
Latest version: v1.12.1

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Label Studio makes the master branch available as a stable beta at all times. This release includes bug fixes and improvements since 1.0.1 was released, but that were available to anyone using the Docker container or building from the Git repo directly.
New functionality
- Use environment variables for specifying usernames and passwords when you restrict signup to be invite-only. See [Restrict signup for cloud deployments]( in the Label Studio documentation.
- Additional features after adding a machine learning backend, such as options for manual and automated retrieval of predictions, and the option to send a training signal to a connected ML backend when new annotations are submitted. See [Set up machine learning with Label Studio](
- CSV and other export formats from Label Studio now allow exporting an entire task with annotations and predictions. Thanks to [uriel-tannen]( for your issue requesting this.
- Added draft annotation functionality, allowing you to switch between an in-progress annotation and a past annotation.
- Added the ability to copy and edit an annotation in the Label Studio UI by clicking Create Copy when labeling.
- Support Google Cloud Services credentials from the environment. Thanks to [lordzuko]( for a pull request with this bug fix and improvement!
Bug fixes
- Fixed the PORT variable index in the example shell script for serving local files. Thanks [JustasB]( for the pull request!
- Static files in the Label Studio container are now shared with the nginx container. Thanks to [nlml]( for the pull request!
- Fixed an issue where a validation error prevents label deletion. Thanks [JustinGovender]( for your bug report!
- Fixed distinct collaborators getting the same task in a project. Thanks to [rodrigocaus]( for the pull request!
- Fixed an issue where S3 imported tasks were created with nested JSON files. Thanks to [yashwantkeswani]( for the pull request!
- Fixed the path to the template assets. Thanks to [even-wei]( for the pull request!
- Fixed an issue where seeking in audio files did not work as expected.
- Improved the experience for adding local files as a source.
- Fixed an issue where data files used an absolute path instead of a relative path. Thanks [jackklpan]( for the pull request!
- Fixed an issue with Redis storage validation. Thanks to [jvdavim]( for your bug report.
- Fixed an issue where filtering by numeric data types didn't work. Thanks to [dkalaitzidis]( for reporting this issue!
- Fixed an issue where changing the filter field didn't affect the operator.
Other improvements
- Updated the look and feel of the Label Studio UI.
- Made it easier to see the task ID in the Label Studio UI.
- Improved error messaging.
- Improved API documentation.


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**Improved functionality**:
- You can invite users to Label Studio instead of having them sign up. See [Invite collaborators to a project](
- Connect local directories to access files and labeling tasks stored locally or on remote servers. See [Local storage](
- Exported and stored annotations now include data about who completed the labeling task and created the annotation. Thanks to Uriel Tannen and others who requested this in Slack.

**Fixed the following issues**:
- Hotkeys that weren't working
- Issues preventing the data manager and the UI from loading
- Cases where some data was not UTF-8-encoded, causing problems on some Windows machines. Thanks to [secslim]( for your PR!
- Ordering by prediction score was not working.
- Only the latest annotation would be exported, instead of all annotations for a task. Thanks to Uriel Tannen and others who reported this in Slack.
- Deleting selected tasks deleted annotations from annotated tasks instead of deleting tasks and annotations. Thanks to [gamblard]( and [antonyscerri]( for reporting.


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Label Studio has been rewritten to provide a streamlined UI, scalability, and support for multiple projects.

- **Multi-user labeling**. Sign up and log in to Label Studio so that any annotations you create are tied to your account.
- **Multiple projects** to allow you to annotate multiple datasets in parallel.
- **Project setup wizard** to make it easier to start a new project and import your data.
- **Customize the labeling interface** without editing the label config XML directly. Add labels and select the relevant fields in your data for the type of labeling you want to perform.
- **Database storage** to allow you to scale your data labeling. Start with a SQLite database or set up PostgreSQL for large volume data labeling projects.
- **Django backend** replaces the Flask backend.


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Fix LSF with TextArea editing mechanics
Fix labeling configs for NeMo
Fix predict drag&drop redirect on the model page


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Cloud storage improvements
- Set up Microsoft Azure as source or target storage for tasks and completions ([keesschollaart81](
- Set up Redis as source or target storage for tasks and completions. ([kasuteru](
- Added an option to set the Amazon AWS S3 endpoint with an environment variable when setting up cloud storage ([herber523](

See [Cloud Storages](
Automated Speech Recognition with Nvidia NeMo ML backend
- Added an example for Automatic Speech Recognition (ASR) machine learning backend using NVIDIA NeMo toolkit, including an ASR_MANIFEST export format.
- Updated the Label Studio Frontend for textarea labeling to make it easier to update transcription labels.
- Renamed the template "Whole Audio Transcription" to "Speech Transcription".
Other improvements
- POST a label config as XML using the API ([laynr](
- Add a while loop to check for more busy ports ([UtrechtUniversity](
- Use pre-labeling to make predictions for specific tasks by ID.
- No longer require tasks and completions to be ASCII-formatted, supporting non-ASCII languages like Persian ([578](
- Improved the workflow for importing data to make it easier to fix label configuration errors.
- Improved the timeseries data import flow to make it clearer how to import from text files.
- Improved the multi-session mode experience.
Notable bug fixes
- Fixed an issue where exported data would have duplicate completions.
- Fixed a bug when uploading files in multi-session mode.
- Improved handling of timeseries and polygon labels.
- Fixed a bug where the .conll export format misses labels or assigns them to the subsequent token.

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