
Latest version: v3.1.0

Safety actively analyzes 665704 Python packages for vulnerabilities to keep your Python projects secure.

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- Add `domain.get_domain_details` API to domain module.
- Support saving domain options via ``.
- Fix `ConditionalFormat.to_json()` to match server response.


- Add support for ontology based column filters ONTOLOGY_IN_SUBTREE and ONTOLOGY_NOT_IN_SUBTREE
- ServerContext.make_request: payload is now optional
- ServerContext.make_request: add json kwarg
- This automatically does json_dumps and sets the content-type header for you
- Add impersonate_user and stop_impersonating to security module (including APIWrapper)
- Add more environment variables for integration test configuration
- host, port, and context_path can now be overridden via env vars


Fix Issue 42489

- Updated Run.to_json() to drop unset values


Add APIWrapper, remove Python 2 support

- Add APIWrapper
- This wraps all of the supported APIs so you don't need to pass around a server_context
- Remove support for Python 2.x
- container.create: rename folderType arg to folder_type, rename isWorkbook arg to is_workbook
- Add Type annotations
- We don't have 100% of our API methods typed yet, but we are getting there
- Format code with Black (a static code formatter)
- remove build_url helper
- it was just a single line wrapper around server_context
- remove create_server_context
- It was just a wrapper around ServerContext, you can replace all usages of create_server_context with ServerContext
- Removed various "from_data" methods
- They were all simple one line wrappers around Class constructors that were not needed if you were using any you
may update your code e.g. "SomeClass.from_data(data)" can be changed to "SomeClass(**data)"
- Remove unsupported modules
- Update example code


- Add integration tests
- NOTE: The next planned release will be 2.0.0 and is expected to drop support for Python 2.x, we plan to introduce
code that will only be compatible with Python 3.6 and beyond. Python 2.x is no longer supported by the PSF as of
January 1st, 2020.


* Add `ignore_filter` arg to `select_rows`

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