Added - Optimized the issue of CTRL+C exiting the program when executing system commands - The stype parameter is added, and the data type can be set to IPV4 or IPV6 - Added the views command to get the original information of the SSL certificate [views]
Added - Brand new style heading - Add Custom timeout options [timeout] - Add Raw data sensitive information matching [SearchKeyWord] - Added a command to view the output information banner information [view] - Optimized the abnormal launching program mechanism - Optimized the field information output by the info command - Support the execution of system commands - Optimized the host collision mechanism - Optimized the problem of incomplete information display on the mac system
Added - Optimized the HOSTS collision function - Add HOSTS collision cross collision function - Increase the output file path customization function
Added - Modify the POC storage directory of the pocsuite module - Add HOST collision function - Example Change the output result set LAT and LON to Update time - Refactor part of the code
Added - Calculate hex/base64/mmh3/md5 Command : [EncodeHash] - Optimized the problem of red font garbled output in the terminal - Added public method of encode function - Support calling pocsuite components
Added - optimizedthe problem of outputting an empty table when no data is returned - optimized the problem that no data is returned when the number of parameters in the page is exceeded - update Use mmh3 encoding when querying iconhash - add Output the current icon query statement - update User credentials are saved as hidden files