We are excited to release LayoutParser v0.3.0, with a lot of exciting updates and functional improvements.
New Features
- The biggest change in this version is that LayoutParser now supports multiple deep learning backends: Detectron2, effdet, and paddledetection. This allows for more flexible usage of the `layoutparser` library, and makes it easier for implementing customized layout models in the future. 54 67
- Additionally, the newly added `AutoModel` and improved model configuration parsing makes it easier load and use the layout detection models. 69
- e.g, `model = lp.AutoLayoutModel("lp://efficientdet/PubLayNet")`.
- To support this multi-backend framework, we implement the dynamic importing mechanism as well as better ways for installing `layoutparser` and the needed dependencies (see [instructions](https://github.com/Layout-Parser/layout-parser/blob/master/installation.md)). #65 68
- And now `layoutparser` supports directly loading PDF files into as `layout` objects: 71
import layoutparser as lp
pdf_layout, pdf_images = lp.load_pdf("path/to/pdf", load_images=True)
lp.draw_box(pdf_images[0], pdf_layout[0])
- To support more flexible processing of the layout objects, a set of new toolkits are available: 72
import layout parser as lp
page_layout = lp.load_pdf("tests/fixtures/io/example.pdf")[0]
pdf_lines = lp.simple_line_detection(page_layout)
New Models
- Add MFD model that can detect (display) equation regions within scientific documents 59