
Latest version: v0.1.2

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[Full Changelog](


- fix text shown when using CLI command to list lagtraj bundled examples
[\187]( leifdenby

- fix for forcing conversion input definition filepath (to remove
`lagtraj://`-prefix) [\185](

- remove inaccurate description of how skin temperature is calculated in KPT
formatted output files
[\182]( sjboeing


- handle time-coordinate out-of-order domain data being returned from CDS for
ERA5 domain data [\189](

- switch to using python v3.8 for continuous integration
[\186]( leifdenby


[Full Changelog](


- ensure package data (example input definitions and ERA5 level definitions)
are installed when installing `lagtraj` from pypi
[\178]( leifdenby

- fix bug preventing creation of KPT files related to change in ERA5 units for
`sdor` variable
[\174]( sjboeing & leifdenby


[Full Changelog](

First tagged version of lagtraj!

This version provides complete functionality to produce large-scale forcings for
running Lagrangian (flow-following) limited area simulations (e.g. Large-Eddy
Simulations or Single Column Models) to simulate convective clouds based on
ECMWF ERA5 reanalysis data. Output forcings can currently target the models
supporting the
(e.g. [DALES]( and
(e.g. [MONC](, DEPHY functionality yet on
MOSRS trunk) input formats.


- calculation of large-scale forcings along a lat/lon trajectory and conversion
to target specific LES models
- calculation of air-mass trajectories following either a) fixed-pressure, b)
fixed-height or fixed velocity from a starting point
- automatic download of ECMWF ERA5 reanalysis data from CDSAPI (handling both
data requests, download and consistency checks)
- rudimentary support for calculation of forcing profiles over land (by
exclusion of fixed-height profile points which are below the surface



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