- Duplicated python constants/ definitions as json files under resources/ (for easier integration with frontend)
- Added tests to make sure python constants are in sync with json constants
- Implemented first_native_name helper (used to set channel names in chefs)
- Added list-like `convertible_formats` attribute for all presets
- Added `html5_dependency` and `video_dependency` presets
- Updated constant mapping with epub -- The EPUB preset is used with document content type
- Added the following language codes:
- und = Undefined
- mul = Multiple languages
- arq = Algerian; Darja
- lkt = Lakhota; Lakotiyapi; Teton
- hdy = Hadiyya; Hadiya; Adea; Adiya; Hadia
- sid = Sidamo; Sidaamu afii; Sidaama; Sidama
- wal = Wolaytta; Borodda; Uba; Ometo