* Add `imresize` as a more powerful alternative to `imscale`.
* The `imread` function now accepts a `backend` kwarg, which allows the user to control how an image is loaded.
* Add `clip` method to `Polygon`
* Add `class_idx` data-key to `Heatmap` for semantic segmentation support.
* Add `class_energy` data-key to `Heatmap` for non-probabilistic output support.
* Add `Detections.from_coco_annots`, to create detections from COCO-style annotations.
* Add `to_coco` methods to all structures.
* Add `meta` to `Polygons`
* `Coords.warp` now tentatively supports OSR transforms.
* Continue improvements of annotation structures
* Increased efficiency of Cython CPU non-max-suppression
* `imread` now read ptif and tiff files using GDAL by default
* `imread` now reads `.r0` images using GDAL.
* Tweaked implementation of `Heatmap.random`.
* `ensure_uint255` and `ensure_float01` now raise proper `ValueErrors` instead of using assert statements.
* `Points` draw methods now accept 'classes' as a color arg
* `imread` can now handle nsf and color table images.
* Python2 issues with `Boxes.__repr__`
* Can now correctly draw 1D `Boxes` objects
* Python2 issues mask shape using List[long] instead of List[int]
* Zero division in Cython `non-maximum-supression` with zero sized boxes.
* `Heatmap.shape` now works even if `class_probs` is not set.
* `Coords.warp` now works with tensors.
* `Coords.warp` uses nearest neighbor interpolation for integer warping.
* Heatmap.warp may have some odd behavior and emit warnings.