Enhancements * More useful error messages when invocation of bound functions fails. * Performance improvements around bound functions. Less invocation time reflection.
Bug fixes None
Backwards incompatible changes * Construction definition class has been removed (split into two classes but these should not be used externally)
Enhancements None
Bug fixes * Fix issue with cloned containers losing the reflection cache
Backwards incompatible changes None
Enhancements * All reflection results are now cached to improve perfomance
Bug fixes None
Backwards incompatible changes * Possible that any code that changed signatures dynamically is now broken as the cache will only ever return the original reflection.
Enhancements * Add an experimental class to wrap up os.environ (built on on pydantic) * allow dependency defition functions to yield instead of return
Bug fixes None
Backwards incompatible changes None
Enhancements * Container has property which exposes list of defined types. * The experimental django integration now provides access to custom `Manager` objects.
Bug fixes None
Backwards incompatible changes None
Enhancements * Experimental explict container added. Requires a definition for every dependency (implements 38)
Bug fixes * Extracted bare exception into the namespaced exceptions (fixes 39)