
Latest version: v0.4.8

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* Changed the naming convention of the code container to allow for easier container manipulation. [Corey Oordt]


* Changed the import from providers to service_providers when deleting an experiment. [Corey Oordt]

* Changed the import of ConfigParser for python 2.7. [Corey Oordt]


[Fix] Actually merged the 0.4 branch this time.



* Provided new tests and mock SSH server. [Corey Oordt]

* Added a local script state provider. [Corey Oordt]

* Added secret providers to providers module. [Corey Oordt]

* Added a version command to print the version. [Corey Oordt]

* Added S3 state provider. [Corey Oordt]

* Added basic secret management using AWS KMS. [Corey Oordt]


* Updated testing options. [Corey Oordt]

* Provided a more robust checking for starting services. [Corey Oordt]

* Provide better output when deleting and updating experiments. [Corey Oordt]

* Created a standard way to set up the environment. [Corey Oordt]

* Minor cleanup to config. [Corey Oordt]

* Does a better job at checking if the MySQL configuration has changed and explains what has changed. [Corey Oordt]

* Alphabetized the configuration to make it easier to look for settings. [Corey Oordt]

* Added http:// in front of the URL of the experiment and the successful completion of a create. [Corey Oordt]

* Refactored several common remote filesystem commands into a single module for convenience. [Corey Oordt]


* Better hide and some output and write the correct mode on the docker-build file. [Corey Oordt]

* Checks if backing_service_configs is in env before using. [Corey Oordt]

* The pruning of volumes and containers now uses the correct docker command. [Corey Oordt]


* Added a splash page to use for a default server. [Corey Oordt]

* Added auto section bookmarking and removed unused manual bookmarks. [Corey Oordt]

* Update the docstring for the check services config. [Corey Oordt]



* Update now sets the docker_image correctly. [Corey Oordt]



* Update now sets appropriate service_name and network_name. [Corey Oordt]



* Update now calls setup_backing_services. [Corey Oordt]

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