What's Changed * Add inline_s3_urls query param to make multimodal evals work by samnoyes in https://github.com/langchain-ai/langsmith-sdk/pull/296 * Add function evaluator by hinthornw in https://github.com/langchain-ai/langsmith-sdk/pull/295 * 0.0.65 by hinthornw in https://github.com/langchain-ai/langsmith-sdk/pull/298
New Contributors * samnoyes made their first contribution in https://github.com/langchain-ai/langsmith-sdk/pull/296
What's Changed * Fix linting; Add has_dataset method, update to LangSmithNotFoundError by hinthornw in https://github.com/langchain-ai/langsmith-sdk/pull/294
What's Changed * Add method to consistently get project by jakerachleff in https://github.com/langchain-ai/langsmith-sdk/pull/289 * Bump version to 0.0.61 by jakerachleff in https://github.com/langchain-ai/langsmith-sdk/pull/290
New Contributors * jakerachleff made their first contribution in https://github.com/langchain-ai/langsmith-sdk/pull/289
What's Changed * Filter urllib connect pool warnings by hinthornw in https://github.com/langchain-ai/langsmith-sdk/pull/286 * 0.0.60 by hinthornw in https://github.com/langchain-ai/langsmith-sdk/pull/287