- Rename the package to `lavaplay.py` - Make a system of nodes that is help i a large bots - Make a player class(all function that control with music is inside it) - Support new version of lavalink (3.x.x) that depend on rest api - Fix many problems
- Add a new functions to set values like: `set_user_id()` and etc... - Make a work with discord.py 2 on use `set_event_loop()` to dpy event loop - Add a `index()` function to get track as index num - Add a `close()` function to close connection
- Add a `queue_repeat(...)` to repeat the queue - Add a `close()` func to close ws connection - Fix some errors on track stuck - Rename the base class `LavalinkClient` to `Lavalink` on a next release ill remove a `LavalinkClient` - Rename the `Api` class to `LavalinkRest` on a next release ill remove a `Api` and all methods on it return a dict data from server without any processing - Make a session resume this is on server pass can recovery all temp data on a server like session_id and channel_id (ws server required it)
- Fix using shards - making auto reconnect - use a real number in track position
- support youtube playlist - add add_to_queue(...) to play many tracks like a playlist - add raise TrackLoadFailed(...) in search functions if hava any problem result - new idea in equalizer(...) filter to add many rounds - add a raise FiltersError(...) if give a unavailable values
- make a `connect(...)` method to sync - Fix skip method to skip one track - create connection handler - add method `create_new_node(guild_id: int, /, is_connected: bool = False)` - add method `shuffle(guild_id: int, /)` - rename a method `listner(...)` to `listen()` - add some logger info for websocket