1. Sunpath
- devang has refined Ladybug's Sunpath algorithm to generate the same results as NOAA solar calculator. There was less than a degree of difference in the calculation [which is now fixed]( Shout out to PaulWintour for reporting this issue.
2. Import EPW
- Several improvements has been made to EPW class to handle edge cases and handle non-standard epw files. Shout out to Federico587 for reporting these issues.
1. **Contributing**: Ladybug Tools now [has a repository for contributing to the project]( The repository [code of conduct](, and [contributing guidelines](
2. **Python code style**: All the code for the plugins is now following [PEP8]( You can read more about the Python style guide for Ladybug Tools [here](
3. **API documentation**: API documentation for the libraries are updated and are available at links below:
- ladybug:
- honeybee: