
Latest version: v0.15.0

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Python API:

* Names of scene identifiers have been harmonized for consistency with the USGS API and the use of multiple datasets. `entity_id` and `display_id` are now used instead of `scene_id` and `product_id`, as those IDs may now refer to Landsat Collection 1, Landsat Collection 2, or Sentinel products.
* Metadata returned by `` and `api.metadata()` have been harmonized to be more consistent across the datasets. `entity_id`, `display_id`, `acquisition_date` and `cloud_cover` fields are always present regardless of the dataset. Camel case field names from the USGS API are converted to snake case for consistency (i.e. `acquisition_date` instead of `acquisitionDate`). Numeric fields are converted to integers or floats if possible, and dates are converted to Python datetimes.


* `landsatxplore search` now prints the `display_id` instead of the `entity_id` by default.
* In `landsatxplore search`, `--output` option now accepts `entity_id` and `display_id` values instead of `scene_id` and `product_id`.
* Added a `--skip` flag to `landsatxplore download` to skip download and only print remote filename for testing purposes.


* Request full scene metadata by default. Should fix 35


* Rewrite for compatibility with the new [JSON API](
* Some metadata fields and search results can be different. Check your scripts.
* Added support for Collection 2 Level 1&2 datasets
* `landsatxplore search` now outputs Product IDs by default for Landsat datasets.
* `EarthExplorerError` is raised when a dataset is not available for download.
* Added `shapely` dependency.
* Added unit tests and integration tests.
* Added CI.
* Switched packaging to poetry.


* Fix a bug when requesting scene metadata (31)
* Add timeout parameter to scene download (32)


* Add experimental support for Sentinel-2 images (See pull request 30). Thanks griembauer


* Fixes issue 19 (thanks HanDuwol)

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