Replace *force-directed simulation* with *constraint-based layout* and use [VPSC]( quadratic solver to compute positions that best satisfy the constraints. This method is much faster and does not rely on number of iterations like a simulation, therefore the computation can return results immediately and does not need to be asynchronous anymore. This improves overall performance and leads to several changes to the API.
<a name="migrate-0.x.x-1.x.x"></a>
- `force.compute()` is a replacement for `force.start()` and `force.on()`. Usage is slightly different because `force.compute()` is synchronous and the nodes' positions are ready immediately after the call while `force.start()` was asynchronous.
var force = new labella.Force()
- .on('end', function(){
- draw(force.nodes());
- })
- .start(100);
+ .compute();
+ draw(force.nodes());
- New **Force** option `lineSpacing` is available for setting the minimum gap between lines.
Breaking changes
- The following **Force** functions are deprecated: `.on()`, `.start()`, `.stop()`, `.resume()`, `.step()` and `.isStable()`.
- The following **Force** options are deprecated: `damping`, `epsilon` and `roundsPerTick`
- `node.getLevel()` is renamed to `node.getLayerIndex()`