:tada: Features
* build LCE compatible TensorFlow Lite android AAR target (238) arashb
:bug: Bug Fixes
* Use vectors instead of tflite temp buffers (247) arashb
* Bitpack weights only on the first run (246) Tombana
:book: Documentation
* update the pixel phone benchmark results (249) arashb
* Move docs to larq/docs (239) lgeiger
* Improve converter API docs (237) lgeiger
* fix links in second table (236) koenhelwegen
* QuickNet .h5 links (235) jamescook106
:construction_worker_man: Internal Improvements
* Add tests for MLIR passes (248) lgeiger
* remove legacy TF ops (243) arashb
* remove LCE tflite legacy python API (241) arashb