubernetes/kubernetes/pull/116054), [jpbetz](https://github.com/jpbetz)) [SIG API Machinery and Testing]
- Added matchConditions field to ValidatingAdmissionPolicy and enabled support for CEL based custom match criteria. ([kubernetes/kubernetes116350](https://github.com/kubernetes/kubernetes/pull/116350), [maxsmythe](https://github.com/maxsmythe))
- Added new option to the `InterPodAffinity` scheduler plugin to ignore existing
pods` preferred inter-pod affinities if the incoming pod has no preferred inter-pod
affinities. This option can be used as an optimization for higher scheduling throughput
(at the cost of an occasional pod being scheduled non-optimally/violating existing
pods preferred inter-pod affinities). To enable this scheduler option, set the
`InterPodAffinity` scheduler plugin arg `ignorePreferredTermsOfExistingPods: true` ([kubernetes/kubernetes114393](https://github.com/kubernetes/kubernetes/pull/114393), [danielvegamyhre](https://github.com/danielvegamyhre))
- Added the `MatchConditions` field to `ValidatingWebhookConfiguration` and `MutatingWebhookConfiguration` for the v1beta and v1 apis.

The `AdmissionWebhookMatchConditions` featuregate is now in Alpha ([kubernetes/kubernetes116261](https://github.com/kubernetes/kubernetes/pull/116261), [ivelichkovich](https://github.com/ivelichkovich)) [SIG API Machinery and Testing]
- Added validation to ensure that if `service.kubernetes.io/topology-aware-hints` and `service.kubernetes.io/topology-mode` annotations are both set, they are set to the same value.Also Added deprecation warning if `service.kubernetes.io/topology-aware-hints` annotation is used. ([kubernetes/kubernetes116612](https://github.com/kubernetes/kubernetes/pull/116612), [robscott](https://github.com/robscott))
- Added warnings about workload resources (Pods, ReplicaSets, Deployments, Jobs, CronJobs, or ReplicationControllers) whose names are not valid DNS labels. ([kubernetes/kubernetes114412](https://github.com/kubernetes/kubernetes/pull/114412), [thockin](https://github.com/thockin))
- Adds feature gate `NodeLogQuery` which provides cluster administrators with a streaming view of logs using kubectl without them having to implement a client side reader or logging into the node. ([kubernetes/kubernetes96120](https://github.com/kubernetes/kubernetes/pull/96120), [LorbusChris](https://github.com/LorbusChris))
- Api: validation of a `PodSpec` now rejects invalid `ResourceClaim` and `ResourceClaimTemplate` names. For a pod, the name generated for the `ResourceClaim` when using a template also must be valid. ([kubernetes/kubernetes116576](https://github.com/kubernetes/kubernetes/pull/116576), [pohly](https://github.com/pohly))
- Bump default API QPS limits for Kubelet. ([kubernetes/kubernetes116121](https://github.com/kubernetes/kubernetes/pull/116121), [wojtek-t](https://github.com/wojtek-t))
- Enabled the `StatefulSetStartOrdinal` feature gate in beta ([kubernetes/kubernetes115260](https://github.com/kubernetes/kubernetes/pull/115260), [pwschuurman](https://github.com/pwschuurman))
- Enabled usage of `kube-proxy`, `kube-scheduler` and `kubelet` HTTP APIs for changing the logging
verbosity at runtime for JSON output. ([kubernetes/kubernetes114609](https://github.com/kubernetes/kubernetes/pull/114609), [pohly](https://github.com/pohly))
- Encryption of API Server at rest configuration now allows the use of wildcards in the list of resources. For example, *.* can be used to encrypt all resources, including all current and future custom resources. ([kubernetes/kubernetes115149](https://github.com/kubernetes/kubernetes/pull/115149), [nilekhc](https://github.com/nilekhc))
- Extended the kubelet's PodResources API to include resources allocated in `ResourceClaims` via `DynamicResourceAllocation`. Additionally, added a new `Get()` method to query a specific pod for its resources. ([kubernetes/kubernetes115847](https://github.com/kubernetes/kubernetes/pull/115847), [moshe010](https://github.com/moshe010)) [SIG Node]
- Forbid to set matchLabelKeys when labelSelector is not set in topologySpreadConstraints ([kubernetes/kubernetes116535](https://github.com/kubernetes/kubernetes/pull/116535), [denkensk](https://github.com/denkensk))
- GCE does not support LoadBalancer Services with ports with different protocols (TCP and UDP) ([kubernetes/kubernetes115966](https://github.com/kubernetes/kubernetes/pull/115966), [aojea](https://github.com/aojea)) [SIG Apps and Cloud Provider]
- GRPC probes are now a GA feature. `GRPCContainerProbe` feature gate was locked to default value and will be removed in v1.29. If you were setting this feature gate explicitly, please remove it now. ([kubernetes/kubernetes116233](https://github.com/kubernetes/kubernetes/pull/116233), [SergeyKanzhelev](https://github.com/SergeyKanzhelev))
- Graduated `Kubelet Topology Manager` to GA. ([kubernetes/kubernetes116093](https://github.com/kubernetes/kubernetes/pull/116093), [swatisehgal](https://github.com/swatisehgal))
- Graduated `KubeletTracing` to beta, which means that the feature gate is now enabled by default. ([kubernetes/kubernetes115750](https://github.com/kubernetes/kubernetes/pull/115750), [saschagrunert](https://github.com/saschagrunert))
- Graduated seccomp profile defaulting to GA.

Set the kubelet `--seccomp-default` flag or `seccompDefault` kubelet configuration field to `true` to make pods on that node default to using the `RuntimeDefault` seccomp profile.

Enabling seccomp for your workload can have a negative performance impact depending on the kernel and container runtime version in use.

Guidance for identifying and mitigating those issues is outlined in the Kubernetes [seccomp tutorial](https://k8s.io/docs/tutorials/security/seccomp). ([kubernetes/kubernetes#115719](https://github.com/kubernetes/kubernetes/pull/115719), [saschagrunert](https://github.com/saschagrunert)) [SIG API Machinery, Node, Storage and Testing]
- Graduated the container resource metrics feature on `HPA` to beta. ([kubernetes/kubernetes116046](https://github.com/kubernetes/kubernetes/pull/116046), [sanposhiho](https://github.com/sanposhiho))
- Implemented API streaming for the `watch-cache`

When `sendInitialEvents` `ListOption` is set together with `watch=true`, it begins the watch stream with synthetic init events followed by a synthetic "Bookmark" after which the server continues streaming events. ([kubernetes/kubernetes110960](https://github.com/kubernetes/kubernetes/pull/110960), [p0lyn0mial](https://github.com/p0lyn0mial))
- Introduced API for streaming.

Added `SendInitialEvents` field to the `ListOptions`. When the new option is set together with `watch=true`, it begins the watch stream with synthetic init events followed by a synthetic "Bookmark" after which the server continues streaming events. ([kubernetes/kubernetes115402](https://github.com/kubernetes/kubernetes/pull/115402), [p0lyn0mial](https://github.com/p0lyn0mial))
- Introduced a breaking change to the `resource.k8s.io` API in its `AllocationResult` struct. This change allows a kubelet plugin for the `DynamicResourceAllocation` feature to service allocations from multiple resource driver controllers. ([kubernetes/kubernetes116332](https://github.com/kubernetes/kubernetes/pull/116332), [klueska](https://github.com/klueska))
- Introduces new alpha functionality to the reflector, allowing user to enable API streaming.

To activate this feature, users can set the `ENABLE_CLIENT_GO_WATCH_LIST_ALPHA` environmental variable.
It is important to note that the server must support streaming for this feature to function properly.
If streaming is not supported by the server, the reflector will revert to the previous method
of obtaining data through LIST/WATCH semantics. ([kubernetes/kubernetes110772](https://github.com/kubernetes/kubernetes/pull/110772), [p0lyn0mial](https://github.com/p0lyn0mial)) [SIG API Machinery]
- K8s.io/client-go/tools/record.EventBroadcaster: after Shutdown() is called, the broadcaster now gives up immediately after a failure to write an event to a sink. Previously it tried multiple times for 12 seconds in a goroutine. ([kubernetes/kubernetes115514](https://github.com/kubernetes/kubernetes/pull/115514), [pohly](https://github.com/pohly)) [SIG API Machinery]
- K8s.io/component-base/logs: usage of the pflag values in a normal Go flag set led to panics when printing the help message ([kubernetes/kubernetes114680](https://github.com/kubernetes/kubernetes/pull/114680), [pohly](https://github.com/pohly)) [SIG Instrumentation]
- Kubeadm: explicitly set `priority` for static pods with `priorityClassName: system-node-critical` ([kubernetes/kubernetes114338](https://github.com/kubernetes/kubernetes/pull/114338), [champtar](https://github.com/champtar)) [SIG Cluster Lifecycle]
- Kubelet: a "maxParallelImagePulls" field can now be specified in the kubelet configuration file to control how many image pulls the kubelet can perform in parallel. ([kubernetes/kubernetes115220](https://github.com/kubernetes/kubernetes/pull/115220), [ruiwen-zhao](https://github.com/ruiwen-zhao)) [SIG API Machinery, Node and Scalability]
- Kubelet: changed `MemoryThrottlingFactor` default value to `0.9` and formulas to calculate `memory.high` ([kubernetes/kubernetes115371](https://github.com/kubernetes/kubernetes/pull/115371), [pacoxu](https://github.com/pacoxu))
- Kubernetes components that perform leader election now only support using `Leases` for this. ([kubernetes/kubernetes114055](https://github.com/kubernetes/kubernetes/pull/114055), [aimuz](https://github.com/aimuz))
- Migrated the `DaemonSet` controller (within `kube-controller-manager`) to use [contextual logging](https://k8s.io/docs/concepts/cluster-administration/system-logs/#contextual-logging) ([kubernetes/kubernetes113622](https://github.com/kubernetes/kubernetes/pull/113622), [249043822](https://github.com/249043822))
- New `service.kubernetes.io/topology-mode` annotation has been introduced as a replacement for the `service.kubernetes.io/topology-aware-hints` annotation.
- `service.kubernetes.io/topology-aware-hints` annotation has been deprecated.
- kube-proxy now accepts any value that is not "disabled" for these annotations, enabling custom implementation-specific and/or future built-in heuristics to be used. ([kubernetes/kubernetes116522](https://github.com/kubernetes/kubernetes/pull/116522), [robscott](https://github.com/robscott)) [SIG Apps, Network and Testing]
- Pods owned by a Job now uses the labels `batch.kubernetes.io/job-name` and `batch.kubernetes.io/controller-uid`.
The legacy labels `job-name` and `controller-uid` are still added for compatibility. ([kubernetes/kubernetes114930](https://github.com/kubernetes/kubernetes/pull/114930), [kannon92](https://github.com/kannon92))
- Promoted `CronJobTimeZone` feature to GA ([kubernetes/kubernetes115904](https://github.com/kubernetes/kubernetes/pull/115904), [soltysh](https://github.com/soltysh))
- Promoted `SelfSubjectReview` to Beta ([kubernetes/kubernetes116274](https://github.com/kubernetes/kubernetes/pull/116274), [nabokihms](https://github.com/nabokihms)) [SIG API Machinery, Auth, CLI and Testing]
- Relaxed API validation to allow pod node selector to be mutable for gated pods (additions only, no deletions or mutations). ([kubernetes/kubernetes116161](https://github.com/kubernetes/kubernetes/pull/116161), [danielvegamyhre](https://github.com/danielvegamyhre))
- Remove `kubernetes.io/grpc` standard appProtocol ([kubernetes/kubernetes116866](https://github.com/kubernetes/kubernetes/pull/116866), [LiorLieberman](https://github.com/LiorLieberman)) [SIG API Machinery and Apps]
- Remove deprecated `--enable-taint-manager` and `--pod-eviction-timeout` CLI ([kubernetes/kubernetes115840](https://github.com/kubernetes/kubernetes/pull/115840), [atosatto](https://github.com/atosatto))
- Removed support for the `v1alpha1` kubeletplugin API of `DynamicResourceManagement`. All plugins must be updated to `v1alpha2` in order to function properly. ([kubernetes/kubernetes116558](https://github.com/kubernetes/kubernetes/pull/116558), [klueska](https://github.com/klueska))
- The API server now re-uses data encryption keys while the kms v2 plugin key ID is stable. Data encryption keys are still randomly generated on server start but an atomic counter is used to prevent nonce collisions. ([kubernetes/kubernetes116155](https://github.com/kubernetes/kubernetes/pull/116155), [enj](https://github.com/enj))
- The PodDisruptionBudget `spec.unhealthyPodEvictionPolicy` field has graduated to beta and is enabled by default. On servers with the feature enabled, this field may be set to `AlwaysAllow` to always allow unhealthy pods covered by the PodDisruptionBudget to be evicted. ([kubernetes/kubernetes115363](https://github.com/kubernetes/kubernetes/pull/115363), [ravisantoshgudimetla](https://github.com/ravisantoshgudimetla)) [SIG Apps, Auth and Node]
- The `DownwardAPIHugePages` kubelet feature graduated to stable / GA. ([kubernetes/kubernetes115721](https://github.com/kubernetes/kubernetes/pull/115721), [saschagrunert](https://github.com/saschagrunert)) [SIG Apps and Node]
- The following feature gates for volume expansion GA features have now been removed and must no longer be referenced in `--feature-gates` flags: `ExpandCSIVolumes`, `ExpandInUsePersistentVolumes`, `ExpandPersistentVolumes` ([kubernetes/kubernetes113942](https://github.com/kubernetes/kubernetes/pull/113942), [mengjiao-liu](https://github.com/mengjiao-liu))
- The list-type of the alpha `resourceClaims` field introduced to `Pods` in `1.26.0` was modified from `set` to `map`, resolving an incompatibility with use of this schema in `CustomResourceDefinitions` and with server-side apply. ([kubernetes/kubernetes114585](https://github.com/kubernetes/kubernetes/pull/114585), [JoelSpeed](https://github.com/JoelSpeed))
- Updated API reference for Requests, specifying they must not exceed limits ([kubernetes/kubernetes115434](https://github.com/kubernetes/kubernetes/pull/115434), [ehashman](https://github.com/ehashman))
- Updated `KMSv2` to beta ([kubernetes/kubernetes115123](https://github.com/kubernetes/kubernetes/pull/115123), [aramase](https://github.com/aramase))
- Updated: Redefine AppProtocol field description and add new standard values ([kubernetes/kubernetes115433](https://github.com/kubernetes/kubernetes/pull/115433), [LiorLieberman](https://github.com/LiorLieberman)) [SIG API Machinery, Apps and Network]
- `/metrics/slis` is now available for control plane components allowing you to scrape health check metrics. ([kubernetes/kubernetes114997](https://github.com/kubernetes/kubernetes/pull/114997), [Richabanker](https://github.com/Richabanker))
- `APIServerTracing` feature gate is now enabled by default. Tracing in the API
Server is still disabled by default, and requires a config file to enable. ([kubernetes/kubernetes116144](https://github.com/kubernetes/kubernetes/pull/116144), [dashpole](https://github.com/dashpole))
- `NodeResourceFit` and `NodeResourcesBalancedAllocation` implement the `PreScore`
extension point for a more performant calculation. ([kubernetes/kubernetes115655](https://github.com/kubernetes/kubernetes/pull/115655), [tangwz](https://github.com/tangwz))
- `PodSchedulingReadiness` is graduated to beta. ([kubernetes/kubernetes115815](https://github.com/kubernetes/kubernetes/pull/115815), [Huang-Wei](https://github.com/Huang-Wei))
- `PodSpec.Container.Resources` became mutable for CPU and memory resource types.
- `PodSpec.Container.ResizePolicy` (new object) gives users control over how their containers are resized.
- `PodStatus.Resize` status describes the state of a requested Pod resize.
- `PodStatus.ResourcesAllocated` describes node resources allocated to Pod.
- `PodStatus.Resources` describes node resources applied to running containers by CRI.
- `UpdateContainerResources` CRI API now supports both Linux and Windows. ([kubernetes/kubernetes102884](https://github.com/kubernetes/kubernetes/pull/102884), [vinaykul](https://github.com/vinaykul))
- `SELinuxMountReadWriteOncePod` graduated to Beta. ([kubernetes/kubernetes116425](https://github.com/kubernetes/kubernetes/pull/116425), [jsafrane](https://github.com/jsafrane))
- `StatefulSetAutoDeletePVC` feature gate promoted to beta. ([kubernetes/kubernetes116501](https://github.com/kubernetes/kubernetes/pull/116501), [mattcary](https://github.com/mattcary))
- `StatefulSet` names must be DNS labels, rather than subdomains. Any `StatefulSet`
which took advantage of subdomain validation (by having dots in the name) can't
possibly have worked, because we eventually set `pod.spec.hostname` from the `StatefulSetName`,
and that is validated as a DNS label. ([kubernetes/kubernetes114172](https://github.com/kubernetes/kubernetes/pull/114172), [thockin](https://github.com/thockin))
- `ValidatingAdmissionPolicy` now provides a status field that contains results of type checking the validation expression.
The type checking is fully informational, and the behavior of the policy is unchanged. ([kubernetes/kubernetes115668](https://github.com/kubernetes/kubernetes/pull/115668), [jiahuif](https://github.com/jiahuif))
- `cacheSize` field in `EncryptionConfiguration` is not supported for KMSv2 provider ([kubernetes/kubernetes113121](https://github.com/kubernetes/kubernetes/pull/113121), [aramase](https://github.com/aramase))
- `k8s.io/component-base/logs` now also supports adding command line flags to a `flag.FlagSet`. ([kubernetes/kubernetes114731](https://github.com/kubernetes/kubernetes/pull/114731), [pohly](https://github.com/pohly))
- `kubelet`: migrated `--container-runtime-endpoint` and `--image-service-endpoint`
to kubelet config ([kubernetes/kubernetes112136](https://github.com/kubernetes/kubernetes/pull/112136), [pacoxu](https://github.com/pacoxu))
- `resource.k8s.io/v1alpha1` was replaced with `resource.k8s.io/v1alpha2`. Before
upgrading a cluster, all objects in resource.k8s.io/v1alpha1 (ResourceClaim, ResourceClaimTemplate,
ResourceClass, PodScheduling) must be deleted. The changes are internal, so
YAML files which create pods and resource claims don't need changes except for
the newer `apiVersion`. ([kubernetes/kubernetes116299](https://github.com/kubernetes/kubernetes/pull/116299), [pohly](https://github.com/pohly))
- `volumes`: `resource.claims` is now cleared for PVC specs during create or update of a pod spec with inline PVC template or of a PVC because it has no effect. ([kubernetes/kubernetes115928](https://github.com/kubernetes/kubernetes/pull/115928), [pohly](https://github.com/pohly))
- Added a new alpha API: ClusterTrustBundle (`certificates.k8s.io/v1alpha1`).
A ClusterTrustBundle may be used to distribute [X.509](https://www.itu.int/rec/T-REC-X.509) trust anchors to workloads within the cluster. ([kubernetes/kubernetes#113218](https://github.com/kubernetes/kubernetes/pull/113218), [ahmedtd](https://github.com/ahmedtd)) [SIG API Machinery, Auth and Testing]
- Remove `kubernetes.io/grpc` standard appProtocol ([kubernetes/kubernetes116866](https://github.com/kubernetes/kubernetes/pull/116866), [LiorLieberman](https://github.com/LiorLieberman)) [SIG API Machinery and Apps]
- API: resource.k8s.io/v1alpha1.PodScheduling was renamed to resource.k8s.io/v1alpha2.PodSchedulingContext. ([kubernetes/kubernetes116556](https://github.com/kubernetes/kubernetes/pull/116556), [pohly](https://github.com/pohly)) [SIG API Machinery, Apps, Auth, CLI, Node, Scheduling and Testing]
- APIServerTracing feature gate is now enabled by default. Tracing in the API Server is still disabled by default, and requires a config file to enable. ([kubernetes/kubernetes116144](https://github.com/kubernetes/kubernetes/pull/116144), [dashpole](https://github.com/dashpole)) [SIG API Machinery and Testing]
- Added CEL runtime cost calculation into ValidatingAdmissionPolicy, matching the evaluation cost
restrictions that already apply to CustomResourceDefinition.
If rule evaluation uses more compute than the limit, the API server aborts the evaluation and the
admission check that was being performed is aborted; the `failurePolicy` for the ValidatingAdmissionPolicy
determines the outcome. ([kubernetes/kubernetes115747](https://github.com/kubernetes/kubernetes/pull/115747), [cici37](https://github.com/cici37)) [SIG API Machinery]
- Added `messageExpression` to `ValidatingAdmissionPolicy`, to set custom failure message via CEL expression. ([kubernetes/kubernetes116397](https://github.com/kubernetes/kubernetes/pull/116397), [jiahuif](https://github.com/jiahuif)) [SIG API Machinery]
- Added a new IPAddress object kind
- Added a new ClusterIP allocator. The new allocator removes previous Service CIDR block size limitations for IPv4, and limits IPv6 size to a /64 ([kubernetes/kubernetes115075](https://github.com/kubernetes/kubernetes/pull/115075), [aojea](https://github.com/aojea)) [SIG API Machinery, Apps, Auth, CLI, Cluster Lifecycle, Network and Testing]
- Added a new alpha API: ClusterTrustBundle (`certificates.k8s.io/v1alpha1`).
A ClusterTrustBundle may be used to distribute [X.509](https://www.itu.int/rec/T-REC-X.509) trust anchors to workloads within the cluster. ([kubernetes/kubernetes#113218](https://github.com/kubernetes/kubernetes/pull/113218), [ahmedtd](https://github.com/ahmedtd)) [SIG API Machinery, Auth and Testing]
- Added authorization check support to the CEL expressions of ValidatingAdmissionPolicy via a `authorizer`
variable with expressions. The new variable provides a builder that allows expressions such `authorizer.group('').resource('pods').check('create').allowed()`. ([kubernetes/kubernetes116054](https://github.com/kubernetes/kubernetes/pull/116054), [jpbetz](https://github.com/jpbetz)) [SIG API Machinery and Testing]
- Added matchConditions field to ValidatingAdmissionPolicy, enabled support for CEL based custom match criteria. ([kubernetes/kubernetes116350](https://github.com/kubernetes/kubernetes/pull/116350), [maxsmythe](https://github.com/maxsmythe)) [SIG API Machinery and Testing]
- Added messageExpression field to ValidationRule. (115969, DangerOnTheRanger) ([kubernetes/kubernetes115969](https://github.com/kubernetes/kubernetes/pull/115969), [DangerOnTheRanger](https://github.com/DangerOnTheRanger)) [SIG API Machinery, Architecture, Auth, CLI, Cloud Provider, Instrumentation, Node and Testing]
- Added the `MatchConditions` field to `ValidatingWebhookConfiguration` and `MutatingWebhookConfiguration` for the v1beta and v1 apis.

The `AdmissionWebhookMatchConditions` featuregate is now in Alpha ([kubernetes/kubernetes116261](https://github.com/kubernetes/kubernetes/pull/116261), [ivelichkovich](https://github.com/ivelichkovich)) [SIG API Machinery and Testing]
- Added validation to ensure that if `service.kubernetes.io/topology-aware-hints` and `service.kubernetes.io/topology-mode` annotations are both set, they are set to the same value.
- Added deprecation warning if `service.kubernetes.io/topology-aware-hints` annotation is used. ([kubernetes/kubernetes116612](https://github.com/kubernetes/kubernetes/pull/116612), [robscott](https://github.com/robscott)) [SIG Apps, Network and Testing]
- Adds auditAnnotations to ValidatingAdmissionPolicy, enabling CEL to be used to add audit annotations to request audit events.
Adds validationActions to ValidatingAdmissionPolicyBinding, enabling validation failures to be handled by any combination of the warn, audit and deny enforcement actions. ([kubernetes/kubernetes115973](https://github.com/kubernetes/kubernetes/pull/115973), [jpbetz](https://github.com/jpbetz)) [SIG API Machinery and Testing]
- Adds feature gate `NodeLogQuery` which provides cluster administrators with a streaming view of logs using kubectl without them having to implement a client side reader or logging into the node. ([kubernetes/kubernetes96120](https://github.com/kubernetes/kubernetes/pull/96120), [LorbusChris](https://github.com/LorbusChris)) [SIG API Machinery, Apps, CLI, Node, Testing and Windows]
- Api: validation of a PodSpec now rejects invalid ResourceClaim and ResourceClaimTemplate names. For a pod, the name generated for the ResourceClaim when using a template also must be valid. ([kubernetes/kubernetes116576](https://github.com/kubernetes/kubernetes/pull/116576), [pohly](https://github.com/pohly)) [SIG Apps]
- Bump default API QPS limits for Kubelet. ([kubernetes/kubernetes116121](https://github.com/kubernetes/kubernetes/pull/116121), [wojtek-t](https://github.com/wojtek-t)) [SIG API Machinery and Node]
- Enable the "StatefulSetStartOrdinal" feature gate in beta ([kubernetes/kubernetes115260](https://github.com/kubernetes/kubernetes/pull/115260), [pwschuurman](https://github.com/pwschuurman)) [SIG API Machinery and Apps]
- Extended the kubelet's PodResources API to include resources allocated in `ResourceClaims` via `DynamicResourceAllocation`. Additionally, added a new `Get()` method to query a specific pod for its resources. ([kubernetes/kubernetes115847](https://github.com/kubernetes/kubernetes/pull/115847), [moshe010](https://github.com/moshe010)) [SIG Node]
- Forbid to set matchLabelKeys when labelSelector isn’t set in topologySpreadConstraints ([kubernetes/kubernetes116535](https://github.com/kubernetes/kubernetes/pull/116535), [denkensk](https://github.com/denkensk)) [SIG API Machinery, Apps and Scheduling]
- GCE does not support LoadBalancer Services with ports with different protocols (TCP and UDP) ([kubernetes/kubernetes115966](https://github.com/kubernetes/kubernetes/pull/115966), [aojea](https://github.com/aojea)) [SIG Apps and Cloud Provider]
- GRPC probes are now a GA feature. GRPCContainerProbe feature gate was locked to default value and will be removed in v1.29. If you were setting this feature gate explicitly, please remove it now. ([kubernetes/kubernetes116233](https://github.com/kubernetes/kubernetes/pull/116233), [SergeyKanzhelev](https://github.com/SergeyKanzhelev)) [SIG API Machinery, Apps and Node]
- Graduate Kubelet Topology Manager to GA. ([kubernetes/kubernetes116093](https://github.com/kubernetes/kubernetes/pull/116093), [swatisehgal](https://github.com/swatisehgal)) [SIG API Machinery, Node and Testing]
- Graduate `KubeletTracing` to beta, which means that the feature gate is now enabled by default. ([kubernetes/kubernetes115750](https://github.com/kubernetes/kubernetes/pull/115750), [saschagrunert](https://github.com/saschagrunert)) [SIG Instrumentation and Node]
- Graduate the container resource metrics feature on HPA to beta. ([kubernetes/kubernetes116046](https://github.com/kubernetes/kubernetes/pull/116046), [sanposhiho](https://github.com/sanposhiho)) [SIG Autoscaling]
- Introduced a breaking change to the `resource.k8s.io` API in its `AllocationResult` struct. This change allows a kubelet plugin for the `DynamicResourceAllocation` feature to service allocations from multiple resource driver controllers. ([kubernetes/kubernetes116332](https://github.com/kubernetes/kubernetes/pull/116332), [klueska](https://github.com/klueska)) [SIG API Machinery, Apps, CLI, Node, Scheduling and Testing]
- Introduces new alpha functionality to the reflector, allowing user to enable API streaming.

To activate this feature, users can set the `ENABLE_CLIENT_GO_WATCH_LIST_ALPHA` environmental variable.
It is important to note that the server must support streaming for this feature to function properly.
If streaming is not supported by the server, the reflector will revert to the previous method
of obtaining data through LIST/WATCH semantics. ([kubernetes/kubernetes110772](https://github.com/kubernetes/kubernetes/pull/110772), [p0lyn0mial](https://github.com/p0lyn0mial)) [SIG API Machinery]
- Kubelet: change MemoryThrottlingFactor default value to 0.9 and formulas to calculate memory.high ([kubernetes/kubernetes115371](https://github.com/kubernetes/kubernetes/pull/115371), [pacoxu](https://github.com/pacoxu)) [SIG API Machinery, Apps and Node]
- Migrated the DaemonSet controller (within `kube-controller-manager) to use [contextual logging](https://k8s.io/docs/concepts/cluster-administration/system-logs/#contextual-logging) ([kubernetes/kubernetes113622](https://github.com/kubernetes/kubernetes/pull/113622), [249043822](https://github.com/249043822)) [SIG API Machinery, Apps, Instrumentation and Testing]
- New `service.kubernetes.io/topology-mode` annotation has been introduced as a replacement for the `service.kubernetes.io/topology-aware-hints` annotation.
- `service.kubernetes.io/topology-aware-hints` annotation has been deprecated.
- kube-proxy now accepts any value that is not "disabled" for these annotations, enabling custom implementation-specific and/or future built-in heuristics to be used. ([kubernetes/kubernetes116522](https://github.com/kubernetes/kubernetes/pull/116522), [robscott](https://github.com/robscott)) [SIG Apps, Network and Testing]
- NodeResourceFit and NodeResourcesBalancedAllocation implement the PreScore extension point for a more performant calculation. ([kubernetes/kubernetes115655](https://github.com/kubernetes/kubernetes/pull/115655), [tangwz](https://github.com/tangwz)) [SIG Scheduling]
- Pods owned by a Job will now use the labels `batch.kubernetes.io/job-name` and `batch.kubernetes.io/controller-uid`.
The legacy labels `job-name` and `controller-uid` are still added for compatibility. ([kubernetes/kubernetes114930](https://github.com/kubernetes/kubernetes/pull/114930), [kannon92](https://github.com/kannon92)) [SIG Apps]
- Promote CronJobTimeZone feature to GA ([kubernetes/kubernetes115904](https://github.com/kubernetes/kubernetes/pull/115904), [soltysh](https://github.com/soltysh)) [SIG API Machinery and Apps]
- Promoted `SelfSubjectReview` to Beta ([kubernetes/kubernetes116274](https://github.com/kubernetes/kubernetes/pull/116274), [nabokihms](https://github.com/nabokihms)) [SIG API Machinery, Auth, CLI and Testing]
- Relax API validation to allow pod node selector to be mutable for gated pods (additions only, no deletions or mutations). ([kubernetes/kubernetes116161](https://github.com/kubernetes/kubernetes/pull/116161), [danielvegamyhre](https://github.com/danielvegamyhre)) [SIG Apps, Scheduling and Testing]
- Remove deprecated `--enable-taint-manager` and `--pod-eviction-timeout` CLI flags ([kubernetes/kubernetes115840](https://github.com/kubernetes/kubernetes/pull/115840), [atosatto](https://github.com/atosatto)) [SIG API Machinery, Apps, Node and Testing]
- Resource.k8s.io/v1alpha1 was replaced with resource.k8s.io/v1alpha2. Before upgrading a cluster, all objects in resource.k8s.io/v1alpha1 (ResourceClaim, ResourceClaimTemplate, ResourceClass, PodScheduling) must be deleted. The changes will be internal, so YAML files which create pods and resource claims don't need changes except for the newer `apiVersion`. ([kubernetes/kubernetes116299](https://github.com/kubernetes/kubernetes/pull/116299), [pohly](https://github.com/pohly)) [SIG API Machinery, Apps, CLI, Node, Scheduling and Testing]
- SELinuxMountReadWriteOncePod graduated to Beta. ([kubernetes/kubernetes116425](https://github.com/kubernetes/kubernetes/pull/116425), [jsafrane](https://github.com/jsafrane)) [SIG Storage and Testing]
- StatefulSetAutoDeletePVC feature gate promoted to beta. ([kubernetes/kubernetes116501](https://github.com/kubernetes/kubernetes/pull/116501), [mattcary](https://github.com/mattcary)) [SIG Apps, Auth and Testing]
- The API server now re-uses data encryption keys while the kms v2 plugin's key ID is stable. Data encryption keys are still randomly generated on server start but an atomic counter is used to prevent nonce collisions. ([kubernetes/kubernetes116155](https://github.com/kubernetes/kubernetes/pull/116155), [enj](https://github.com/enj)) [SIG API Machinery, Auth and Testing]
- The API server's encryption at rest configuration now allows the use of wildcards in the list of resources. For example, '*.*' can be used to encrypt all resources, including all current and future custom resources. ([kubernetes/kubernetes115149](https://github.com/kubernetes/kubernetes/pull/115149), [nilekhc](https://github.com/nilekhc)) [SIG API Machinery, Auth and Testing]
- Update KMSv2 to beta ([kubernetes/kubernetes115123](https://github.com/kubernetes/kubernetes/pull/115123), [aramase](https://github.com/aramase)) [SIG API Machinery, Auth and Testing]
- Updated: Redefine AppProtocol field description and add new standard values ([kubernetes/kubernetes115433](https://github.com/kubernetes/kubernetes/pull/115433), [LiorLieberman](https://github.com/LiorLieberman)) [SIG API Machinery, Apps and Network]
- ValidatingAdmissionPolicy now provides a status field that contains results of type checking the validation expression.
The type checking is fully informational, and the behavior of the policy is unchanged. ([kubernetes/kubernetes115668](https://github.com/kubernetes/kubernetes/pull/115668), [jiahuif](https://github.com/jiahuif)) [SIG API Machinery, Auth, Cloud Provider and Testing]
- We have removed support for the v1alpha1 kubeletplugin API of DynamicResourceManagement. All plugins must update to v1alpha2 in order to function properly going forward. ([kubernetes/kubernetes116558](https://github.com/kubernetes/kubernetes/pull/116558), [klueska](https://github.com/klueska)) [SIG API Machinery, Apps, CLI, Node, Scheduling and Testing]
- Graduated seccomp profile defaulting to GA.

Set the kubelet `--seccomp-default` flag or `seccompDefault` kubelet configuration field to `true` to make pods on that node default to using the `RuntimeDefault` seccomp profile.

Enabling seccomp for your workload can have a negative performance impact depending on the kernel and container runtime version in use.

Guidance for identifying and mitigating those issues is outlined in the Kubernetes [seccomp tutorial](https://k8s.io/docs/tutorials/security/seccomp). ([kubernetes/kubernetes#115719](https://github.com/kubernetes/kubernetes/pull/115719), [saschagrunert](https://github.com/saschagrunert)) [SIG API Machinery, Node, Storage and Testing]
- Implements API for streaming for the watch-cache

When sendInitialEvents ListOption is set together with watch=true, it begins the watch stream with synthetic init events followed by a synthetic "Bookmark" after which the server continues streaming events. ([kubernetes/kubernetes110960](https://github.com/kubernetes/kubernetes/pull/110960), [p0lyn0mial](https://github.com/p0lyn0mial)) [SIG API Machinery]
- Introduce API for streaming.

Add SendInitialEvents field to the ListOptions. When the new option is set together with watch=true, it begins the watch stream with synthetic init events followed by a synthetic "Bookmark" after which the server continues streaming events. ([kubernetes/kubernetes115402](https://github.com/kubernetes/kubernetes/pull/115402), [p0lyn0mial](https://github.com/p0lyn0mial)) [SIG API Machinery]
- Kubelet: a "maxParallelImagePulls" field can now be specified in the kubelet configuration file to control how many image pulls the kubelet can perform in parallel. ([kubernetes/kubernetes115220](https://github.com/kubernetes/kubernetes/pull/115220), [ruiwen-zhao](https://github.com/ruiwen-zhao)) [SIG API Machinery, Node and Scalability]
- PodSchedulingReadiness is graduated to beta. ([kubernetes/kubernetes115815](https://github.com/kubernetes/kubernetes/pull/115815), [Huang-Wei](https://github.com/Huang-Wei)) [SIG API Machinery, Apps, Scheduling and Testing]
- In-place resize feature for Kubernetes Pods
- Changed the Pod API so that the `resources` defined for containers are mutable for `cpu` and `memory` resource types.
- Added `resizePolicy` for containers in a pod to allow users control over how their containers are resized.
- Added `allocatedResources` field to container status in pod status that describes the node resources allocated to a pod.
- Added `resources` field to container status that reports actual resources applied to running containers.
- Added `resize` field to pod status that describes the state of a requested pod resize.
For details, see KEPs below. ([kubernetes/kubernetes102884](https://github.com/kubernetes/kubernetes/pull/102884), [vinaykul](https://github.com/vinaykul)) [SIG API Machinery, Apps, Instrumentation, Node, Scheduling and Testing]
- The PodDisruptionBudget `spec.unhealthyPodEvictionPolicy` field has graduated to beta and is enabled by default. On servers with the feature enabled, this field may be set to `AlwaysAllow` to always allow unhealthy pods covered by the PodDisruptionBudget to be evicted. ([kubernetes/kubernetes115363](https://github.com/kubernetes/kubernetes/pull/115363), [ravisantoshgudimetla](https://github.com/ravisantoshgudimetla)) [SIG Apps, Auth and Node]
- The `DownwardAPIHugePages` kubelet feature graduated to stable / GA. ([kubernetes/kubernetes115721](https://github.com/kubernetes/kubernetes/pull/115721), [saschagrunert](https://github.com/saschagrunert)) [SIG Apps and Node]
- Volumes: `resource.claims` gets cleared for PVC specs during create or update of a pod spec with inline PVC template or of a PVC because it has no effect. ([kubernetes/kubernetes115928](https://github.com/kubernetes/kubernetes/pull/115928), [pohly](https://github.com/pohly)) [SIG API Machinery, Apps and Storage]
- A fix in the resource.k8s.io/v1alpha1/ResourceClaim API avoids harmless (?) ".status.reservedFor: element 0: associative list without keys has an element that's a map type" errors in the apiserver. Validation now rejects the incorrect reuse of the same UID in different entries. ([kubernetes/kubernetes115354](https://github.com/kubernetes/kubernetes/pull/115354), [pohly](https://github.com/pohly)) [SIG API Machinery]
- CacheSize field in EncryptionConfiguration is not supported for KMSv2 provider ([kubernetes/kubernetes113121](https://github.com/kubernetes/kubernetes/pull/113121), [aramase](https://github.com/aramase)) [SIG API Machinery, Auth and Testing]
- K8s.io/client-go/tools/record.EventBroadcaster: after Shutdown() is called, the broadcaster now gives up immediately after a failure to write an event to a sink. Previously it tried multiple times for 12 seconds in a goroutine. ([kubernetes/kubernetes115514](https://github.com/kubernetes/kubernetes/pull/115514), [pohly](https://github.com/pohly)) [SIG API Machinery]
- K8s.io/component-base/logs now also supports adding command line flags to a flag.FlagSet. ([kubernetes/kubernetes114731](https://github.com/kubernetes/kubernetes/pull/114731), [pohly](https://github.com/pohly)) [SIG Architecture]
- Update API reference for Requests, specifying they must not exceed limits ([kubernetes/kubernetes115434](https://github.com/kubernetes/kubernetes/pull/115434), [ehashman](https://github.com/ehashman)) [SIG Architecture, Docs and Node]
- `/metrics/slis` is made available for control plane components allowing you to scrape health check metrics. ([kubernetes/kubernetes114997](https://github.com/kubernetes/kubernetes/pull/114997), [Richabanker](https://github.com/Richabanker)) [SIG API Machinery, Apps, Architecture, Auth, Autoscaling, CLI, Cloud Provider, Cluster Lifecycle, Instrumentation, Network, Node, Release, Scheduling, Storage and Testing]
- A terminating pod on a node that is not caused by preemption won't prevent kube-scheduler from preempting pods on that node
- Rename 'PreemptionByKubeScheduler' to 'PreemptionByScheduler' ([kubernetes/kubernetes114623](https://github.com/kubernetes/kubernetes/pull/114623), [Huang-Wei](https://github.com/Huang-Wei)) [SIG Scheduling]
- Added new option to the InterPodAffinity scheduler plugin to ignore existing pods` preferred inter-pod affinities if the incoming pod has no preferred inter-pod affinities. This option can be used as an optimization for higher scheduling throughput (at the cost of an occasional pod being scheduled non-optimally/violating existing pods' preferred inter-pod affinities). To enable this scheduler option, set the InterPodAffinity scheduler plugin arg "ignorePreferredTermsOfExistingPods: true". ([kubernetes/kubernetes114393](https://github.com/kubernetes/kubernetes/pull/114393), [danielvegamyhre](https://github.com/danielvegamyhre)) [SIG API Machinery and Scheduling]
- Added warnings about workload resources (Pods, ReplicaSets, Deployments, Jobs, CronJobs, or ReplicationControllers) whose names are not valid DNS labels. ([kubernetes/kubernetes114412](https://github.com/kubernetes/kubernetes/pull/114412), [thockin](https://github.com/thockin)) [SIG API Machinery and Apps]
- K8s.io/component-base/logs: usage of the pflag values in a normal Go flag set led to panics when printing the help message ([kubernetes/kubernetes114680](https://github.com/kubernetes/kubernetes/pull/114680), [pohly](https://github.com/pohly)) [SIG Instrumentation]
- Kube-proxy, kube-scheduler and kubelet have HTTP APIs for changing the logging verbosity at runtime. This now also works for JSON output. ([kubernetes/kubernetes114609](https://github.com/kubernetes/kubernetes/pull/114609), [pohly](https://github.com/pohly)) [SIG API Machinery, Architecture, Cloud Provider, Instrumentation and Testing]
- Kubeadm: explicitly set `priority` for static pods with `priorityClassName: system-node-critical` ([kubernetes/kubernetes114338](https://github.com/kubernetes/kubernetes/pull/114338), [champtar](https://github.com/champtar)) [SIG Cluster Lifecycle]
- Kubelet: migrate "--container-runtime-endpoint" and "--image-service-endpoint" to kubelet config ([kubernetes/kubernetes112136](https://github.com/kubernetes/kubernetes/pull/112136), [pacoxu](https://github.com/pacoxu)) [SIG API Machinery, Node and Scalability]
- Kubernetes components that perform leader election now only support using Leases for this. ([kubernetes/kubernetes114055](https://github.com/kubernetes/kubernetes/pull/114055), [aimuz](https://github.com/aimuz)) [SIG API Machinery, Cloud Provider and Scheduling]
- StatefulSet names must be DNS labels, rather than subdomains. Any StatefulSet which took advantage of subdomain validation (by having dots in the name) can't possibly have worked, because we eventually set `pod.spec.hostname` from the StatefulSetName, and that is validated as a DNS label. ([kubernetes/kubernetes114172](https://github.com/kubernetes/kubernetes/pull/114172), [thockin](https://github.com/thockin)) [SIG Apps]
- The following feature gates for volume expansion GA features have been removed and must no longer be referenced in `--feature-gates` flags: ExpandCSIVolumes, ExpandInUsePersistentVolumes, ExpandPersistentVolumes ([kubernetes/kubernetes113942](https://github.com/kubernetes/kubernetes/pull/113942), [mengjiao-liu](https://github.com/mengjiao-liu)) [SIG API Machinery, Apps and Testing]
- The list-type of the alpha resourceClaims field introduced to Pods in 1.26.0 was modified from "set" to "map", resolving an incompatibility with use of this schema in CustomResourceDefinitions and with server-side apply. ([kubernetes/kubernetes114585](https://github.com/kubernetes/kubernetes/pull/114585), [JoelSpeed](https://github.com/JoelSpeed)) [SIG API Machinery]


API Change
- The list-type of the alpha resourceClaims field introduced to Pods in 1.26.0 was modified from "set" to "map", resolving an incompatibility with use of this schema in CustomResourceDefinitions and with server-side apply. ([kubernetes/kubernetes114617](https://github.com/kubernetes/kubernetes/pull/114617), [JoelSpeed](https://github.com/JoelSpeed)) [SIG API Machinery]
- 'A new `preEnqueue` extension point was added to scheduler's component config
([kubernetes/kubernetes113275](https://github.com/kubernetes/kubernetes/pull/113275), [Huang-Wei](https://github.com/Huang-Wei))
- 'Added a `ResourceClaim` API (in the `resource.k8s.io/v1alpha1` API group and
behind the `DynamicResourceAllocation` feature gate).
The new API is now more flexible than the existing Device Plugins feature of Kubernetes because it
allows Pods to request (claim) special kinds of resources, which can be available at node level, cluster
level, or following any other model you implement.' ([kubernetes/kubernetes111023](https://github.com/kubernetes/kubernetes/pull/111023), [pohly](https://github.com/pohly))
- 'Container `preStop` and `postStart` lifecycle handlers using `httpGet` now
honor the specified `scheme` and `headers` fields. This enables setting custom
headers and changing the scheme to `HTTPS`, consistent with container
startup/readiness/liveness probe capabilities. Lifecycle handlers configured
with `scheme: HTTPS` that encounter errors indicating the endpoint is actually
using HTTP fall back to making the request over HTTP for compatibility with
previous releases. When this happens, a `LifecycleHTTPFallback` event is recorded
in the namespace of the pod and a `kubelet_lifecycle_handler_http_fallbacks_total`
metric in the kubelet is incremented. Cluster administrators can opt out of the
expanded lifecycle handler capabilities by setting
`--feature-gates=ConsistentHTTPGetHandlers=false` in `kubelet`.'
([kubernetes/kubernetes86139](https://github.com/kubernetes/kubernetes/pull/86139), [jasimmons](https://github.com/jasimmons))
- 'Graduated `JobTrackingWithFinalizers` to stable.
Jobs created before the feature was enabled are still tracked without finalizers.
Jobs tracked with finalizers have the annotation batch.kubernetes.io/job-tracking.
If the annotation is present and the user attempts to remove it, the control plane adds it back.
The annotation `batch.kubernetes.io/job-tracking` is now deprecated.
The control plane will ignore it and stop adding it for new Jobs in v1.27.' ([kubernetes/kubernetes113510](https://github.com/kubernetes/kubernetes/pull/113510), [alculquicondor](https://github.com/alculquicondor))
- 'Kubelet added the following Pod failure conditions:
- `DisruptionTarget` (graceful node shutdown, node pressure eviction)' ([kubernetes/kubernetes112360](https://github.com/kubernetes/kubernetes/pull/112360), [mimowo](https://github.com/mimowo))
- 'Priority and Fairness has introduced a new feature called _borrowing_ that allows an API priority level
to borrow a number of seats from other priority level(s). As a cluster operator, you can enable borrowing
for a certain priority level configuration object via the two newly introduced fields `lendablePercent`, and
`borrowingLimitPercent` located under the `.spec.limited` field of the designated priority level.
This change added the following metrics:
- `apiserver_flowcontrol_nominal_limit_seats`: Nominal number of execution seats configured for each priority level
- `apiserver_flowcontrol_lower_limit_seats`: Configured lower bound on number of execution seats available to each priority level
- `apiserver_flowcontrol_upper_limit_seats`: Configured upper bound on number of execution seats available to each priority level
- `apiserver_flowcontrol_demand_seats`: Observations, at the end of every nanosecond, of (the number of seats each priority level could use) / (nominal number of seats for that level)
- `apiserver_flowcontrol_demand_seats_high_watermark`: High watermark, over last adjustment period, of demand_seats
- `apiserver_flowcontrol_demand_seats_average`: Time-weighted average, over last adjustment period, of demand_seats
- `apiserver_flowcontrol_demand_seats_stdev`: Time-weighted standard deviation, over last adjustment period, of demand_seats
- `apiserver_flowcontrol_demand_seats_smoothed`: Smoothed seat demands
- `apiserver_flowcontrol_target_seats`: Seat allocation targets
- `apiserver_flowcontrol_seat_fair_frac`: Fair fraction of server's concurrency to allocate to each priority level that can use it
- `apiserver_flowcontrol_current_limit_seats`: current derived number of execution seats available to each priority level
The possibility of borrowing means that the old metric `apiserver_flowcontrol_request_concurrency_limit` can no longer mean both the configured concurrency limit and the enforced concurrency limit. Henceforth it means the configured concurrency limit.' ([kubernetes/kubernetes113485](https://github.com/kubernetes/kubernetes/pull/113485), [MikeSpreitzer](https://github.com/MikeSpreitzer))
- '`NodeInclusionPolicy` in `podTopologySpread` plugin is now enabled by default.'
([kubernetes/kubernetes113500](https://github.com/kubernetes/kubernetes/pull/113500), [kerthcet](https://github.com/kerthcet))
- '`PodDisruptionBudget` now adds an alpha `spec.unhealthyPodEvictionPolicy` field.
When the `PDBUnhealthyPodEvictionPolicy` feature-gate is enabled in `kube-apiserver`,
setting this field to `"AlwaysAllow"` allows pods to be evicted if they do not
have a ready condition, regardless of whether the PodDisruptionBudget is currently
([kubernetes/kubernetes113375](https://github.com/kubernetes/kubernetes/pull/113375), [atiratree](https://github.com/atiratree))
- '`metav1.LabelSelectors` specified in API objects are now validated to ensure
they do not contain invalid label values that will error at time of use. Existing
invalid objects can be updated, but new objects are required to contain valid
label selectors.'
([kubernetes/kubernetes113699](https://github.com/kubernetes/kubernetes/pull/113699), [liggitt](https://github.com/liggitt))
- Add `percentageOfNodesToScore` as a scheduler profile level parameter to API version `v1`. When a profile `percentageOfNodesToScore` is set, it will override global `percentageOfNodesToScore`. ([kubernetes/kubernetes112521](https://github.com/kubernetes/kubernetes/pull/112521), [yuanchen8911](https://github.com/yuanchen8911))
- Add auth API to get self subject attributes (new selfsubjectreviews API is added).
The corresponding command for kubctl is provided - `kubectl auth whoami`. ([kubernetes/kubernetes111333](https://github.com/kubernetes/kubernetes/pull/111333), [nabokihms](https://github.com/nabokihms)) [SIG API Machinery, Auth, CLI and Testing]
- Added `kubernetes_feature_enabled` metric series to track whether each active feature gate is enabled. ([kubernetes/kubernetes112690](https://github.com/kubernetes/kubernetes/pull/112690), [logicalhan](https://github.com/logicalhan))
- Added a `--topology-manager-policy-options` flag to the kubelet to support fine tuning the topology manager policies. The first policy option, `prefer-closest-numa-nodes`, allows these policies to favor sets of NUMA nodes with shorter distance between nodes when making admission decisions. ([kubernetes/kubernetes112914](https://github.com/kubernetes/kubernetes/pull/112914), [PiotrProkop](https://github.com/PiotrProkop))
- Added a feature that allows a `StatefulSet` to start numbering replicas from an arbitrary non-negative ordinal, using the `.spec.ordinals.start` field. ([kubernetes/kubernetes112744](https://github.com/kubernetes/kubernetes/pull/112744), [pwschuurman](https://github.com/pwschuurman))
- Added a kube-proxy flag (`--iptables-localhost-nodeports`, default true) to allow disabling NodePort services on loopback addresses. Note: this only applies to iptables mode and ipv4. ([kubernetes/kubernetes108250](https://github.com/kubernetes/kubernetes/pull/108250), [cyclinder](https://github.com/cyclinder))
- Added a new namespace alpha field to `DataSourceRef` field in `PersistentVolumeClaim` API. ([kubernetes/kubernetes113186](https://github.com/kubernetes/kubernetes/pull/113186), [ttakahashi21](https://github.com/ttakahashi21))
- Aggregated discovery will be alpha and can be toggled with the `AggregatedDiscoveryEndpoint` feature flag. ([kubernetes/kubernetes113171](https://github.com/kubernetes/kubernetes/pull/113171), [Jefftree](https://github.com/Jefftree))
- Clarified the CFS quota as 100ms in the code comments and set the minimum `cpuCFSQuotaPeriod` to 1ms to match Linux kernel expectations. ([kubernetes/kubernetes112123](https://github.com/kubernetes/kubernetes/pull/112123), [paskal](https://github.com/paskal))
- Component-base: make the validation logic about LeaderElectionConfiguration consistent between component-base and client-go ([kubernetes/kubernetes111758](https://github.com/kubernetes/kubernetes/pull/111758), [SataQiu](https://github.com/SataQiu)) [SIG API Machinery and Scheduling]
- Deprecated the `apiserver_request_slo_duration_seconds` metric for v1.27 in favor of `apiserver_request_sli_duration_seconds` for naming consistency purposes with other SLI-specific metrics and to avoid any confusion between SLOs and SLIs. ([kubernetes/kubernetes112679](https://github.com/kubernetes/kubernetes/pull/112679), [dgrisonnet](https://github.com/dgrisonnet))
- Enable the "Retriable and non-retriable pod failures for jobs" feature into beta. ([kubernetes/kubernetes113360](https://github.com/kubernetes/kubernetes/pull/113360), [mimowo](https://github.com/mimowo))
- Enabled `kube-controller-manager` to support '--concurrent-horizontal-pod-autoscaler-syncs' flag to set the number of horizontal pod autoscaler controller workers. ([kubernetes/kubernetes108501](https://github.com/kubernetes/kubernetes/pull/108501), [zroubalik](https://github.com/zroubalik))
- Fixed spurious `field is immutable` errors validating updates to Event API objects via the `events.k8s.io/v1` API. ([kubernetes/kubernetes112183](https://github.com/kubernetes/kubernetes/pull/112183), [liggitt](https://github.com/liggitt))
- Graduated `ServiceInternalTrafficPolicy` feature to GA. ([kubernetes/kubernetes113496](https://github.com/kubernetes/kubernetes/pull/113496), [avoltz](https://github.com/avoltz))
- In 'kube-proxy`: The "userspace" proxy mode (deprecated for over a year) is no
longer supported on either Linux or Windows. Users should use "iptables" or "ipvs"
on Linux, or "kernelspace" on Windows.
([kubernetes/kubernetes112133](https://github.com/kubernetes/kubernetes/pull/112133), [knabben](https://github.com/knabben))
- Introduce `v1beta3` for Priority and Fairness with the following changes to the API spec:
- rename 'assuredConcurrencyShares' (located under `spec.limited') to 'nominalConcurrencyShares'.
- apply strategic merge patch annotations to 'Conditions' of flowschemas and `prioritylevelconfigurations`. ([kubernetes/kubernetes112306](https://github.com/kubernetes/kubernetes/pull/112306), [tkashem](https://github.com/tkashem))
- Introduced `v1alpha1` API for validating admission policies, enabling extensible admission control via CEL expressions (KEP 3488: CEL for Admission Control). To use, enable the `ValidatingAdmissionPolicy` feature gate and the `admissionregistration.k8s.io/v1alpha1` API via `--runtime-config`. ([kubernetes/kubernetes113314](https://github.com/kubernetes/kubernetes/pull/113314), [cici37](https://github.com/cici37))
- KMS: added validation for duplicate kms config name when auto reload is enabled. If you enabled automatic reload of encryption configuration with API server flag `--encryption-provider-config-automatic-reload`, ensure all the KMS provider names (v1 and v2) in the encryption configuration are unique. ([kubernetes/kubernetes113697](https://github.com/kubernetes/kubernetes/pull/113697), [aramase](https://github.com/aramase))
- Kubelet external Credential Provider feature is moved to GA. Credential Provider Plugin and Credential Provider Config APIs updated from `v1beta1` to `v1` with no API changes. ([kubernetes/kubernetes111616](https://github.com/kubernetes/kubernetes/pull/111616), [ndixita](https://github.com/ndixita))
- Legacy klog flags are no longer available. Only `-v` and `-vmodule` are still supported. ([kubernetes/kubernetes112120](https://github.com/kubernetes/kubernetes/pull/112120), [pohly](https://github.com/pohly)) [SIG Architecture, CLI, Instrumentation, Node and Testing]
- Moved `MixedProtocolLBService` from beta to GA. ([kubernetes/kubernetes112895](https://github.com/kubernetes/kubernetes/pull/112895), [janosi](https://github.com/janosi))
- New Pod API field `.spec.schedulingGates` is introduced to enable users to control when to mark a Pod as scheduling ready. ([kubernetes/kubernetes113274](https://github.com/kubernetes/kubernetes/pull/113274), [Huang-Wei](https://github.com/Huang-Wei))
- Protobuf serialization of metav1.MicroTime timestamps (used in `Lease` and `Event` API objects) has been corrected to truncate to microsecond precision, to match the documented behavior and JSON/YAML serialization. Any existing persisted data is truncated to microsecond when read from etcd. ([kubernetes/kubernetes111936](https://github.com/kubernetes/kubernetes/pull/111936), [haoruan](https://github.com/haoruan))
- Removed feature gates `ServiceLoadBalancerClass` and `ServiceLBNodePortControl`. These feature gates were enabled (and locked) since `v1.24`. ([kubernetes/kubernetes112577](https://github.com/kubernetes/kubernetes/pull/112577), [andrewsykim](https://github.com/andrewsykim))
- Reverted regression that prevented `client-go` latency metrics to be reported with a template URL to avoid label cardinality. ([kubernetes/kubernetes111752](https://github.com/kubernetes/kubernetes/pull/111752), [aanm](https://github.com/aanm))
- The `EndpointSliceTerminatingCondition` feature gate was graduated to GA. The gate is now locked and will be removed in v1.28. ([kubernetes/kubernetes113351](https://github.com/kubernetes/kubernetes/pull/113351), [andrewsykim](https://github.com/andrewsykim))
- `DynamicKubeletConfig` feature gate has been removed from the API server.
Dynamic kubelet reconfiguration now can't be used even when older nodes are still
attempting to rely on it. This is aligned with the Kubernetes version skew policy.
([kubernetes/kubernetes112643](https://github.com/kubernetes/kubernetes/pull/112643), [SergeyKanzhelev](https://github.com/SergeyKanzhelev))
- `kubectl wait` command with `jsonpath` flag will wait for target path until timeout.
([kubernetes/kubernetes109525](https://github.com/kubernetes/kubernetes/pull/109525), [jonyhy96](https://github.com/jonyhy96))
- Add a `ResourceClaim` API (in the resource.k8s.io/v1alpha1 API group and
behind the `DynamicResourceAllocation` feature gate).
The new API is more flexible than the existing Device Plugins feature of Kubernetes because it
allows Pods to request (claim) special kinds of resources, which can be available at node level, cluster
level, or following any other model you implement. ([kubernetes/kubernetes111023](https://github.com/kubernetes/kubernetes/pull/111023), [pohly](https://github.com/pohly)) [SIG API Machinery, Apps, Architecture, Auth, CLI, Cloud Provider, Cluster Lifecycle, Instrumentation, Node, Release, Scheduling, Storage and Testing]
- PodDisruptionBudget adds an alpha `spec.unhealthyPodEvictionPolicy` field. When the `PDBUnhealthyPodEvictionPolicy` feature-gate is enabled in `kube-apiserver`, setting this field to `"AlwaysAllow"` allows pods to be evicted if they do not have a ready condition, regardless of whether the PodDisruptionBudget is currently healthy. ([kubernetes/kubernetes113375](https://github.com/kubernetes/kubernetes/pull/113375), [atiratree](https://github.com/atiratree)) [SIG API Machinery, Apps, Auth and Testing]
- A new `preEnqueue` extension point is added to scheduler's component config v1beta2/v1beta3/v1. ([kubernetes/kubernetes113275](https://github.com/kubernetes/kubernetes/pull/113275), [Huang-Wei](https://github.com/Huang-Wei)) [SIG API Machinery, Apps, Instrumentation, Scheduling and Testing]
- Add a new namespace alpha field to dataSourceRef field in PersistentVolumeClaim API. ([kubernetes/kubernetes113186](https://github.com/kubernetes/kubernetes/pull/113186), [ttakahashi21](https://github.com/ttakahashi21)) [SIG API Machinery, Apps, Storage and Testing]
- Add a kube-proxy flag (--iptables-localhost-nodeports, default true) to allow disabling NodePort services on loopback addresses. Note: this only applies to iptables mode and ipv4. ([kubernetes/kubernetes108250](https://github.com/kubernetes/kubernetes/pull/108250), [cyclinder](https://github.com/cyclinder)) [SIG API Machinery, Cloud Provider, Network, Node, Scalability, Storage and Testing]
- Added a --topology-manager-policy-options flag to the kubelet to support fine tuning the topology manager policies. The first policy option, `prefer-closest-numa-nodes`, allows these policies to favor sets of NUMA nodes with shorter distance between nodes when making admission decisions. ([kubernetes/kubernetes112914](https://github.com/kubernetes/kubernetes/pull/112914), [PiotrProkop](https://github.com/PiotrProkop)) [SIG API Machinery and Node]
- Added a feature that allows a StatefulSet to start numbering replicas from an arbitrary non-negative ordinal, using the `.spec.ordinals.start` field. ([kubernetes/kubernetes112744](https://github.com/kubernetes/kubernetes/pull/112744), [pwschuurman](https://github.com/pwschuurman)) [SIG API Machinery and Apps]
- Deprecate the apiserver_request_slo_duration_seconds metric for v1.27 in favor of apiserver_request_sli_duration_seconds for naming consistency purposes with other SLI-specific metrics and to avoid any confusion between SLOs and SLIs. ([kubernetes/kubernetes112679](https://github.com/kubernetes/kubernetes/pull/112679), [dgrisonnet](https://github.com/dgrisonnet)) [SIG API Machinery and Instrumentation]
- Enable the "Retriable and non-retriable pod failures for jobs" feature into beta ([kubernetes/kubernetes113360](https://github.com/kubernetes/kubernetes/pull/113360), [mimowo](https://github.com/mimowo)) [SIG Apps, Auth, Node, Scheduling and Testing]
- Graduate JobTrackingWithFinalizers to stable.
Jobs created before the feature was enabled are still tracked without finalizers.
Users can choose to migrate jobs to tracking with finalizers by adding the annotation batch.kubernetes.io/job-tracking.
If the annotation was already present and the user attempts to remove it, the control plane adds the annotation back. ([kubernetes/kubernetes113510](https://github.com/kubernetes/kubernetes/pull/113510), [alculquicondor](https://github.com/alculquicondor)) [SIG API Machinery, Apps and Testing]
- Graduate ServiceInternalTrafficPolicy feature to GA ([kubernetes/kubernetes113496](https://github.com/kubernetes/kubernetes/pull/113496), [avoltz](https://github.com/avoltz)) [SIG Apps and Network]
- If you enabled automatic reload of encryption configuration with API server flag --encryption-provider-config-automatic-reload, ensure all the KMS provider names (v1 and v2) in the encryption configuration are unique. ([kubernetes/kubernetes113697](https://github.com/kubernetes/kubernetes/pull/113697), [aramase](https://github.com/aramase)) [SIG API Machinery and Auth]
- Introduce v1alpha1 API for validating admission policies, enabling extensible admission control via CEL expressions (KEP 3488: CEL for Admission Control). To use, enable the `ValidatingAdmissionPolicy` feature gate and the `admissionregistration.k8s.io/v1alpha1` API via `--runtime-config`. ([kubernetes/kubernetes113314](https://github.com/kubernetes/kubernetes/pull/113314), [cici37](https://github.com/cici37)) [SIG API Machinery, Auth, Cloud Provider and Testing]
- Kubelet adds the following pod failure conditions:
- DisruptionTarget (graceful node shutdown, node pressure eviction) ([kubernetes/kubernetes112360](https://github.com/kubernetes/kubernetes/pull/112360), [mimowo](https://github.com/mimowo)) [SIG Apps, Node and Testing]
- Metav1.LabelSelectors specified in API objects are now validated to ensure they do not contain invalid label values that will error at time of use. Existing invalid objects can be updated, but new objects are required to contain valid label selectors. ([kubernetes/kubernetes113699](https://github.com/kubernetes/kubernetes/pull/113699), [liggitt](https://github.com/liggitt)) [SIG API Machinery, Apps, Auth, Network and Storage]
- Moving MixedProtocolLBService from beta to GA ([kubernetes/kubernetes112895](https://github.com/kubernetes/kubernetes/pull/112895), [janosi](https://github.com/janosi)) [SIG Apps, Network and Testing]
- New Pod API field `.spec.schedulingGates` is introduced to enable users to control when to mark a Pod as scheduling ready. ([kubernetes/kubernetes113274](https://github.com/kubernetes/kubernetes/pull/113274), [Huang-Wei](https://github.com/Huang-Wei)) [SIG Apps, Scheduling and Testing]
- NodeInclusionPolicy in podTopologySpread plugin is enabled by default. ([kubernetes/kubernetes113500](https://github.com/kubernetes/kubernetes/pull/113500), [kerthcet](https://github.com/kerthcet)) [SIG API Machinery, Apps, Scheduling and Testing]
- Priority and Fairness has introduced a new feature called _borrowing_ that allows an API priority level
to borrow a number of seats from other priority level(s). As a cluster operator, you can enable borrowing
for a certain priority level configuration object via the two newly introduced fields `lendablePercent`, and
`borrowingLimitPercent` located under the `.spec.limited` field of the designated priority level.
This PR adds the following metrics.
- `apiserver_flowcontrol_nominal_limit_seats`: Nominal number of execution seats configured for each priority level
- `apiserver_flowcontrol_lower_limit_seats`: Configured lower bound on number of execution seats available to each priority level
- `apiserver_flowcontrol_upper_limit_seats`: Configured upper bound on number of execution seats available to each priority level
- `apiserver_flowcontrol_demand_seats`: Observations, at the end of every nanosecond, of (the number of seats each priority level could use) / (nominal number of seats for that level)
- `apiserver_flowcontrol_demand_seats_high_watermark`: High watermark, over last adjustment period, of demand_seats
- `apiserver_flowcontrol_demand_seats_average`: Time-weighted average, over last adjustment period, of demand_seats
- `apiserver_flowcontrol_demand_seats_stdev`: Time-weighted standard deviation, over last adjustment period, of demand_seats
- `apiserver_flowcontrol_demand_seats_smoothed`: Smoothed seat demands
- `apiserver_flowcontrol_target_seats`: Seat allocation targets
- `apiserver_flowcontrol_seat_fair_frac`: Fair fraction of server's concurrency to allocate to each priority level that can use it
- `apiserver_flowcontrol_current_limit_seats`: current derived number of execution seats available to each priority level

The possibility of borrowing means that the old metric apiserver_flowcontrol_request_concurrency_limit can no longer mean both the configured concurrency limit and the enforced concurrency limit. Henceforth it means the configured concurrency limit. ([kubernetes/kubernetes113485](https://github.com/kubernetes/kubernetes/pull/113485), [MikeSpreitzer](https://github.com/MikeSpreitzer)) [SIG API Machinery and Testing]
- The EndpointSliceTerminatingCondition feature gate has graduated to GA. The gate is now locked and will be removed in v1.28. ([kubernetes/kubernetes113351](https://github.com/kubernetes/kubernetes/pull/113351), [andrewsykim](https://github.com/andrewsykim)) [SIG API Machinery, Apps, Network and Testing]
- Yes, aggregated discovery will be alpha and can be toggled with the AggregatedDiscoveryEndpoint feature flag ([kubernetes/kubernetes113171](https://github.com/kubernetes/kubernetes/pull/113171), [Jefftree](https://github.com/Jefftree)) [SIG API Machinery, Apps, Architecture, Auth, Autoscaling, CLI, Cloud Provider, Cluster Lifecycle, Network, Node, Release, Scalability, Scheduling, Storage and Testing]
- **Additional documentation e.g., KEPs (Kubernetes Enhancement Proposals), usage docs, etc.**:

This section can be blank if this pull request does not require a release note.

When adding links which point to resources within git repositories, like
KEPs or supporting documentation, please reference a specific commit and avoid
linking directly to the master branch. This ensures that links reference a
specific point in time, rather than a document that may change over time.

See here for guidance on getting permanent links to files: https://help.github.com/en/articles/getting-permanent-links-to-files

Please use the following format for linking documentation:
- [KEP]: <link>
- [Usage]: <link>
- [Other doc]: <link>
--> ([kubernetes/kubernetes86139](https://github.com/kubernetes/kubernetes/pull/86139), [jasimmons](https://github.com/jasimmons)) [SIG API Machinery, Apps, Architecture, Auth, Autoscaling, CLI, Contributor Experience, Instrumentation, Network, Node, Release, Scheduling, Storage and Testing]
- Add percentageOfNodesToScore as a scheduler profile level parameter to API version v1. If a profile percentageOfNodesToScore is set, it will override global percentageOfNodesToScore. ([kubernetes/kubernetes112521](https://github.com/kubernetes/kubernetes/pull/112521), [yuanchen8911](https://github.com/yuanchen8911)) [SIG API Machinery, Scheduling and Testing]
- Kube-controller-manager supports '--concurrent-horizontal-pod-autoscaler-syncs' flag to set the number of horizontal pod autoscaler controller workers. ([kubernetes/kubernetes108501](https://github.com/kubernetes/kubernetes/pull/108501), [zroubalik](https://github.com/zroubalik)) [SIG API Machinery, Apps and Autoscaling]
- Kube-proxy: The "userspace" proxy mode (deprecated for over a year) is no longer supported on either Linux or Windows. Users should use "iptables" or "ipvs" on Linux, or "kernelspace" on Windows. ([kubernetes/kubernetes112133](https://github.com/kubernetes/kubernetes/pull/112133), [knabben](https://github.com/knabben)) [SIG API Machinery, Network, Scalability, Testing and Windows]
- Kubectl wait command with jsonpath flag will wait for target path appear until timeout. ([kubernetes/kubernetes109525](https://github.com/kubernetes/kubernetes/pull/109525), [jonyhy96](https://github.com/jonyhy96)) [SIG CLI and Testing]
- Kubelet external Credential Provider feature is moved to GA. Credential Provider Plugin and Credential Provider Config APIs updated from v1beta1 to v1 with no API changes. ([kubernetes/kubernetes111616](https://github.com/kubernetes/kubernetes/pull/111616), [ndixita](https://github.com/ndixita)) [SIG API Machinery, Node, Scheduling and Testing]
- The `DynamicKubeletConfig` feature gate has been removed from the API server. Dynamic kubelet reconfiguration now cannot be used even when older nodes are still attempting to rely on it. This is aligned with the Kubernetes version skew policy. ([kubernetes/kubernetes112643](https://github.com/kubernetes/kubernetes/pull/112643), [SergeyKanzhelev](https://github.com/SergeyKanzhelev)) [SIG API Machinery, Apps, Auth, Node and Testing]
- Add `kubernetes_feature_enabled` metric series to track whether each active feature gate is enabled. ([kubernetes/kubernetes112690](https://github.com/kubernetes/kubernetes/pull/112690), [logicalhan](https://github.com/logicalhan)) [SIG API Machinery, Architecture, Cluster Lifecycle, Instrumentation, Network, Node and Scheduling]
- Introduce v1beta3 for Priority and Fairness with the following changes to the API spec:
- rename 'assuredConcurrencyShares' (located under spec.limited') to 'nominalConcurrencyShares'
- apply strategic merge patch annotations to 'Conditions' of flowschemas and prioritylevelconfigurations ([kubernetes/kubernetes112306](https://github.com/kubernetes/kubernetes/pull/112306), [tkashem](https://github.com/tkashem)) [SIG API Machinery and Testing]
- Legacy klog flags are no longer available. Only `-v` and `-vmodule` are still supported. ([kubernetes/kubernetes112120](https://github.com/kubernetes/kubernetes/pull/112120), [pohly](https://github.com/pohly)) [SIG Architecture, CLI, Instrumentation, Node and Testing]
- The feature gates ServiceLoadBalancerClass and ServiceLBNodePortControl have been removed. These feature gates were enabled (and locked) since v1.24. ([kubernetes/kubernetes112577](https://github.com/kubernetes/kubernetes/pull/112577), [andrewsykim](https://github.com/andrewsykim)) [SIG Apps]
- Add auth API to get self subject attributes (new selfsubjectreviews API is added).
The corresponding command for kubctl is provided - `kubectl auth whoami`. ([kubernetes/kubernetes111333](https://github.com/kubernetes/kubernetes/pull/111333), [nabokihms](https://github.com/nabokihms)) [SIG API Machinery, Auth, CLI and Testing]
- Clarified the CFS quota as 100ms in the code comments and set the minimum cpuCFSQuotaPeriod to 1ms to match Linux kernel expectations. ([kubernetes/kubernetes112123](https://github.com/kubernetes/kubernetes/pull/112123), [paskal](https://github.com/paskal)) [SIG API Machinery and Node]
- Component-base: make the validation logic about LeaderElectionConfiguration consistent between component-base and client-go ([kubernetes/kubernetes111758](https://github.com/kubernetes/kubernetes/pull/111758), [SataQiu](https://github.com/SataQiu)) [SIG API Machinery and Scheduling]
- Fixes spurious `field is immutable` errors validating updates to Event API objects via the `events.k8s.io/v1` API ([kubernetes/kubernetes112183](https://github.com/kubernetes/kubernetes/pull/112183), [liggitt](https://github.com/liggitt)) [SIG Apps]
- Protobuf serialization of metav1.MicroTime timestamps (used in `Lease` and `Event` API objects) has been corrected to truncate to microsecond precision, to match the documented behavior and JSON/YAML serialization. Any existing persisted data is truncated to microsecond when read from etcd. ([kubernetes/kubernetes111936](https://github.com/kubernetes/kubernetes/pull/111936), [haoruan](https://github.com/haoruan)) [SIG API Machinery]
- Revert regression that prevented client-go latency metrics to be reported with a template URL to avoid label cardinality. ([kubernetes/kubernetes111752](https://github.com/kubernetes/kubernetes/pull/111752), [aanm](https://github.com/aanm)) [SIG API Machinery]
- [kubelet] Change default `cpuCFSQuotaPeriod` value with enabled `cpuCFSQuotaPeriod` flag from 100ms to 100µs to match the Linux CFS and k8s defaults. `cpuCFSQuotaPeriod` of 100ms now requires `customCPUCFSQuotaPeriod` flag to be set to work. ([kubernetes/kubernetes111520](https://github.com/kubernetes/kubernetes/pull/111520), [paskal](https://github.com/paskal)) [SIG API Machinery and Node]


- Adds support for loading CA certificates from a file using the `idp-certificate-authority` key for the oidc plugin. (1916, vgupta3)


API Change
- Revert regression that prevented client-go latency metrics to be reported with a template URL to avoid label cardinality. ([kubernetes/kubernetes112055](https://github.com/kubernetes/kubernetes/pull/112055), [aanm](https://github.com/aanm)) [SIG API Machinery]
- Add `NodeInclusionPolicy` to `TopologySpreadConstraints` in PodSpec. ([kubernetes/kubernetes108492](https://github.com/kubernetes/kubernetes/pull/108492), [kerthcet](https://github.com/kerthcet))
- Added KMS v2alpha1 support. ([kubernetes/kubernetes111126](https://github.com/kubernetes/kubernetes/pull/111126), [aramase](https://github.com/aramase))
- Added a deprecated warning for node beta label usage in PV/SC/RC and CSI Storage Capacity. ([kubernetes/kubernetes108554](https://github.com/kubernetes/kubernetes/pull/108554), [pacoxu](https://github.com/pacoxu))
- Added a new feature gate `CheckpointRestore` to enable support to checkpoint containers. If enabled it is possible to checkpoint a container using the newly kubelet API (/checkpoint/{podNamespace}/{podName}/{containerName}). ([kubernetes/kubernetes104907](https://github.com/kubernetes/kubernetes/pull/104907), [adrianreber](https://github.com/adrianreber)) [SIG Node and Testing]
- Added alpha support for user namespaces in pods phase 1 (KEP 127, feature gate: UserNamespacesStatelessPodsSupport) ([kubernetes/kubernetes111090](https://github.com/kubernetes/kubernetes/pull/111090), [rata](https://github.com/rata))
- As of v1.25, the PodSecurity `restricted` level no longer requires pods that set .spec.os.name="windows" to also set Linux-specific securityContext fields. If a 1.25+ cluster has unsupported [out-of-skew](https://kubernetes.io/releases/version-skew-policy/#kubelet) nodes prior to v1.23 and wants to ensure namespaces enforcing the `restricted` policy continue to require Linux-specific securityContext fields on all pods, ensure a version of the `restricted` prior to v1.25 is selected by labeling the namespace (for example, `pod-security.kubernetes.io/enforce-version: v1.24`) ([kubernetes/kubernetes105919](https://github.com/kubernetes/kubernetes/pull/105919), [ravisantoshgudimetla](https://github.com/ravisantoshgudimetla))
- Changed ownership semantics of PersistentVolume's spec.claimRef from `atomic` to `granular`. ([kubernetes/kubernetes110495](https://github.com/kubernetes/kubernetes/pull/110495), [alexzielenski](https://github.com/alexzielenski))
- Extended ContainerStatus CRI API to allow runtime response with container resource requests and limits that are in effect.
- UpdateContainerResources CRI API now supports both Linux and Windows. ([kubernetes/kubernetes111645](https://github.com/kubernetes/kubernetes/pull/111645), [vinaykul](https://github.com/vinaykul))
- For v1.25, Kubernetes will be using Golang 1.19, In this PR the version is updated to 1.19rc2 as GA is not yet available. ([kubernetes/kubernetes111254](https://github.com/kubernetes/kubernetes/pull/111254), [dims](https://github.com/dims))
- Introduced NodeIPAM support for multiple ClusterCIDRs ([kubernetes/kubernetes2593](https://github.com/kubernetes/enhancements/issues/2593)) as an alpha feature.
Set feature gate `MultiCIDRRangeAllocator=true`, determines whether the `MultiCIDRRangeAllocator` controller can be used, while the kube-controller-manager flag below will pick the active controller.
Enabled the `MultiCIDRRangeAllocator` by setting `--cidr-allocator-type=MultiCIDRRangeAllocator` flag in kube-controller-manager. ([kubernetes/kubernetes109090](https://github.com/kubernetes/kubernetes/pull/109090), [sarveshr7](https://github.com/sarveshr7))
- Introduced PodHasNetwork condition for pods. ([kubernetes/kubernetes111358](https://github.com/kubernetes/kubernetes/pull/111358), [ddebroy](https://github.com/ddebroy))
- Introduced support for handling pod failures with respect to the configured pod failure policy rules. ([kubernetes/kubernetes111113](https://github.com/kubernetes/kubernetes/pull/111113), [mimowo](https://github.com/mimowo))
- Introduction of the `DisruptionTarget` pod condition type. Its `reason` field indicates the reason for pod termination:
- PreemptionByKubeScheduler (Pod preempted by kube-scheduler)
- DeletionByTaintManager (Pod deleted by taint manager due to NoExecute taint)
- EvictionByEvictionAPI (Pod evicted by Eviction API)
- DeletionByPodGC (an orphaned Pod deleted by PodGC) ([kubernetes/kubernetes110959](https://github.com/kubernetes/kubernetes/pull/110959), [mimowo](https://github.com/mimowo))
- Kube-Scheduler ComponentConfig is graduated to GA, `kubescheduler.config.k8s.io/v1` is available now.
Plugin `SelectorSpread` is removed in v1. ([kubernetes/kubernetes110534](https://github.com/kubernetes/kubernetes/pull/110534), [kerthcet](https://github.com/kerthcet))
- Local Storage Capacity Isolation feature is GA in 1.25 release. For systems (rootless) that cannot check root file system, please use kubelet config --local-storage-capacity-isolation=false to disable this feature. Once disabled, pod cannot set local ephemeral storage request/limit, and emptyDir sizeLimit niether. ([kubernetes/kubernetes111513](https://github.com/kubernetes/kubernetes/pull/111513), [jingxu97](https://github.com/jingxu97))
- Make PodSpec.Ports' description clearer on how this information is only informational and how it can be incorrect. ([kubernetes/kubernetes110564](https://github.com/kubernetes/kubernetes/pull/110564), [j4m3s-s](https://github.com/j4m3s-s)) [SIG API Machinery, Network and Node]
- On compatible systems, a mounter's Unmount implementation is changed to not return an error when the specified target can be detected as not a mount point. On Linux, the behavior of detecting a mount point depends on `umount` command is validated when the mounter is created. Additionally, mount point checks will be skipped in CleanupMountPoint/CleanupMountWithForce if the mounter's Unmount having the changed behavior of not returning error when target is not a mount point. ([kubernetes/kubernetes109676](https://github.com/kubernetes/kubernetes/pull/109676), [cartermckinnon](https://github.com/cartermckinnon)) [SIG Storage]
- PersistentVolumeClaim objects are no longer left with storage class set to `nil` forever, but will be updated retroactively once any StorageClass is set or created as default. ([kubernetes/kubernetes111467](https://github.com/kubernetes/kubernetes/pull/111467), [RomanBednar](https://github.com/RomanBednar))
- Promote StatefulSet minReadySeconds to GA. This means `--feature-gates=StatefulSetMinReadySeconds=true` are not needed on kube-apiserver and kube-controller-manager binaries and they'll be removed soon following policy at https://kubernetes.io/docs/reference/using-api/deprecation-policy/#deprecation ([kubernetes/kubernetes110896](https://github.com/kubernetes/kubernetes/pull/110896), [ravisantoshgudimetla](https://github.com/ravisantoshgudimetla)) [SIG API Machinery, Apps and Testing]
- Promoted CronJob's TimeZone support to beta. ([kubernetes/kubernetes111435](https://github.com/kubernetes/kubernetes/pull/111435), [soltysh](https://github.com/soltysh))
- Promoted DaemonSet MaxSurge to GA. This means `--feature-gates=DaemonSetUpdateSurge=true` are not needed on kube-apiserver and kube-controller-manager binaries and they'll be removed soon following policy at https://kubernetes.io/docs/reference/using-api/deprecation-policy/#deprecation . ([kubernetes/kubernetes111194](https://github.com/kubernetes/kubernetes/pull/111194), [ravisantoshgudimetla](https://github.com/ravisantoshgudimetla))
- Scheduler: included supported ScoringStrategyType list in error message for NodeResourcesFit plugin ([kubernetes/kubernetes111206](https://github.com/kubernetes/kubernetes/pull/111206), [SataQiu](https://github.com/SataQiu))
- The Go API for logging configuration in `k8s.io/component-base` was moved to `k8s.io/component-base/logs/api/v1`. The configuration file format and command line flags are the same as before. ([kubernetes/kubernetes105797](https://github.com/kubernetes/kubernetes/pull/105797), [pohly](https://github.com/pohly))
- The Pod `spec.podOS` field is promoted to GA. The `IdentifyPodOS` feature gate unconditionally enabled, and will no longer be accepted as a `--feature-gates` parameter in 1.27. ([kubernetes/kubernetes111229](https://github.com/kubernetes/kubernetes/pull/111229), [ravisantoshgudimetla](https://github.com/ravisantoshgudimetla))
- The PodTopologySpread is respected after rolling upgrades. ([kubernetes/kubernetes111441](https://github.com/kubernetes/kubernetes/pull/111441), [denkensk](https://github.com/denkensk))
- The `CSIInlineVolume` feature has moved from beta to GA. ([kubernetes/kubernetes111258](https://github.com/kubernetes/kubernetes/pull/111258), [dobsonj](https://github.com/dobsonj))
- The `PodSecurity` admission plugin has graduated to GA and is enabled by default. The admission configuration version has been promoted to `pod-security.admission.config.k8s.io/v1`. ([kubernetes/kubernetes110459](https://github.com/kubernetes/kubernetes/pull/110459), [wangyysde](https://github.com/wangyysde))
- The `endPort` field in Network Policy is now promoted to GA
Network Policy providers that support `endPort` field now can use it to specify a range of ports to apply a Network Policy.
Previously, each Network Policy could only target a single port.
Please be aware that `endPort` field MUST BE SUPPORTED by the Network Policy provider. In case your provider does not support `endPort` and this field is specified in a Network Policy, the Network Policy will be created covering only the port field (single port). ([kubernetes/kubernetes110868](https://github.com/kubernetes/kubernetes/pull/110868), [rikatz](https://github.com/rikatz))
- The `metadata.clusterName` field is completely removed. This should not have any user-visible impact. ([kubernetes/kubernetes109602](https://github.com/kubernetes/kubernetes/pull/109602), [lavalamp](https://github.com/lavalamp))
- The `minDomains` field in Pod Topology Spread is graduated to beta ([kubernetes/kubernetes110388](https://github.com/kubernetes/kubernetes/pull/110388), [sanposhiho](https://github.com/sanposhiho)) [SIG API Machinery and Apps]
- The command line flag `enable-taint-manager` for kube-controller-manager is deprecated and will be removed in 1.26. The feature that it supports, taint based eviction, is enabled by default and will continue to be implicitly enabled when the flag is removed. ([kubernetes/kubernetes111411](https://github.com/kubernetes/kubernetes/pull/111411), [alculquicondor](https://github.com/alculquicondor))
- This release added support for `NodeExpandSecret` for CSI driver client which enables the CSI drivers to make use of this secret while performing node expansion operation based on the user request. Previously there was no secret provided as part of the `nodeexpansion` call, thus CSI drivers did not make use of the same while expanding the volume at the node side. ([kubernetes/kubernetes105963](https://github.com/kubernetes/kubernetes/pull/105963), [zhucan](https://github.com/zhucan))
- [Ephemeral Containers](https://kubernetes.io/docs/concepts/workloads/pods/ephemeral-containers/) are now generally available (GA). The `EphemeralContainers` feature gate is always enabled and should be removed from `--feature-gates` flag on the kube-apiserver and the kubelet command lines. The `EphemeralContainers` feature gate is [deprecated and scheduled for removal](https://kubernetes.io/docs/reference/using-api/deprecation-policy/#deprecation) in a future release. ([kubernetes/kubernetes111402](https://github.com/kubernetes/kubernetes/pull/111402), [verb](https://github.com/verb))
- Introduces support for handling pod failures with respect to the configured pod failure policy rules ([kubernetes/kubernetes111113](https://github.com/kubernetes/kubernetes/pull/111113), [mimowo](https://github.com/mimowo)) [SIG API Machinery, Apps, Auth, Scheduling and Testing]
- NodeIPAM support for multiple ClusterCIDRs (https://github.com/kubernetes/enhancements/issues/2593) introduced as an alpha feature.
Setting feature gate MultiCIDRRangeAllocator=true, determines whether the MultiCIDRRangeAllocator controller can be used, while the kube-controller-manager flag below will pick the active controller.
Enable the MultiCIDRRangeAllocator by setting --cidr-allocator-type=MultiCIDRRangeAllocator flag in kube-controller-manager. ([kubernetes/kubernetes109090](https://github.com/kubernetes/kubernetes/pull/109090), [sarveshr7](https://github.com/sarveshr7)) [SIG API Machinery, Apps, Auth, CLI, Cloud Provider, Instrumentation, Network and Testing]
- The CSIInlineVolume feature has moved from beta to GA. ([kubernetes/kubernetes111258](https://github.com/kubernetes/kubernetes/pull/111258), [dobsonj](https://github.com/dobsonj)) [SIG API Machinery, Apps, Auth, Instrumentation, Storage and Testing]
- Added alpha support for user namespaces in pods phase 1 (KEP 127, feature gate: UserNamespacesSupport) ([kubernetes/kubernetes111090](https://github.com/kubernetes/kubernetes/pull/111090), [rata](https://github.com/rata)) [SIG Apps, Auth, Network, Node, Storage and Testing]
- Adds KMS v2alpha1 support ([kubernetes/kubernetes111126](https://github.com/kubernetes/kubernetes/pull/111126), [aramase](https://github.com/aramase)) [SIG API Machinery, Auth, Instrumentation and Testing]
- As of v1.25, the PodSecurity `restricted` level no longer requires pods that set .spec.os.name="windows" to also set Linux-specific securityContext fields. If a 1.25+ cluster has unsupported [out-of-skew](https://kubernetes.io/releases/version-skew-policy/#kubelet) nodes prior to v1.23 and wants to ensure namespaces enforcing the `restricted` policy continue to require Linux-specific securityContext fields on all pods, ensure a version of the `restricted` prior to v1.25 is selected by labeling the namespace (for example, `pod-security.kubernetes.io/enforce-version: v1.24`) ([kubernetes/kubernetes105919](https://github.com/kubernetes/kubernetes/pull/105919), [ravisantoshgudimetla](https://github.com/ravisantoshgudimetla)) [SIG API Machinery, Apps, Auth, Testing and Windows]
- Changes ownership semantics of PersistentVolume's spec.claimRef from `atomic` to `granular`. ([kubernetes/kubernetes110495](https://github.com/kubernetes/kubernetes/pull/110495), [alexzielenski](https://github.com/alexzielenski)) [SIG API Machinery, Architecture, Auth, CLI, Cloud Provider, Instrumentation and Testing]
- Extends ContainerStatus CRI API to allow runtime response with container resource requests and limits that are in effect.
- UpdateContainerResources CRI API now supports both Linux and Windows.
For details, see KEPs below. ([kubernetes/kubernetes111645](https://github.com/kubernetes/kubernetes/pull/111645), [vinaykul](https://github.com/vinaykul)) [SIG Node]
- For v1.25, Kubernetes will be using golang 1.19, In this PR we update to 1.19rc2 as GA is not yet available. ([kubernetes/kubernetes111254](https://github.com/kubernetes/kubernetes/pull/111254), [dims](https://github.com/dims)) [SIG Apps, Architecture, Auth, Autoscaling, CLI, Cloud Provider, Cluster Lifecycle, Instrumentation, Network, Node, Release, Scheduling, Storage and Testing]
- Introduce PodHasNetwork condition for pods ([kubernetes/kubernetes111358](https://github.com/kubernetes/kubernetes/pull/111358), [ddebroy](https://github.com/ddebroy)) [SIG Apps, Node and Testing]
- Introduction of the `DisruptionTarget` pod condition type. Its `reason` field indicates the reason for pod termination:
- PreemptionByKubeScheduler (Pod preempted by kube-scheduler)
- DeletionByTaintManager (Pod deleted by taint manager due to NoExecute taint)
- EvictionByEvictionAPI (Pod evicted by Eviction API)
- DeletionByPodGC (an orphaned Pod deleted by PodGC) ([kubernetes/kubernetes110959](https://github.com/kubernetes/kubernetes/pull/110959), [mimowo](https://github.com/mimowo)) [SIG Apps, Auth, Node, Scheduling and Testing]
- Kube-Scheduler ComponentConfig is graduated to GA, `kubescheduler.config.k8s.io/v1` is available now.
Plugin `SelectorSpread` is removed in v1. ([kubernetes/kubernetes110534](https://github.com/kubernetes/kubernetes/pull/110534), [kerthcet](https://github.com/kerthcet)) [SIG API Machinery, Scheduling and Testing]
- Local Storage Capacity Isolation feature is GA in 1.25 release. For systems (rootless) that cannot check root file system, please use kubelet config --local-storage-capacity-isolation=false to disable this feature. Once disabled, pod cannot set local ephemeral storage request/limit, and emptyDir sizeLimit niether. ([kubernetes/kubernetes111513](https://github.com/kubernetes/kubernetes/pull/111513), [jingxu97](https://github.com/jingxu97)) [SIG API Machinery, Node, Scalability and Scheduling]
- PersistentVolumeClaim objects are no longer left with storage class set to `nil` forever, but will be updated retroactively once any StorageClass is set or created as default. ([kubernetes/kubernetes111467](https://github.com/kubernetes/kubernetes/pull/111467), [RomanBednar](https://github.com/RomanBednar)) [SIG Apps, Storage and Testing]
- Promote CronJob's TimeZone support to beta ([kubernetes/kubernetes111435](https://github.com/kubernetes/kubernetes/pull/111435), [soltysh](https://github.com/soltysh)) [SIG API Machinery, Apps and Testing]
- Promote DaemonSet MaxSurge to GA. This means `--feature-gates=DaemonSetUpdateSurge=true` are not needed on kube-apiserver and kube-controller-manager binaries and they'll be removed soon following policy at https://kubernetes.io/docs/reference/using-api/deprecation-policy/#deprecation ([kubernetes/kubernetes111194](https://github.com/kubernetes/kubernetes/pull/111194), [ravisantoshgudimetla](https://github.com/ravisantoshgudimetla)) [SIG Apps]
- Respect PodTopologySpread after rolling upgrades ([kubernetes/kubernetes111441](https://github.com/kubernetes/kubernetes/pull/111441), [denkensk](https://github.com/denkensk)) [SIG API Machinery, Apps, Scheduling and Testing]
- Scheduler: include supported ScoringStrategyType list in error message for NodeResourcesFit plugin ([kubernetes/kubernetes111206](https://github.com/kubernetes/kubernetes/pull/111206), [SataQiu](https://github.com/SataQiu)) [SIG Scheduling]
- The Pod `spec.podOS` field is promoted to GA. The `IdentifyPodOS` feature gate unconditionally enabled, and will no longer be accepted as a `--feature-gates` parameter in 1.27. ([kubernetes/kubernetes111229](https://github.com/kubernetes/kubernetes/pull/111229), [ravisantoshgudimetla](https://github.com/ravisantoshgudimetla)) [SIG API Machinery, Apps and Windows]
- The command line flag `enable-taint-manager` for kube-controller-manager is deprecated and will be removed in 1.26.
The feature that it supports, taint based eviction, is enabled by default and will continue to be implicitly enabled when the flag is removed. ([kubernetes/kubernetes111411](https://github.com/kubernetes/kubernetes/pull/111411), [alculquicondor](https://github.com/alculquicondor)) [SIG API Machinery]
- [Ephemeral Containers](https://kubernetes.io/docs/concepts/workloads/pods/ephemeral-containers/) are now generally available. The `EphemeralContainers` feature gate is always enabled and should be removed from `--feature-gates` flag on the kube-apiserver and the kubelet command lines. The `EphemeralContainers` feature gate is [deprecated and scheduled for removal](https://kubernetes.io/docs/reference/using-api/deprecation-policy/#deprecation) in a future release. ([kubernetes/kubernetes111402](https://github.com/kubernetes/kubernetes/pull/111402), [verb](https://github.com/verb)) [SIG API Machinery, Apps, Node, Storage and Testing]
- Added a new feature gate `CheckpointRestore` to enable support to checkpoint containers. If enabled it is possible to checkpoint a container using the newly kubelet API (/checkpoint/{podNamespace}/{podName}/{containerName}). ([kubernetes/kubernetes104907](https://github.com/kubernetes/kubernetes/pull/104907), [adrianreber](https://github.com/adrianreber)) [SIG Node and Testing]
- EndPort field in Network Policy is now promoted to GA
Network Policy providers that support endPort field now can use it to specify a range of ports to apply a Network Policy.
Previously, each Network Policy could only target a single port.
Please be aware that endPort field MUST BE SUPPORTED by the Network Policy provider. In case your provider does not support endPort and this field is specified in a Network Policy, the Network Policy will be created covering only the port field (single port). ([kubernetes/kubernetes110868](https://github.com/kubernetes/kubernetes/pull/110868), [rikatz](https://github.com/rikatz)) [SIG API Machinery, Network and Testing]
- Make PodSpec.Ports' description clearer on how this information is only informational and how it can be incorrect. ([kubernetes/kubernetes110564](https://github.com/kubernetes/kubernetes/pull/110564), [j4m3s-s](https://github.com/j4m3s-s)) [SIG API Machinery, Network and Node]
- On compatible systems, a mounter's Unmount implementation is changed to not return an error when the specified target can be detected as not a mount point. On Linux, the behavior of detecting a mount point depends on `umount` command is validated when the mounter is created. Additionally, mount point checks will be skipped in CleanupMountPoint/CleanupMountWithForce if the mounter's Unmount having the changed behavior of not returning error when target is not a mount point. ([kubernetes/kubernetes109676](https://github.com/kubernetes/kubernetes/pull/109676), [cartermckinnon](https://github.com/cartermckinnon)) [SIG Storage]
- Promote StatefulSet minReadySeconds to GA. This means `--feature-gates=StatefulSetMinReadySeconds=true` are not needed on kube-apiserver and kube-controller-manager binaries and they'll be removed soon following policy at https://kubernetes.io/docs/reference/using-api/deprecation-policy/#deprecation ([kubernetes/kubernetes110896](https://github.com/kubernetes/kubernetes/pull/110896), [ravisantoshgudimetla](https://github.com/ravisantoshgudimetla)) [SIG API Machinery, Apps and Testing]
- The Pod `spec.podOS` field is promoted to GA. The `IdentifyPodOS` feature gate unconditionally enabled, and will no longer be accepted as a `--feature-gates` parameter in 1.27. ([kubernetes/kubernetes111229](https://github.com/kubernetes/kubernetes/pull/111229), [ravisantoshgudimetla](https://github.com/ravisantoshgudimetla)) [SIG API Machinery, Apps and Windows]
- The `minDomains` field in Pod Topology Spread is graduated to beta ([kubernetes/kubernetes110388](https://github.com/kubernetes/kubernetes/pull/110388), [sanposhiho](https://github.com/sanposhiho)) [SIG API Machinery and Apps]
- The Go API for logging configuration in k8s.io/component-base was moved to k8s.io/component-base/logs/api/v1. The configuration file format and command line flags are the same as before. ([kubernetes/kubernetes105797](https://github.com/kubernetes/kubernetes/pull/105797), [pohly](https://github.com/pohly)) [SIG API Machinery, Architecture, Cluster Lifecycle, Instrumentation, Node, Scheduling and Testing]
- The PodSecurity admission plugin has graduated to GA and is enabled by default. The admission configuration version has been promoted to `pod-security.admission.config.k8s.io/v1`. ([kubernetes/kubernetes110459](https://github.com/kubernetes/kubernetes/pull/110459), [wangyysde](https://github.com/wangyysde)) [SIG API Machinery, Architecture, Auth, CLI, Cloud Provider, Cluster Lifecycle, Instrumentation, Node, Storage and Testing]
- Introduce NodeInclusionPolicies to specify nodeAffinity/nodeTaint strategy when calculating pod topology spread skew. ([kubernetes/kubernetes108492](https://github.com/kubernetes/kubernetes/pull/108492), [kerthcet](https://github.com/kerthcet)) [SIG API Machinery, Apps, Scheduling and Testing]
- The `metadata.clusterName` field is completely removed. This should not have any user-visible impact. ([kubernetes/kubernetes109602](https://github.com/kubernetes/kubernetes/pull/109602), [lavalamp](https://github.com/lavalamp)) [SIG API Machinery, Apps, Auth and Testing]
- This release add support for NodeExpandSecret for CSI driver client which enables the CSI drivers to make use of this secret while performing node expansion operation based on the user request. Previously there was no secret provided as part of the nodeexpansion call, thus CSI drivers were not make use of the same while expanding the volume at node side. ([kubernetes/kubernetes105963](https://github.com/kubernetes/kubernetes/pull/105963), [zhucan](https://github.com/zhucan)) [SIG API Machinery, Apps and Storage]

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