
Latest version: v0.8.5

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* The `dset.index.vidid_to_gids` is now guaranteed to always return image ids ordered by their frame index.
* `dset.view_sql` now has a `memory` kwarg that will force the database to live in memory.
* The SQLite backend now agrees with the dict backend and does not map None to values for image names and file names.

* `kwcoco.utils.util_slice` use `kwarray.util_slice` instead.


* Fixed numpy warning by using `int` instead of ``.
* Issue in rename categories with non-deterministic behavior
* Reference gdal from the `osgeo` package
* Fixed "name" attribute in sqlview.
* Implemented the `name_to_video` index
* annToMask and annToRLE in the `compat_dataset` now work like the original.

* Several deprecated APIs
* `kwcoco.toydata` and `kwcoco.toypatterns`, use `kwcoco.demo.toydata` and `kwcoco.demo.toypatterns` instead.
* `remove_all_images` and `remove_all_annotations` (use clear variants instead)

* `kwcoco coco_subset` can now take a list of image-ids explicitly.
* Separate the vectorized ORM-like objects out of `coco_dataset` and into their own `coco_objects` module.


* The image schema now has two modalities. The normal `id` + `file_name` still
exists, but now we can do `id` + `name` + `auxiliary` without a default
`file_name`, which allows us to better handle multispectral images.

* The `name` is a new primary text key for images.

* In the SQL view of the database, non-schema properties are now stored in
"extra" instead of "foreign". (I confused "foreign keys" for "additionalProperties")

* Add `name` property to the `image`.
* Add `kwcoco.Subset` create a subset of a coco file based on filter criteria
* Add `kwcoco.Subset` create a subset of a coco file based on filter criteria
* Experimental interactive mode to kwcoco show
* Start to merge cli and class functionality.

* Fixed the default bundle root to be the cwd instead of

* `CocoDataset.union` will now correctly insert prefixes into file names such
that they are relative to the common bundle directory.

* Bug in `rename_categories`



* Introduced the concept of a bundled dataset
* Added `kwcoco conform` script to standardize / make coco files compliant with `pycocotools`.
* Added `--image_attrs=True` to `kwcoco stats`.
* Added `AbstractCocoDataset` base class for `CocoDataset` and `CocoSqlDataset`.
* Added `examples` subdirectory for answers to FAQ
* Added `kwcoco validate` script to check that json and assets exist.
* Added `conform` method to the main coco dataset

* `CocoDataset.subset` will now only return the videos that are supported by
the chosen images.


* Add `ascii_only` keyword to clf-report to disable unicode glyphs
* Add `ASCII_ONLY` environment variable to disable unicode glyphs
* Initial implementation for `CocoSqlDatabase`

* Fix bug in `show_image` when segmentation is None

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