
Latest version: v0.6.0

Safety actively analyzes 714792 Python packages for vulnerabilities to keep your Python projects secure.

Scan your dependencies


* add `layout_from_pos` ([6d0aea8](
* add func: coordinates type for defining positions ([88d5759](
* add one more np.rint ([03d79ec](
* change to LGPL-3 ([ab3c145](
* fix error: mesh coordinates generation-xs-ys ([17a4567](
* update ([6abc7d2](
* Update .gitlab-ci.yml ([cfafb14](
* update gitignore ([05490d4](
* update gitignore ([891d0c5](
* update gitlab-ci ([68bb441](
* update gitlab-ci ([a7137de](
* update README ([70b64cd](
* feat: add `layout_pos2temp()` ([72295cd](
* feat: add api for layout_from_pos ([87cc9e4](
* feat: add func `layout_generator.layout_pos_list2temp()` ([2b913de](
* feat: add func for sampling powers at fixed layout ([a062b9c](
* feat: add layout_pos2temp ([c282d39](
* feat: generate template config ([af88fb6](
* test: add test for layout_pos_list2temp() ([a470f39](
* test: update ([da0b202](
* docs: update ([af65142](
* fix: add sample_until_success() ([39c22be](
* ci: update Dockerfile ([e610ba7](


* docs: add badge for docker hub ([6491fe3](
* docs: update README ([4c77e31](
* fix bug by adding np.rint fun. ([1195a06](
* ci: update dockerhub ci ([5b3bb02](
* ci: update dockerhub ci ([78f4f0c](


* docs: update installation guide ([1e32144](
* docs: update README ([6d4633b](
* ci: add dockerhub ci ([9a31624](
* ci: update dockerhub ci ([ecc529a](

<small>v0.5.1 (2020-07-27)</small>

* docs: update ([fd01139](
* chore: pypi support ([85f0adb](
* chore: update tag prefix ([65177fe](
* Create python-publish.yml ([0fc788d](
* fix: fix config.yml empty ([342932e](

<small>v0.5.0 (2020-05-25)</small>

* del configarg_c ([40145a2](
* update ([2c540e3](
* update ([7f29317](
* docs: update docs for single script ([ab30e81](
* feat: add mulit power for sequence ([a15215e](
* feat: add multipower config support for gibbs ([792ed78](
* feat: single script `layout_generator` ([ae0de73](
* fix: main() return nonzero code ([0a2c667](
* fix: update Dockerfile ([ad2b72e](
* ci: add .gitlab-ci ([83739fb](
* ci: update ci ([a79b6cb](
* ci: update Dockerfile and ([942725f](
* style: formating code ([6a72de8](


* del scripts `layout_generator_c`, `plot`, `convert`

<small>0.4.2 (2020-05-20)</small>

* docs: update README and docs ([356bb1b](
* fix: delete default seed ([bbbd85b](
* fix: fix `generator_plot -p` with non-existent path ([cfc31c5](
* fix: fix Dockerfile ([94ee332](

<small>0.4.1 (2020-05-04)</small>

* Bump version: 0.4.0 → 0.4.1 ([3047f64](
* update CHANGELOG ([62079d7](
* docs: add data format docs ([35798d1](
* docs: update installation guide for docker ([9677785](
* feat: add Dockerfile ([75c6bf5](
* doc: update README ([97994d3](


* Bump version: 0.3.0 → 0.4.0 ([f9ff91f](
* doc:s fix conda install problem ([085d2ab](
* update CHANGELOG ([627f291](
* update README ([a1a13b3](
* docs: add convert doc ([77e14b4](
* docs: add faq ([1451f38](
* docs: add gibbs samping docs ([3c5754b](
* docs: update faq ([3bca670](
* docs: update faq ([27b2d40](
* docs: update README ([12593fb](
* docs: update sphinx ([54b806e](
* chore: update .gitignore ([686760f](
* feat: add gibbs sampler for continuous layout ([c33b91d](
* ci: add py38 ([3623d90](


* Bump version: 0.2.2 → 0.3.0 ([b0ce1a2](
* fix sphinx ([4a3f87e](
* fix sphinx conf ([8ba0dcb](
* update changelog ([431ff24](
* update CHANGELOG ([cb6d2f0](
* update save ([36879e6](
* update sphinx conf ([1c38a28](
* update sphinx docs ([03a6343](
* chore: update setup dev, for sphinx ([bd3550e](
* docs: configure `Read The Docs` ([2bd2d0f](
* docs: sphinx docs, `` and `` ([b49bfa5](
* docs: update README ([fc5bcde](
* docs: update README ([ab4abcd](
* docs: update sphinx docs ([d31e1ba](
* docs: update sphinx docs ([dd99e15](
* test: add test for generator_plot -o ([6d6cc14](
* fix: fix layout_plot -o ([92e8d6b](
* fix: fix layout_plot script without --dir ([ab75082](
* feat: add continuous layout sampling script `layout_generator_c` ([bac74a7](
* ci: add .flake8 ([7c12cae](
* ci: add bumpversion.cfg ([d763f0c](

<small>0.2.2 (2020-04-17)</small>

* fix bcs ([1b7060b](
* fix lint warning ([efaf43c](
* update ([3f25e53](
* update readme ([b930f96](
* version v0.2.2.2 ([fa75737](
* build: update requirements ([897f60f](
* chore: `del environment.yml` ([20aa9c8](
* chore: change ([f2d98bb](
* chore: update licence ([6cfe4bc](
* feat: add convert script `layout_convert` ([ec83648](
* feat: add version info in cli (`-V` or `--version`) ([3c19e2d](
* test: add bcs test for fenics_solver ([df9b5e7](
* test: add muiltiprocess test ([532f7c2](
* test: add test for `generator_plot` ([3e1abab](
* test: add test for cli ([58ed65d](
* test: add test for io ([1aa8217](
* test: move `tests` outside ([4bf8079](
* ci: add `.coveragerc` in travis ([4312bdf](
* fix: fix bug `--bcs []` in cli ([5c8c286](
* style: update coding style according to codefactor ([d0d3cb2](
* style: update style according to flake8 ([71b80eb](

<small>0.2.1 (2020-04-10)</small>

* docs: update bcs in config ([40240af](
* chore: add licence ([194b737](
* add 2d 3d test ([0aafdad](
* del config dir ([1bee152](
* update ([7e6ae5b](
* update ([5d373d9](
* update ([d29e5dc](
* update ([59a160e](
* update ([e017ccc](
* update bcs in config ([a069c92](
* update readme ([8d02dd7](
* update test ([1951069](
* update travis ([965eb01](
* update travis ([74c566b](
* style: update coding style according to codefactor ([10f65b2](
* fix: fix key `bcs` in config ([cc0b4aa](
* fix: fix lint warning ([2ddc4f2](


* no more "[]", just []


* add 3d example ([3414a1a](
* add changelog ([b19c36d](
* add TODO ([1dc4bf7](
* add vtk, update header ([9c2288e](
* refactor ([8512d1c](
* update ([8215908](
* update __init__ ([f54d736](
* update 3d version ([1f1ce36](
* update 3d version solver ([1da540f](
* update default.yml ([ace3043](
* update parser ([928383c](
* update parser ([f9e0e3a](
* update README ([6693441](
* update README ([4194343](
* update usage ([63b9a04](
* update usage ([b0d6692](
* update usage ([000656d](
* update version to 0.1.2 ([487d4e6](
* update version v0.1.2 ([0a4ef41](

<small>0.1.2 (2020-03-24)</small>

* accelerate fenics solver ([4341864](
* add codecov ([e247f1d](
* add io and test ([c60ded2](
* add mutiprocess support ([a98e136](
* add plot script ([c915161](
* add plot_mat ([fbeffc9](
* add support for multiple powers ([8565930](
* add test_about ([83967c5](
* add TOL, delete __main__ ([de30222](
* add travis ([279455e](
* change default nx ny ([1304c0d](
* fix additive bug ([a7ed985](
* fix bug ([8242eed](
* fix cli bcs ([35c4194](
* fix cli os error ([dbd34f5](
* fix nx ny; add no Dirichlet BC parm ([a285033](
* fix requirements ([ca192f7](
* fix rng in multprocessing ([47960a3](
* update ([c3a25dc](
* update ([8e62abb](
* update ([36be817](
* update ([2b4b82f](
* update ([8e7c40c](
* update default.yml ([d7416ab](
* update README ([32b1f26](
* update README ([aa1a6dc](
* update README ([5bea460](
* update README ([e3b3ea9](
* update test_cli ([66e5970](
* update test_cli ([63d3b0a](
* update usage ([1e400a3](
* update usage ([00e2a65](

<small>0.1.1 (2020-03-14)</small>

* add a hint for completion ([d71937a](
* add cli script ([9d1ffdc](
* add description ([3c6c673](
* add fenics solver ([bad8623](
* add header ([5358cae](
* add test mode in cli ([2418ea4](
* fix bug ([a201445](
* initial commit ([543cfa1](
* Initial commit ([c5bb176](
* update ([f0142ee](
* update ([4f8e98b](
* update ([daf8880](
* update ([8133cbe](
* update ([5a8098f](
* update README ([197faad](
* update README ([30ac5d3](
* update README ([078ba7f](
* update setup ([2c1d63e](
* update setup ([dc0cd44](
* update ([267a099](
* update usage ([e4fe878](
* update usage ([3e3d08e](
* update usage ([3b1f3e7](
* v0.1.1 ([594e74d](

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